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Brave Friendly Cat Makes Friends With Rescued Wild Deer

You might not believe but humans are not the only ones who can form friendships. Just like us, animals can feel deep emotions and be friends with each other in the most wonderful and unusual ways. They can be much better than us sometimes: they just don’t care about differences of species or size and will be kind and loyal to their friends for life.

Here is a story of an unlikely friendship between a friendly cat and a rescued fawn. If you still think animals don’t have feelings and friendships, this video below will change your mind immediately.

Cats are known for being aloof, independent, and sassy, so people will think that they like being alone and hate interacting and making friends with others. However, the adorable cat in the video below is very friendly and affectionate. He wanted to befriend the rescued deer and gave it a warm welcome.

Without hesitation, the cat approached the deer and introduced himself to it.

At first, there was a lot of circling and sniffing as the two animals were curious about the other. But it didn’t take long before the cat started nuzzling the deer. The deer started licking the kitty’s ears, and the feline in turn, started swishing its tail slowly in contentment.

“We don’t know for sure if the cat sees this as a triumph. Look, another species to lord over!”

Watch how they became best friends in the video below:

We are happy to know that the cat and the deer have found a friend and playmate in each other. Animals can get along and live alongside each other peacefully, why can’t we?

RELATED:  20 Awkward Cats Brazenly Caught by Human Paparazzi

There is nothing like a story of animal friendship to put things into perspective. If you love this unusual and sweet animal friendship, please share it with your friends and family members to make their day brighter!

Source: Animal Channel

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