AITAH for using fart spray to get my uncle to stop with his cruel prank?

A young woman set up a beautiful balloon arch for her sister’s quinceañera, only for her prank-loving uncle to target it. Known for popping balloons at family events to upset kids, he ignored her warnings to leave the decorations alone. To teach him a lesson, she rigged a few balloons with fart spray,
which backfired dramatically on him when one popped in his hands. He was forced to leave, furious, but returned later, still angry. The family is split, with some thinking she went too far and others, including her grandfather, finding it hilarious. read the original story below..
‘ AITAH for using fart spray to get my uncle to stop with his cruel prank?’
My uncle John has a super fun way to make kids cry. He will get the oil from lemon rinds and touch balloons. Sometimes they pop immediately sometimes they take a few seconds. At every party I have ever attended, where there were balloons and children, he left a trail of torn latex and crying children.
My parents think it’s all in good fun. I think he is a p**ck. My sister had her Quinceañera last week. My contribution was a balloon arch. My siste bwas obviously turning 15 and didn’t really care about balloons. But we got some very nice pictures with the arch. Then I set it up outside on some astroturf.
A few other people used it for pictures as well. Then my uncle showed up. I went up to him and told him that I had paid for the arch for my baby sister’s party and that I wanted him to leave it alone.. He said he would.. He did not.
I didn’t want any accidents inside so I didn’t add the three balloons with fart spray to the arch until I moved it outside. And the balloons were double baggers. I had blown up one inside another before I inflated the outer one. But you could see the inside balloon.
It was too much of a temptation. He resisted for ten minutes or so. Then someone came and told me. I went out. He was about to pick up the inner balloon and I TOLD him not to touch it. And to stop blowing up the decorations. He didn’t listen. He said he wasn’t doing anything except touching the balloons.
And that it wasn’t his fault they were popping.. So be it. He picked up the inner balloon. It wasn’t as inflated as the outer on so the surface tension was lesser. Therefore it took almost two seconds for the balloon he was holding so proudly to pop.
Gagging, dry heaving, watery eyes, a profound desire to be elsewhere. I went through all that. I cannot imagine what it would be like to be drenched in the liquid form of fart spray. Drenched is n overstatement. There was maximum half a fluid ounce of fart liquid in the balloon. But he was covered in it.
And the pop did aerosolize it somewhat so it got all over. He ended up having to go home and change. It was only like half an hour he was gone. Maybe an hour. I wasn’t paying attention. He did come back though. Freshly showered.
And he is pissed that I would play such a childish prank at such an important event for my family. I said I had no idea what he was talking about. I reminded him that he had promised to leave the balloons alone and that I had warned him not to touch the balloon that got him.
My family are divided. They think I was a j**k to play a joke at my sister’s party. But they are almost universally sick of him popping balloons. My grandfather laughed his ass off.
Take a look at the comments from fellow users:
Snow-_-Bear − NTA. If he can play pranks, so can others. If he can’t take it, then don’t dish it. 🤷♂️
PigletTechnical9336 − NTA he had it coming
FairyFartDaydreams − NTA and this belongs on the revenge subs. That was amazing and your grandfather knows what’s up
SnooCupcakes780 − HAHAHHAHHAH, one of the best ones I have ever read!
PassComprehensive425 − NTA- Your uncle deserved it. He’s been making kids cry for years, he was long over due for a taste of his own medicine. Plus, you warned him not to pop the balloons, but he had to do it anyways. Party wasn’t ruined, and your grandpa got a good laugh.
kigurumibiblestudies − I went up to him and told him that I had paid for the arch for my baby sister’s party and that I wanted him to leave it alone.. One warning. He was about to pick up the inner balloon and I TOLD him not to touch it.. Two warnings
You didn’t play a prank, you warned him not to do something that would end in n**ty consequences. He chose, twice, to go against your advice. He deserves it, hell, he basically asked for it. NTA
Far_Dragonfruit_1829 − I want to share beer with grandfather.
Novel-Sprinkles3333 − NTA, he had a FAFO moment and he deserved every stinky bit of it. What the hell is wrong with a grown ass man who likes to make little kids cry? Also, he is uninvited from your wedding, right? I’m sure you’ll send him a nice balloon bouquet as an apology. /s
HappyGothKitty − NTA, your uncle sounds like a b**ly who has to make little children cry to feel like a man, which is pathetic. What is even more pathetic is that everyone took his crap for so long. You gave him exactly what you deserve, and no, he doesn’t play pranks, he’s a b**lying a**hole and needs his ass handed to him.
No_Lavishness_3206 − NTA. As long as you didn’t disturb the party.
Was she justified in using the prank to deter his mischief, or did she escalate the situation unnecessarily? Could there have been a better way to handle her uncle’s disruptive behavior? what do you think? share your thoughts below!