AITAH for telling my friend that her husband was sleeping with my sister?


A Reddit user faced a tough moral dilemma when they discovered their sister was having an affair with their close friend’s husband, who is also their husband’s military colleague. Deciding it was best to come clean, the user broke the news to the friend, who is seven months pregnant. The fallout has been devastating, leaving the user questioning if they made the right decision. Read the full story below to explore this heart-wrenching situation.


‘ AITAH for telling my friend that her husband was sleeping with my sister?’

So I posted on the AmIoveracting subreddit describing my situation.. My sister was at a party of mine where she was hanging out with all of our friends. My husband thought that she was being flirty with a friend of ours who is married and his wife is pregnant, but I didn’t think anything of it as I just thought they were being friendly.

I just recently found out that my sister and our friends husband have been sleeping together since our party. Our friend is in the military with my husband and we have been friends with him and his wife (I’m close with her) for years now. When I found out, I told my sister to break it off and that she was destroying their marriage. She told me that he loved her and wanted to be with her.


After posting on the overreaction subreddit, I decided to tell the wife. I told her Monday when my husband and his friend went out to the bar. And she has not stopped crying since, I feel horrible as she is 7 months pregnant also and has now been staying at her moms.

I’ve thought maybe I should not of told her, made her husband tell her, made my sister tell her.. anyone but me as I just feel horrible breaking the news to her and seeing the stress it has put her in and the baby…


Her husband said this is the only time and he was just not thinking. He has said he never said he loved my sister and it was just a hot fling.. My friend thinks she wants to forgive him but also feels like her world is rocked…I also don’t know how else to show suport to her…

See what others had to share with OP:

Goidelica −  You did the right thing. Do *not* try and take on the responsibilities of others. *They* are responsible for this. You were the only one who showed that poor woman love, honestly. Those tears are not because of you. You’re a good person. NTA.


Thallannc −  Whoever got cheated on deserve to know, so they can pick a better partner. And the ones doing the cheating deserves the scorn. Done. If anything, the more people wait to tell it if knowing about it, the more of an a**hole they are.

Ok_Historian_646 −  I sure hope his wife reports him to his superiors!! The military DOES NOT play when it comes time to a**ltery! He will be punished for his actions. You did the right thing. You friend deserved to know and I sure would hope my friends would tell me if they thought I was in this situation.


You are 100% NTA. Youre a good friend and she is definitely going to need your support. Be there for her , listen, let her cry and only offer advice when asked! How is your sister reacting to you outing her disgusting behavior???

baffled67 −  How do you think your friend would feel if you didn’t tell her and she found out later that you knew this whole time and didn’t tell her??


BeachinLife1 −  A drunken one night stand is “just not thinking.” Sleeping together since the party takes planning and underhandedness. Apparently he went so far as to tell your sister that he “loved her and wanted to be with her.”
**He’s too practiced at telling everyone what they want to hear for me to believe this is the first time he cheated.** And if she stays with him, it won’t be the last time.

Your friend had a right to know, but I don’t envy you having been the one to tell her. That being said, if I was your friend, I’d be MUCH more angry knowing that you **knew,** and **didn’t** tell me. And there’s another reason she needed to know…she needs to go in for an STD screening BEFORE that baby is born. No telling where he’s been, and there’s apparently no telling where your sister has been.


jam7789 −  NTA. Sadly I hope the wife doesn’t take her husband back and then stay mad at YOU.

LilacLove56 −  NTA. You were just being honest, and that’s a tough situation to be in. She deserved to know.


Thin_Ad9793 −  His guilt is his own.

DaLoCo6913 −  She is not crying because you told her. That burden is at her husband’s feet, as well as you sister’s. But he made vows to her.. NTA.


armomo3 −  You did the right thing. He did the wrong thing and chances are, if you’d left it to them, she never would have known. At least now she has the information to make informed choices.

Was the user right to take on the burden of delivering such painful news, or should they have approached it differently? In situations like this, revealing the truth can feel like ripping off a bandage—necessary but painful. How would you have handled the moral responsibility of protecting a friend from betrayal while managing the fallout? Share your insights and advice below!


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