Final update – AITAH for telling my girlfriend I can’t trust her anymore when it comes to having a baby?

A Reddit user shares the final chapter of a deeply emotional journey after discovering shocking truths about his relationship and choosing to prioritize his mental well-being.
This heartfelt update covers his decision to leave, the aftermath, and the complex feelings involved. Read the full story below for the conclusion to this challenging saga.
For those who want to read the previous part:
Part 1:
Part 2:
‘ Final update – AITAH for telling my girlfriend I can’t trust her anymore when it comes to having a baby?’
A lot has happened from my last post and now everything is calmer now, I’m hoping this will be my last update. Apologies since this is going to be long. In my last post I told her she needed to go to therapy asap, told her I will pay and everything. I just hoped for the love of f**king god to just for her to please go to therapy.
That was the only thing I wanted. I haven’t set up anything yet, because she told me she doesn’t want to go to therapy now. She told me she will never do what she did again and doesn’t believe she needs therapy. I was going back and forth with her on this but she was very insistent on not wanting any therapy.
I told her I can’t move on in this relationship if she doesn’t do therapy. She was arguing with me about it and told me if I loved her, I will stay in this relationship regardless and it wasn’t even “that big of a deal”.
I was pretty pissed hearing that because not only did she purposely miscarried the baby we planned for, she harmed herself for no reason (in her words, to experience a actual miscarriage), and I can’t even trust her anymore.
I was thinking about telling her parents at this point and I accidentally brought it up out of worry of her mental health/me being pissed off and she begged me, got on the ground begged me to not tell her parents. I took her word, because I didn’t want her to lose her mind even more over this.
I told her I absolutely have to leave this relationship. I told her it isn’t my responsibility anymore because this has honestly been making me lose my mind too. I was holding it back but I can’t really take it anymore.
Also yesterday, before this fight, she publicly stated on Facebook that she had a miscarriage and was tore up about it, accepting condolences again in the comments. I brought that up to her, and she told me the same thing in my last post, she was pretty much just wanting to feel important to friends/family.
She was so nonchalant about it and honestly seemed like she thought I’d think I wouldn’t care? I told her to stop posting about it and to stop telling people. Back to when we were having the fight, I told her seriously I can’t be with her anymore. I will allow you to stay here or you can go back to your parents.
She was laying on the ground crying at this point. I had my phone ready because my gut feeling was telling me that she might do something to herself. She would come out of the room she was packing in and come close to me and hug me out of nowhere, she said that if I’m breaking up with her she wants a last final hug.
The wildest thing is she came out of the room with one of my shirts on, a shirt she was not wearing before, take it off right in front of me, and tells me here’s your shirt back. I don’t know what she was trying to do.
She finally end up leaving and went to her parents. Right before she left she was crying and I think it started to hit her that I was actually being serious. She was messaging me and calling me constantly, ranging from her just fixing this together, saying she wants therapy now, and her saying she will never do what she did again.
I’ve been ignoring all of it. I realize this is not my responsibility now, and her parents can take care of it. Like what my worry has been, apparently, she did try to harm herself. Her mom messaged me about it. She said that her daughter is at the hospital and I’m assuming now on a hold because she tried to kill herself. She is physically fine.
That is the last of it, and I’m thinking this will be my last update. I am not going back to her, and I’m going to try and stop thinking about all of this. And get a good lock for my door.
Here’s how people reacted to the post:
mustang19671967 − Tell. Her parents so they can tell the. Doctors , she will. Lie to. Them and say you left her cause of the miscarriage
Shai7809 − I’m glad you pulled yourself out of the relationship, because she is not healthy, mentally. I do suggest talking to her parents to make sure they get her some real help. Her actions were really messed up.
hakanerikli1191 − You’re not the a**hole. It sounds like you’ve been carrying the weight of a situation far beyond what most people could handle, and you did your best to set healthy boundaries while ensuring her safety by informing her parents.
Her refusal to seek therapy, m**ipulative behavior, and the way she handled the miscarriage (both physically and emotionally) show serious red flags that you’re right to step away from.
Her mental health is not your responsibility, especially when she refuses help. You’ve done the right thing by involving her parents, and now you need to focus on your own well-being. Stay firm in your decision, and don’t let guilt pull you back into a situation that’s unhealthy for both of you.
theworldisonfire8377 − The doctors need to be aware she caused her own miscarriage for attention. She is mentally ill and they can’t properly treat her without knowing the full story.
Western-Cupcake-6651 − You need to tell them everything. Every single thing. They need to know how deep the crazy goes to help her.
I’d be so angry I’d blast the truth on Facebook. She killed your baby for upvotes.. NTA
dcphoto78 − I think you should tell her parents what’s actually going on here. They might not be worried ENOUGH. She needs help. It doesn’t need to be your problem, but it would be a small thing you can do to help them get her the help she clearly needs.
Alarming_Paper_8357 − I’m so sorry, but congratulations on putting your own sanity first and moving on from this hypertoxic relationship. This is not a woman who is ready for any kind of romantic relationship, she is so freakin’ messed up.
Please, please talk to her parents and explain just how extensively screwed up their daughter is. They and her medical team need to be aware of the extent of this woman’s craziness.
JangaGully2424 − Tell her parents or she is going to say you threw her out because she miscarried and thays why she tried to end it. Tell them NOW!!!
JellicoAlpha_3_1 − Just be prepared…she is going to tell people you dumped her after having a miscarriage… So get your proof that she caused the miscarriage ready. This will play out on social media whether you want it to or not
notsoreligiousnow − Dude. You need to tell her parents. She clearly has issues and needs to deal with them asap. And frankly, f**k her. I’d tell people what she did bc to her it’s no big deal and unimportant as long as she has attention.
You bailing on the relationship now makes you look like an unsupportive a**hole who leaves a woman after a traumatic event. People will believe this and ruin your reputation. You need to start looking out for yourself.
Do you think the Redditor made the right decision to end the relationship, or should he have stayed to support his ex-girlfriend further? How would you navigate such a delicate and emotional situation? Share your thoughts and experiences below!