AITAH for telling my mom that I shouldn’t have to be the “breadwinner” in a household of 6?


A Reddit user (20M) shared their frustration about being the primary financial provider in a household of six, where both parents choose not to work. Despite working hard to cover rent, groceries, and household expenses, the user feels taken advantage of, as their parents don’t contribute significantly to the household chores either.

After expressing their feelings to their mom, they were told they could move out if they didn’t like the situation. Now, the user is wondering if they’re being ungrateful for wanting more help and appreciation. Was the user wrong to voice their concerns, or are their parents the ones being unfair? Read the full story below and decide for yourself.


‘ AITAH for telling my mom that I shouldn’t have to be the “breadwinner” in a household of 6?’

I (20M) live with my mom, dad and 3 little siblings in a three bedroom house. My mom doesn’t want to work as she chooses to be with the kids even though she is able to. My dad doesn’t want to work either and chooses to watch TV all day.
They fantasize about getting rich and such but don’t actually do anything. I am faced with the burden of paying rent, helping out with groceries and buying household supplies etc.

Normally, this isn’t an issue. They’re my parents and I love to help out, but I feel I am being used and not appreciated. While I’m at work, my dad stays home all day and doesn’t do anything, so when I come home on garbage day, they take all the garbage and leave it in the garage for me to put away, and the garbage isn’t even sorted properly, so I have to do that too.


Maybe that’s not a huge deal, but I feel that if you’re not doing anything, the least you can do is at least sort the garbage for me. I also have to mow the lawn when I come home from work. I also don’t really have any freedoms, which is annoying because I do feel like I deserve it. I currently don’t have my own car and am trying to save up for one, so I use my parents car to go to work, which took some convincing because they didn’t want to waste gas money.

For all of last year, I had to walk one hour to work, leaving the house at 5am.. To add, I only make $17/hr. Today, I confronted my mom and what I feel and how you guys can help me out some more or cut me a break on some things and she essentially said “you’re our son, if you don’t like it, you can move out” AITAH? I don’t know if I’m being ungrateful.


EDIT: Some people think this isn’t true, so let me clarify some details. My mom receives welfare and gets a “bonus” for my two little siblings who are under 18. I’m not sure how much exactly she gets, but it’s enough where she can still pay a portion of the rent, and groceries.

I pay around $800 for the remainder for the rent, and another couple hundred for things like household supplies or random things my mom may want. My issue is, both my parents are perfectly able to work, and they CHOOSE not to, which annoys me because they always complain about not having enough money even with me helping out. If my parents couldn’t work, I would understand completely and have no issue helping out.


Take a look at the comments from fellow users:

AnxiousTelephone2997 −  NTA. Honestly I think you should take their advice and move out. You are being used, taken advantage of, and parentified by your unmotivated and lazy parents. THEY are the ungrateful ones. They will do nothing but hold you back in life. Get out of there and take care of yourself.

AyeYoTek −  I’d take them on their offer and move out. Even if you’re just renting a room somewhere, that’s better than throwing money down the drain for useless people. NTA but you should leave asap.

Helpful_Hat_836 −  NTA. Bro, you’re not a breadwinner, you’re a walking ATM for a household that doesn’t even sort the trash right. Like, you’re grinding $17/hr, keeping the lights on, and they’re on the couch manifesting yachts? Nah. The “if you don’t like it, move out” line? Classic guilt-trip move when they know you’re holding the whole house together.

Honestly, you’re not asking for much—just for them to sort the damn garbage and maybe not treat you like their personal piggy bank. You’re being used, not supported. And if they wanna play “move out” card, maybe start planning for it. Yeah, it’s hard, but sometimes sanity sticking around for a situation where you’re not respected.


Hiddenhawlucha −  Was in a similar spot, moved out, and it changed my life for the better.

CertifiedGemologist −  Move out, your parents are parasites


ElephantNo3640 −  What country do you live in? If the US, how is a family of six subsiding on $17/hr? Welfare fraud? Claim them all as dependents on your taxes and see what happens, I guess.. NTA.

lychigo −  NTA. But you should call her on her bluff and move out. Find a room for rent. You’d probably pay less, have only your trash to take care of, and she and your dad would have to get off their asses and do something productive.


Secret_Sister_Sarah −  INFO: Is the amount of money you pay them for rent and groceries less than the price of living on your own? If so, then yeah, this is how things work. If, on the other hand, you’re spending more to support the whole family than it would cost you to get an apartment or rent a room with roommates, then your family are the AH and definitely taking advantage of you… and you should move out.

Majestic_Bit_4784 −  NTA But I would be looking to move out, they are not going to bother working or even looking for work if they have you to cater to them. You need to put yourself first and stop letting them walk over you.


justmeandmycoop −  You are being used, taken advantage of. Get out and call CPS for your siblings.

Do you think the user is justified in feeling overburdened and wanting more support from their parents, or should they be more understanding of the family dynamics? How would you approach this situation if you were in the user’s shoes? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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