GF(27) says she found another girls shirt at our apartment. Except I(M27) havent had any girls over. Ever?

A 27-year-old man is in a tense situation with his girlfriend after she discovered a shirt that isn’t hers at their apartment. Despite his insistence that he hasn’t had anyone else over, she doesn’t believe him and has since ghosted him, leaving him confused and upset. He is unsure how to handle the situation and is seeking advice on how to approach it. Read the full story below.
‘ GF(27) says she found another girls shirt at our apartment. Except I(M27) havent had any girls over. Ever?’
So, I was at work and my GF texts me “Have you had anyone over that I dont know about?”. Me “no of course not, what are you talking about?”
And then the s**tstorm starts.. She says she found this shirt that isnt hers, and keeps saying I need to be honest with her. Except that I am, I have not had anyone over since we moved here six months ago, no friends, nothing. I said that she should show me the shirt, she wouldnt. I told her it might have been from when she took some laundry home from work, she said no.
Now shes saying she doesnt believe me, and I need to stay away from her. Now shes ghosted me. I came home and shes gone, I still dont know what shirt it is(and does it matter, really?), and my parents arrived tonight to stay with us as well and are obviously confused as why shes not here.
I dont really know what to do now.. I feel like she should listen to me. We have been together three years and she should know me better than this. Shes had some jealousy issues before and Im not sure if ive just had enough honestly. I would appreciate some advice here. How should I handle this situation?
TLDR: girlfriend says she found another girls shirt at our apartment. I have not had any girls over. She doesnt believe me, was not home when I came home from work and doesnt answer my texts or calls.
Here’s the feedback from the Reddit community:
TelFaradiddle − The fact that she won’t show you the shirt makes me think either:
1. This is some kind of loyalty test. When she sees that you don’t go rushing into the arms of some other girl, she’ll say you passed. That is some Grade A b**lshit, and you should stay broken up.
2. She’s been looking for a reason to break up with you. You never gave her one, so she invented one of her own. That is some Grade A b**lshit, and you should stay broken up.
SadExercises420 − Did she make up the shirt to get out of having to hang out with your parents this weekend?
ExcellentClient1666 − Honestly just let her go. Either she was cheating and using this as an excuse to leave , or she was looking for a reason to end the relationship. Either way she wanted the ending of your relationship to be your fault so she would look better. You dodged a bullet and as much as it hurts to be ghosted, it’s going to be the best for you in the end. She sounds very very toxic.
QueenMother81 − She used that as an out. Why not produce the shirt?
pichilemu − Do you do your laundry at the laundromat? I brought home ladies underwear that was left in the dryer by mistake once. That was awkward.
haley0225 − She can’t show you the “shirt?” First thing I’d do if I found a random shirt at my bfs is show him. There is no shirt. 🚩🚩🚩
TreKeyz − This sub always jumps to ‘let em go, you are better alone’ and all that jazz… Realistically it’s never that easy. So, in this case, you just have to let it run its course. Get on with your life, enjoy your parents, do your thing.
If she comes back at some point you can attempt to talk it out and get her to realise her reaction is wrong and ask her to not do that again or it will potentially cause irreparable damage to your relationship, and she will either agree and grow, or disagree and continue to be an ass.
If she agrees, then see what happens. If she is an ass, then that’s that. You really wanna be with an ass who isnt willing to learn, grow and mature? Nope.
TheSwedishEagle − She needs to show you the shirt or it didn’t happen. Even if you haven’t had anyone over is it possible you moved it with you from your previous place?
BigBossDiesel84 − She is cheating on you. She used this “shirt” as an out to blame you. Mourn the relationship and move on. She is doing you a favor by ghosting you.
[Reddit User] − Let her go, you can do much better. This is ridiculous and makes me wonder if there even was a shirt. Is it possible that she made it up to break up with you? Anyhow, let her be. You don’t want someone who doesn’t allow you to defense yourself over accusations without even showing the ‘evidence’. She sounds immature.
Have you ever faced a situation where trust was challenged in a relationship? How do you navigate moments of jealousy and misunderstanding without escalating things further? Share your thoughts and advice in the comments below.