Bf told me to pack my bags and leave?

A Reddit user shares her frustration over her boyfriend’s repeated behavior of telling her to “pack her bags and leave” whenever they have a major argument. Recently, during a dispute about his family making decisions for them without consulting her, her boyfriend escalated things by suggesting they break up.
Despite the situation calming down, the user feels depressed and uncertain about how to move forward, questioning whether she is at fault for speaking up about the issues in their relationship. To learn more about the emotional strain caused by this behavior and the user’s internal conflict, read the full story below.
‘ Bf told me to pack my bags and leave?’
Every time we have a huge argument, he tells me to pack my bags and leave, saying he doesn’t want me around anymore. This has happened several times now. For context, I tend to speak up whenever I see issues or unfairness in our personal lives.
We’re currently preparing for a major life decision, and we recently had a big argument because his family kept making decisions for us without consulting me. He’s always been the kind of son who can’t say no to his parents, even if they treat him (or us) unfairly.
I told him I was getting frustrated with his dad’s constant bossiness, and he got so angry that he wanted to break up and told me to leave. I was really surprised he did this—again.
I ended up begging him not to break up. Things eventually calmed down, and now we’re talking again. How do I move on from this? It’s making me depressed. So, please tell me, AITA for being a nagger?
Here’s the comments of Reddit users:
soogx0 − NTA, but girl, why are you begging to stay where you’re not respected? Dude keeps throwing you out like it’s a game. You deserve better.
Lucky-Effective-1564 − YWBTA if you didn’t do what he said – pack your bags and go. But this time keep going and don’t come back. Don’t marry, have kids with, buy a house with or even get a shared tattoo. Just go.
Admirable-Peach1301 − Girl you need to leave
WaferEither7063 − YTA if you continue this god-awful relationship. Your boy is an abuser-like his Dad. Pack up and leave, love.
Danny_Mc_71 − This best solution is to pack your bags and leave. Life is too short for this nonsense. His parents will always be there to interfere.. NTA.
Mother_Search3350 − How you move on is by packing your bags and leaving. . Have some self respect . YTAH for begging to stay where you are clearly not wanted or respected
kitylou − NTA and I’m guessing you’re 25 or younger. Don’t even beg a man, he sounds awful and so does his family
Majestic_Daikon_1494 − Next time start packing your bags and before you’re done he will be the one begging. Why you;’re staying I have no idea though.
Sensitive-Ad-5406 − How did you write all this and not realise what a m**ipulative, s**tty, pathetic a**hole he is?. Pack. Your. Bags. And. Leave.
2Blunt4MyOwnGood − Why on earth would you stay with a man like him? Run far away from him, he’s mentally abusing you.
Do you think the user is justified in speaking up about the issues with her boyfriend’s family, or do you believe her approach is too much? How would you handle a partner who repeatedly threatens to break up during arguments? Share your thoughts in the comments below!