Girlfriend (20F) and her friend (20F) ‘tested’ to see if I (20M) I would cheat

A Reddit user shared an unsettling story about how his girlfriend of six months and her friend set him up to “test” his loyalty. Her friend kissed him as part of the scheme, and while he immediately left and called his girlfriend, he’s now grappling with feelings of betrayal and hurt. Read his story below.
‘ Girlfriend (20F) and her friend (20F) ‘tested’ to see if I (20M) I would cheat’
I’m honestly at a loss for how to feel about this. Disappointed seems like an understatement. Today, my girlfriend asked me to meet her at her friend’s house, so I went. When I got there, she wasn’t there yet, but her friend was. We started chatting, and at first, everything seemed normal.
After a bit, her friend started acting playful. I brushed it off, thinking she was just being friendly, but then her behavior turned into blatant flirting. I felt super awkward and didn’t know how to handle it. Before I could leave, she suddenly grabbed my head and kissed me. I was shocked and immediately left the house, feeling completely unsettled.
I called my girlfriend right away to explain what had happened, expecting her to be upset with her friend. But to my disbelief, she told me it was all a setup—a “test” to see if I would cheat. At first, I thought she was joking because who does something like this? But she was serious.
She was mad at me, claiming I “kissed” her friend, even though it was entirely one-sided. I didn’t reciprocate, didn’t encourage it, and left as soon as it happened. Honestly, I don’t even feel the need to defend myself because the whole situation is so absurd. What hurts the most is that she clearly doesn’t trust me. We’ve been together for six months, and I’ve never given her a reason to doubt me. This whole “test” feels like a betrayal of the trust and respect I thought we had in our relationship.
She’s since apologized, but it felt half-hearted, like she didn’t fully grasp how wrong her actions were. Right now, I can’t even bring myself to talk to her. I need time to process what happened and figure out where to go from here. What would you do in my situation? Is this something worth trying to fix, or is it a sign that this relationship isn’t as healthy as I thought it was?
Here’s what people had to say to OP:
THEG42_ − Ngl this seems like a p**cho move and I’d get tf out of there while it’s still early.
Vazz11791 − If she is doing that to you at only 6 months, cut your losses now and bail. It is only going to get worse. Wait until she “pretends” to break up or fakes a pregnancy scare, to see how you react…. Run, dude!
[Reddit User] − If the red flag was any bigger or more in your face you’d hear the Soviet anthem. That shows she doesn’t trust or respect you. It’s childish tactics. Get away from that she has her own issues and isn’t ready for a stable healthy relationship. Mature healthy adults don’t do this.
[Reddit User] − 14 year olds do this crap. It’s disrespectful.
[Reddit User] − Do you want to be with her after this? That’s pretty immature behaviour.
WavesnMountains − That’s non-consensual touching, and your girlfriend set you up for s**ual a**ault
[Reddit User] − youll probably laugh when youre telling this story to your next girlfriend.
bigboog1 − Don’t play those b**lshit games. Tell her she tested you right out of the relationship and be done. Problem solved.
[Reddit User] − Do not stick your d**k in crazy. It’s a simple rule that will save many a life.
HappyGoLuckyBoy − Tell her: “I may have passed your test, but you’ve failed mine.”