Boyfriend 30M says that I 30F Can’t Marry Him Someday Unless I Convert to Catholicism.

A 30-year-old woman is dating a 30-year-old man who is a devout Catholic. After six months of dating, he told her that in order for them to marry, she would need to convert to Catholicism to please his parents, who disapprove of her non-denominational Christian beliefs.
She loves him but struggles with the idea of compromising her faith and values. Additionally, he has expressed that they can’t marry for another 2.5 to 3 years due to financial reasons and her religious beliefs. She’s unsure whether to stand firm in her faith or make a life-changing decision to stay with him. read the original story below…
‘ Boyfriend 30M says that I 30F Can’t Marry Him Someday Unless I Convert to Catholicism.’
I am currently dating a man who is a devout Catholic. Long story short his parents don’t like that I’m a non-denominational Christian. I’ve been dating him for 6 months. He recently tried my church but his parents were really upset and am afraid he’s going to get emotional and convert to make me happy.
However, I never told him he has to convert and don’t expect him to. However, I don’t see myself converting to Catholicism just to make his parents happy or converting to something I don’t truly believe in. I’m not sure what to do because I love him, but I also want to be true to myself.
It’s hard bcuz he told me to marry him I’d have to become Catholic. He also told me that he isn’t in a position to get married for 2.5 – 3 years due to financial reasons and because I’m not Catholic.
Another factor is I’m 30 years old and I don’t want to get dumped in a few years or have this not work out and have to start all over again. But I also don’t want to lose him. I also don’t know if I want to raise my kids Catholic in the future since it’s not something I’m 100% on board with.
He’s one of the nicest guys I’ve ever dated and I don’t know what to do. TL;DR; : My bf told me I can’t marry him someday unless I become Catholic.
Here’s the comments of Reddit users:
p0tat0p0tat0 − If you aren’t over the moon enthusiastic to convert and raise your kids Catholic, it’s time to move on.
UnquantifiableLife − It’s only been 6 months. I know it hurts, but just walk away.
iSoReddit − I’ve been dating him for 6 months.. Easy fix, d**p him
Mimble75 − He’s a nice guy except for the ultimatum: become Catholic or we have no future. You don’t want to convert, so…. how ever much you love him, you have a fundamental incompatibility here. There’s not much room for compromise when it comes to religion and kids.
gavinashun − I mean, you know what you have to do. This relationship has no good future. And at 30, you don’t have the time to date someone that you don’t have a future with (if you want marriage and kids, which it sounds like you do). You’ve only invested 6 months: be glad you are having this realization now vs. 2 years from now.
cc_bcc − Well, you are between a rock and a hard place. Unfortunately, this is because you’re trying to reconcile irreconcilable differences. He will only marry a Catholic girl. You are not a Catholic girl, and don’t want to convert or raise possible kids as Catholic either.
There isn’t a way to make those things work together, so the only options are to Convert or Break Up. It sucks, but that’s where you are right now. I would make your decision quickly, though. There’s no reason to stay in this relationship if it’s not able to develop to the result that you want.
A little pain now is far better than a lot of pain and misery later. Situations just like this are exactly why you date, to find out if you’re compatible. It doesn’t appear that you two are.
zanne54 − Um, he’s 30 and his parents still tell him what he can and cannot do. And he goes along with it.. I’d be out.
MiniaturePhilosopher − Dating is about having fun while getting to know each other better and gauging compatibility for a long term relationship. You’re only six months in and you’re not having fun and you’re not compatible. I have mayo in the fridge older than your relationship. Move on.
meowmeow_now − According to his religion he’s not suppose to be having s** outside of marriage so make sure to cut that out right now.
Far_Refrigerator5601 − For what it’s worth, I am not religious and seek the same in a partner. You’re religious and are seeking someone of the same faith. You two aren’t compatible, and it’s way too soon to be even considering big sacrifices like this.
It’s a tough situation when love and religion clash. Do you think it’s possible to compromise in a relationship when it comes to faith, or is it better to stay true to yourself? What would you do in this situation? Share your thoughts below!