AITAH for telling husband it was his choice to open our marriage and I am not closing it?

A Reddit user, a 40-year-old woman, shared her dilemma regarding her open marriage with her husband of 18 years. The couple had been facing issues, especially with her husband’s lack of attraction towards her, which eventually led him to propose an open marriage. After accepting the proposal, the user started enjoying the freedom, working on her physical appearance, and having fun in her new relationships.
Meanwhile, her husband struggled to find similar connections and is now trying to close the marriage, which the user refuses to do. She is standing firm on the arrangement they both agreed upon. Read the full story below to see how the situation unfolded and the user’s perspective on the matter.
‘ AITAH for telling husband it was his choice to open our marriage and I am not closing it?’
The article has the next update at the end.
I 40f married my husband 42 m 18 years back. We have one daughter 16 f and 14 m. We met in college and felt in love. My husband lost his parents in accident and as frnd I consoled him and we became close. We are from same city and he lived around ten kms from my house. So we just clicked.
Our marriage has our own share of ups and downs but financially we are in good place. I own a house gifted by my parents and he inherited his parents house after their passing away. I run my own bridal boutique and make good money. He is insurance head.
We have bought multiple properties and build our future together and for our children. We also have created mutuals will, in case one parent has to pass away, his or her share of assets will go to our children only, irrespective of living parent marrying again or not.
Last year my husband started distancing and I was worried. He started ignoring me..stopped getting physical etc. in end he told me. He find me fat, u**y and he doesn’t get a turn on. I was so busy in raising kids and my business that i stopped caring about it.
He said he doesn’t wanna destroy the family but he wants to have s** outside marriage. He said he wont be h**ocrite and I can do same. I cried and begged but he didn’t listen. After weeks of crying and self pity. I accepted this purposal.
I also started working out and guys in gym started hitting on me..I have had my share of hookups and fun. But finally I am getting along with a man who is 35 , he treats me on dates and s** is good. I also changed my dressing from traditional to more western and sexy. And has lost weight. I have nice curves too.
My husband luckily or sadly didn’t have such luck. He is tall and all. But he overrated his chances. He got hookups here n there. But barely they repeated him. He thought he can woo girls with money. But girls today are independent and can’t be wooed with money only.. I was going on date when my kids were at my parents and he was pissed. He said not to go..I didn’t care and went.
Now he is saying he wanna close this marriage and I just laughed at him. I told this is the arrangement he wanted and I am honouring it. I am enjoying the attention these hunks give me and it’s not my fault women don’t want him
He started calling me names and I called him a manwhor*. He is threatening divorce and i am fine with it because our laws favour woman more. I pointed that to him. He started crying and begging to close the marriage again.. But I am refusing.
Update here:
Here’s how people reacted to the post:
CalPolyTechnique − “Open marriage” strikes again…
MillieRover − Man expected he’d been drowning in pussy, then quickly changes his mind when he realised that isn’t the case and he’s lucky to even have you.. Sis, he’s the a**hole.
zonked282 − Has there ever been a guy who requested to open up the marriage who wasn’t vastly over estimating his chances with women.
Suspicious_Juice717 − NTA. If the marriage isn’t working he can end it. He is the one who broke the marriage.
Itchy_Lingonberry_11 − This is so fake it’s hilarious.
DiaryOfACanadian − Oof. NTA. It’s not really opening the marriage if you didn’t want, he just really wanted to cheat on you without consequences. I get the feeling that even if you didn’t agree he’d still shoot his shot with other women. But I’d go ahead and get that divorce, he doesn’t respect your opinion or care about hurting you. NTA. Move on with someone that treats you like a person.
FancyAd9803 − He “luckily didn’t have such luck.” The tone of your post and word choices have me going hmmmm on this. Pressing X to doubt here folks.
Rolentobcn − i love when this proposals backfires the ” instigator”. serves him right.
Serious-Brain-3283 − Why are you still married? Even if your husband wanted to open the marriage that seldom if ever works. He may have over thought his success rate but you seem to revel . You need to end this because you obviously have no respect for him.
YouMightBeARacist − ESH. He’s a d**che bag, but it sucks that you only took care of your body once you wanted to attract other men. It’s sucks that he called you u**y, but you did something about it not to gain his attention back but to gain others. And for that, you’re all assholes. Poor kids.