Boyfriends best friends girlfriend ruined my BF’s surprise proposal for me.

A woman (25F) shares her frustration after her boyfriend’s (28M) carefully planned surprise proposal was derailed by the girlfriend (32F) of his best friend (30M). Despite planning the proposal for over a month,
the friend’s girlfriend insisted on changing the location, leading to missed fireworks and a ruined surprise. Now, the couple feels disappointed and unsure about how to handle the situation. Read the full story below.
‘ Boyfriends best friends girlfriend ruined my BF’s surprise proposal for me. ‘
Hi all. So just so we know who is who I am 25F, BF who we’ll call T is 28M. Bestfriend (S) is M30 and GF (H) is F32. So my boyfriend and I planned a trip out of town for our 3 year anniversary this week.
I didn’t know this but he was going to propose on the 4th since when we began dating he had initially planned to ask me out on the 4th back in 2021. He has been planning with S and H for over a month to make sure the plan goes well.
The plan was we were going to go to a steak house, grab some drinks and then go to a park to watch the fireworks and that’s when he was going to propose. Everything was going to plan when H said it was too hot to go to the park and she doesn’t want to sweat and suggested a different place.
I and S said that was fine because I obviously didn’t know the plans and was just happy to watch fireworks wherever. I’m pretty sure S said it was fine too because H was hell bent that she didn’t want to sweat and it was too hot and she was worried about the car being stolen.
We go to the location she suggested and no fireworks were planned at the location so BF and S are trying to rush us to the park and we missed the fireworks entirely. I was just like okay oh well next year it’s fine I had fun.
We go to our hotel and the hotel had set up the room as a congratulations for us and when I turned and looked at my BF he started crying because his whole plan fell apart. Now I’m upset because the surprise was ruined and we really don’t know what to do.
S tried telling BF it wasn’t that big of a deal and things don’t always go perfectly which I get but this was a plan that was set over a month in advance and we both just feel upset. Am I in the wrong? We haven’t spoken to S or H since Thursday. Idk what to do.
Let’s dive into the reactions from Reddit:
d00kiebooty − It’s strange that H would seemingly sabotage your proposal, but your boyfriend could’ve just insisted on the original plan. Or you guys could’ve split up? Unless I’m missing why it was necessary for S and H to both be there for the proposal.
Worst case scenario your boyfriend could’ve just proposed at any point after you guys missed the fireworks. Obviously not ideal, but instead he just didn’t propose and you walk into a congratulatory celebration for a proposal that didn’t happen? I can understand being upset with H over this, but I feel like you boyfriend should take some accountability, too.
kevin_r13 − It’s not only the girlfriend. the friend also helped ruin this. They both knew the plan and neither of them stood by your bf to make this plan go off without a hitch. And let’s say the girlfriend was trying to ruin it, but the friend was not.
He should have protested and said , babe, we need to stay here because this is where the fireworks are going to happen, right??? Instead he just seemingly agreed and they both took you guys to another location,
where apparently nobody knew if there would be fireworks there or not, so really what was the point of going there except to miss the fireworks which is also known as missing the actual event of the month’s planning.
AllInkalicious − I do not get this at all. Your bf and the others knew that the room was set-up and let you blindly walk into it? They were all so… stunned? They couldn’t plan that far ahead? Your bf was so paralysed that he just gave up? Listen. H is a d**k. No doubt about it. She knew full well the plans.
Knew about the hotel room. And still orchestrated the exact opposite of what was agreed. Absolute purposeful d**k. However, her bf and your bf allowed this to happen. They didn’t prevent it or plan alternatives.
There will be other opportunities but this (lack of) reaction from your soon-to-be fiancé is puzzling and needs discussion. Life doesn’t always go to plan and you need to ensure your partner is able to deal with that.
agjios − Why didn’t T just say, “we really want to see the fireworks, so we are going to Uber to see the fireworks and we will catch you later. You can just go to Chilis and drink at the bar so you don’t sweat.” Why didn’t your boyfriend or his friend put their foot down?
NecessaryDeer7342 − Reading your other post history it seems like there’s a lot of drama with your bf, his friends, your friends, and family. I feel like if there’s this much drama but you’ve only been together for 3 years you may need to look inward and think about why drama always follows you two.
Additional_Error2119 − This is the dumbest story I ever read. If both the BF and best friend agreed with the other location then the girlfriend didn’t ruin anything. Your BF ruined the proposal by not following the original plan.
grumpy__g − She did it on purpose. If I knew that something like that of happening I would make sure to be at the right place at the right time.. So… are you engaged now?
Opening_Track_1227 − Your bf still should have proposed, all he had to do was stick to the original plan. H was wrong for what she did while knowing about the set up but y’all should’ve just split up and did your own thing. He could’ve also proposed at the hotel like others have said.
rhea_hawke − I know you have posted a lot of stuff defending him, but your boyfriend is the main problem here. It was *his* proposal. He should have stood up for himself. Also, just letting you walk into the room with no explanation is so bizarre. “He was sad his plans went wrong” is not a good enough excuse imo
CafeteriaMonitor − I think it’s insane that she pushed to change plans at the last second, knowing that your bf had a proposal planned, because she “didn’t want to sweat.” I think it’s insane that your bf’s best friend went along with that.
That being said, this is just a little bump in the road. Your bf can propose another way that is just as nice, and maybe not involve these two if they can’t be counted on to be part of the plans.