Dad got me tickets to what he thought was a band I liked but it’s not.


A Reddit user (17F) shares a story about her dad getting her concert tickets for her birthday to see a band he thought she liked. When she opened the gift, she was confused because she didn’t recognize the band, even though she had a few of their songs in her Spotify library.

Her dad, who seemed excited about the gift, was upset when she admitted she wasn’t a fan. Now, with non-refundable tickets, her dad is urging her to go, but she’s unsure if she should attend a concert for a band she doesn’t like. Read the full story below…


‘ Dad got me tickets to what he thought was a band I liked but it’s not.’

My (17F) birthday was a few days ago. While I was opening the presents I noticed dad seeming super excited almost like he was waiting for a reaction over a gift. I open the card from him and it had tickets for a concert, I was super confused as I didn’t recognise the band name. Clearly dad noticed this and tried to hype me up over it.


I then had to do the rude thing and ask dad who the band was. He said “you listen to them all the time” and I had to tell him I didn’t know who they were. Dad got quite upset with me and told me to stop f**king around with him and I was looking so confused.

Turns out I have a few songs on my Spotify and have listened to them before, but I’m not a huge fan. Dad seemed to have caught me listening to them and without asking just assumed I was a fan and brought me tickets. He didn’t pay to get the refunded tickets and the band hasn’t sold out yet so he probably can’t re sell the tickets.


He brought me 2 tickets so I could take a friend yet I know nobody who likes them so I couldn’t invite anyone. He has tried to tell me to “go anyways” as he can’t get a refund and I’m not sure about going due to the fact that I’m not really a fan and wouldn’t enjoy myself.

Let’s dive into the reactions from Reddit:

Early_Mycologist_280 −  When I was a kid I bought my dad a T-shirt with Puffins on it (the bird) somehow I got it in my head he loved Puffins. Now I don’t recall how. I saved my own money for it and was so proud. He was confused when I gave it to him, but he wore that shirt till it fell apart. 🤣. Your dad tried.


shammy_dammy −  My dad came to me one day beyond excited, told me he had found a new book by my favorite author! Put it in my hands, I looked at it, grinned from ear to ear, told him how happy I was, I loved it and gave him a big kiss.

My mother watched the whole thing, said nothing, walked away with me and together we took my old copy of this book out of my bookshelf and replaced it with the fancy new edition with a different cover that my dad had bought for me. I was happy. I loved it. Because I loved him and I loved that he tried so hard to make me happy.


ThePsychDiaries −  My brother got me tickets to see Bryan Adams when I was 18. I was so bummed. I thought this was very very uncool and a waste of money bc I wouldn’t enjoy it. It was my first concert and one I still talk about today in my 40s.

I wouldn’t change the experience for the world. Maybe the band will surprise you. Maybe you’ll get swept up with everyone else having a good time it won’t matter who’s playing.


kelsey0054 −  I went to my parents’ house once a few years ago, and my dad had me try some cheddar and caramel popcorn he got from Sam’s Club; I told him it was really good. Since then, every winter, he surprises me with bags (like 2-3 jumbo sizes). I smile, graciously take the bags, and thank him for thinking about me!

Then I go home where they’ll sit on the kitchen counter for weeks, or I’ll take them to work for my colleagues. I’m gracious that my dad thinks about me. My dad is in his 60’s and time is ticking SO much faster than when I was your age…Enjoy EVERY second with him!


island_lord830 −  I mean I hate concerts but if someone got me tickets I’d just go to go. If nothing else you have a little fun, grab some merch, and have a funny story to tell the grands someday

Campa911 −  What’s the band, OP? 


Bigballsmallstretchb −  Damn, I’m sad for your dad.

Bitter_Animator2514 −  Tell him go with you you can both suffer it together and look back on this as one of them things in the future


loleddddie −  What was the band? 

OkPsychology2376 −  So your dad tried to buy you what he thought was a really cool gift. You didnt like it. You ever heard the term ” its the thought that counts” ? I can’t count how many gifts Ive gotten that weren’ t my style, didnt fit right, wrong color, not what I read, or would use,


but one thing was always clear, it wasnt because the giver didnt try hard to get me something Id love. And theres no way I would have acted the way you did. Theres so many better ways you could have handled it that made him feel good, and you blatantly chose none of them.

Do you think the Redditor should go to the concert to make her dad happy, or is it okay for her to skip it since she’s not really a fan? How would you handle a situation where a well-meaning gift doesn’t align with your interests? Share your thoughts below!


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  1. Sue 2 months ago

    I say take your dad to the concert. It would be a great way for you to spend quality time with him! He wanted so badly to get you something you loved. Many dads don’t even know what gifts their kids are getting until they open them. You obviously have some of their songs on your playlist, so you do like some of their music. You sound kind of spoiled and very ungrateful to someone who tried super hard to make you happy!
    If I buy my kids something and it doesn’t fit or they don’t like it I ask them to please tell me because I’d rather them exchange it for something they’d like, but even then they feel bad and try to be gracious!
    Go to the concert… and THANK YOUR DAD FOR LOVING YOU!!!

  2. Jennie C. 1 month ago

    You’ve never heard that it’s the thought that counts. Your dad was thinking of you and that you would like the concert. Don’t be an ungrateful receiver. I guess the only possible way that your dad could be TA is that he didn’t raise you to have better manners.