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From Tiny Smile To Toothy Grin, Quokkas Is Named The World’s Happiest Animals

Have you ever spotted a wild animal whose facial expression can make you smile? The adorable quokkas can guarantee this.

Quokkas are known for happy expressions on their face, from tiny smiles to toothy grins. People give them the title of the world’s happiest animals.

Let’s take a look at the appearance of these amazing creatures. They have narrow faces, round ears, big noses, and tiny paws, making them incredibly cute to look at from every angle.

Although they are also a member of the family Macropodidae (like wallabies and kangaroos) quokkas are around a domestic cat’s size.

Like others in the family, quokkas have ouches in their abdomens for carrying their young. Their hind legs are also powerful for them to kicking and hopping.

Quokkas are friendly animals. These fluffy and funny guys let tourists approach, touch, and even pose for them.

However, please keep in mind that these wild animals may also bite us when they feel threatened.

Regarding their diets, quokkas feed on bark, shrub, plants, grass, stems, and leaves.

It’s something interesting in the way that these animals eat. Instead of swallowing and chewing up the food right after putting it into their mouth, quokkas swallow it whole and then regurgitate and eat it. This makes them get extra nutrition from the food.

Quokkas live in trees, shrubs, swamps, and other areas with dense vegetation. This enables them to hide better from predators, including cats, dogs, foxes, dingoes, and snakes.

Happy quokkas are known for their rapid reproduction rates. They can give birth twice per year and produce between 15 to 17 babies in their lifetime.

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Noticeably, female animals can do something that many others can’t. Embryonic Diapause – delayed impregnation.

Female quokkas can delay their egg development until a favorable time to raise a baby.

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H/T: Kingdomstv

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