AITAH for telling my teacher to shut up?

A high school student’s teacher has been making passive-aggressive remarks in class about the new car their boyfriend gifted them. Initially, the student ignored the comments, but when the teacher’s snide remarks continued, they reached a breaking point and told the teacher to “shut up” about it in front of the whole class.
Now, the student feels conflicted, questioning if they were out of line for responding that way, even if they felt provoked. read the original story below…
‘ AITAH for telling my teacher to shut up?’
So, here’s the context: my boyfriend recently came into some money (he won a big sports bet on Stake) and decided to surprise me with a car. It’s been a huge help, and honestly, I’m super grateful. But my teacher found out about it, and ever since, she’s been making these little digs at me during class.
It started as these random comments like, “Oh, must be nice to have a car you didn’t pay for,” or, “Drive home safe in your gifted car,” like she’s trying to be funny. At first, I just laughed it off because I didn’t want to make a big deal about it. But the jokes didn’t stop.
In fact, it feels like she’s bringing it up whenever she gets a chance. I get that it’s unusual for someone my age to be gifted a car, but honestly, it feels like she’s crossing a line. I work hard in school, I don’t brag about my boyfriend’s gift, and I don’t see why it should even matter to her how I got my car.
Last week, she made another comment in front of the whole class, saying something like, “Bet your boyfriend’s car gets better mileage,” and I just had enough. I told her, “Can you just shut up about it?” She looked shocked, and the class got super quiet. Now I feel like I might have gone too far.
On one hand, I’m frustrated because she wouldn’t stop with the comments, but on the other, she is still my teacher, and I get that telling her to shut up was kinda disrespectful. So now I’m wondering, AITAH for finally snapping and telling her off?
Here’s what Redditors had to say:
Idonotgiveacrap − NTA. She was being very unprofessional making those comments, so it was a good thing that you stood up to her. You should report her to the principal if she insists on it.
Argent_Kitsune − NTA. And NTA for addressing her in front of the class, since that’s the forum she chose to address you. I’m horrified, as a teacher, that she went that far, or that she went there at all. It speaks to an immaturity in HER, having to project her jealousies onto her students.
Good for you for standing up for yourself. And by all means, take it to the principal if she doesn’t get the hint.
tiger0zero − Nope. All good.
grayblue_grrl − NTA. She’s gotta learn to stfu sometime. Might as well be from you while she’s out of line.
QuasarsTFD − A lot of teachers don’t have the maturity to be teachers. Actually, a lot of people don’t have the maturity to be people.
Novel-Demand-5244 − Nah good to stand up for yourself. Teacher is out of line. I’ll bet she’s quiet from now on. If not, it’s grounds for her to get disciplined if you go to the principal. She should get the point.
Edit: a more mature way to have handled it would’ve been to stay after class, and ask the teacher to stop with the comments that are making you uncomfortable.
nn666 − You should probably tell the principal what is going on.
SafeWord9999 − Write out all the times she’s brought it up and embarrassed you. Send this to the principal and report her for harassment.
donjuanamigo − I’ve seen several of these “teacher” stories today.
miacharms − NTA not sure why a teacher even has the gall to make snide comments like this. You’re not friends, so what gives?
Was it justified, or should they have handled it differently? Share your thoughts below!