FINAL UPDATE: AITAH for wanting to give up my son after discovering he isn’t mine?

First, please read my original & update post. 1st post:
2nd post:
‘ FINAL UPDATE: AITAH for wanting to give up my son after discovering he isn’t mine?’
Baby’s gone. The results came back two days ago. As expected, I’m still not the father. By the time the results came in, I had already packed up most of the baby’s things. My mom was staying with me, helping take care of the baby and keeping me sane through all of this.
This morning, my late wife’s parents, sister, and brother-in-law came to pick him up. The handover was smooth except for a snarky comment from my wife’s sister. She said I seemed too eager to let the baby go. I didn’t respond—there was no point—but it stung. Despite that, my in-laws (her parents) were supportive throughout and told me going no-contact would be best for everyone involved. I agreed—it’s painful, but I think it’s the right choice. I hugged them goodbye, and they left. They’re good people, and I’ll miss them.
Now, the house feels empty. My mom went back home today but will return tomorrow to stay for about a week until things settle. Honestly, I feel relieved. Call me what you want, but I’m finally breathing again. This whole ordeal has been exhausting, but knowing I can start fresh feels like a weight off my shoulders.
As for my wife’s belongings, I gave her jewelry to my in-laws. They didn’t want anything else except for a few trinkets and pictures, so they told me I could sell or donate the rest. I haven’t decided what to do with it yet, but I’ll figure it out.
I didn’t respond to comments on my last post because the hate was overwhelming and I was exhausted. My DMs were flooded with some of the vilest messages imaginable just because I chose not to raise a child that isn’t mine and conceived through infidelity. To those who supported me, thank you. Your words helped me make decisions I wasn’t confident about before. And to those who criticized me, I appreciate the perspective—even if I didn’t agree, it made me think.
For now, I’m taking a break from dating and focusing on myself. Maybe I’ll buy a bike and get back into riding, or hit the gym again. I just need to move forward. I’ll be keeping this account for about a week before I delete it. Thanks again to those who took the time to support or challenge me—it’s been a hell of a journey.
Here’s the comments of Reddit users:
Gonebabythoughts − Wishing you healing and peace, and a happy future.
MikeReddit74 − You made the right call for the baby and for yourself. The baby is in the hands of people who can love it the way it deserves to be loved, and because of the circumstances of its conception, that wasn’t you. Good luck moving forward.
BurritoBowlw_guac − Don’t listen to the hate. It’s easy to pass judgement on someone else and try and act holier than thou. We have no idea how we’d actually feel if placed in a situation like that. I’m sure the baby will be well taken care of. Take time for yourself, and move forward.
Beast3214 − The in-laws are really thoughtful and nice. They know their daughter was at fault, and accepted it, didn’t try to blame anything on you, unlike the sister. I hope you have a nice future, settle well financially, get a good wife, and a son of your own, and then finally be in a nice family.
edgyelegance20 − Letting go can be incredibly hard, but it seems like you’re on the path to healing. Take all the time you need to figure things out.
CampSpiritual3808 − I wish the people who send hate messages the same experience. I hope they can do what they think you should do. And I hope you can heal from this trauma and betrayal.
CaptainBeefy79 − Sorry, man. This whole situation was awful, but you did the right thing regardless of what anyone looking in from the outside thinks. You were honest with yourself in realizing that you were never going to be able to give this child the love it needed and you did what was necessary to try to make the best of a s**tty situation.
Gr8gaur − her sister should know OPs wife was for the streets and would’ve committed paternity fraud for sure. The child is innocent, but not responsibility of OP.
Street_River_6187 − Your wife tried to commit paternity fraud and people are angry with you? You gave up the baby to a better life, a baby who you hadn’t even bonded with and people are cursing you out?? God, many AITAH people really are a special breed of vile cunts. I wish them all the misery in the world. Hope you can find some semblance of peace OP.
SunflowerCherub − You made the right decision, both for the baby and for yourself. That child deserves to be raised by a family who wants and loves them, and you deserve to not be saddled with a child who isn’t yours, who was conceived without your knowledge, and whom you would probably always resent. This was a difficult thing to endure, but ultimately a much healthier outcome for both you and the baby.
I wish you healing as you focus inward, grieve, rage, and do whatever you need to do as you move on to the next chapter of your life. Be gentle with yourself. Good luck to both you and the little one.