AITAH for taking my dad’s family to court over his properties?

After the sudden death of her father, a woman (22F) found herself fighting for her late father’s properties, as his extended family attempted to claim them based on “tradition,” despite no will being left. Although her father’s lawyer sided with the family, the woman stood firm and took the matter to court,
ultimately winning the properties for herself and her mother. However, this led to a complete fallout with her dad’s side of the family, who now accuse her of being selfish and tearing the family apart. read the original story below…
‘ AITAH for taking my dad’s family to court over his properties?’
My dad passed away unexpectedly a few months ago. He didn’t leave a will, but he owned several properties. I’m his only child, and it’s just me and my mom now. After his d**th, my dad’s family (his siblings essentially) decided that the properties should belong to them.
They claimed it was “tradition” for the extended family to handle a man’s assets, even though my mom and I were left with nothing. They were quick to move in and take control, leaving us stranded. At first, I tried to reason with them, but they wouldn’t budge.
Even my dad’s lawyer, who I thought might help, sided with them. My mom was devastated, and I felt completely alone but I knew I couldn’t let them take everything my dad worked for. So, I took them to court. It was a long and exhausting process but I won.
Legally, the properties now belong to me and my mom. But since then, my dad’s family has completely turned against us. They’ve called me selfish, ungrateful, and accused me of tearing the family apart. They’ve even gone as far as cutting off contact with us entirely. I feel conflicted.
On one hand, I stood up for myself and my mom when no one else would. On the other hand, I can’t help but wonder if I went too far by taking them to court and causing this rift. Should I have just let it go and let them have the properties to keep the peace? So, AITAH for fighting for what I believed was rightfully ours?
Take a look at the comments from fellow users:
4th_chakra − But since then, my dad’s family has completely turned against us. They had already turned against you and your mom. The estate should have gone to the two of you from the beginning. Also, I hope you fired your dad’s lawyer, if he was still on retainer.
They’ve even gone as far as cutting off contact with us entirely. Lucky you! Now you don’t have to block those vultures. I stood up for myself and my mom when no one else would. Yes you did, bless your heart.
but wonder if I went too far by taking them to court and causing this rift. They* caused the rift. You defended yourself, and your mom. You were 100% in the right.. NTA
dr_lucia − They claimed it was “tradition” for the extended family to handle a man’s assets, even though my mom and I were left with nothing. They were quick to move in and take control, leaving us stranded. Whose tradition? In what state or country?
I can’t imagine how cousins could just move in an claim control of property inside your deceased Dad’s estate without paper work showing they are the executor. With no will, they certainly aren’t. You can’t just change names on deeds by going in and saying, “This is mine now. Our family tradition says I get to do this!”
Should I have just let it go and let them have the properties to keep the peace? Of course not! Consult an attorney as soon as possible and learn the various options.
CaptainIll8402 − NTA. They didnt wanna share, you did the right thing
Imaginary_Finish7200 − NTA. Well done and I’m sure your father would be proud
Just_somebody_onhere − Very curious what country you live in that a passage of assets to the next of kin (in cases of someone passing without a will) is a thing of debate. Further fascinated that your father had a lawyer that you can point to, but also had no estate planning. What are the odds of that??
This is so far fetched of a legal construct that I really want to just say this is a poorly written made up post. But fascinated to see you name a country where it wouldn’t be, love learning new things!
Nervous-Tea-7074 − NTA – break it down OP. If you did nothing, you would have been left with nothing.. But! You did something, and now you have something. They were happy to leave you and your mom with nothing. Those people ain’t family, they are parasites!
AcanthisittaNo9122 − NTA. They tried to steal from you but can’t so they’re bitter. That’s it. You don’t need them in your life, they will never ever help you when you need them to, they will only take and steal from you.
Sorry-Session7419 − NTA. They caused this rift. They started fighting with you. Your dad would try to kill them if he knew. He worked hard to build up those assets and would have wanted them to go to you and your mom.
He knew you guys would get them if something does happen. If he wanted his extended family to get them, he woulda put it in writing. He didn’t. F**k them
JustNoUsernamesLeft − NTA, you did what was right for you and your mom. Family can be tricky.
glitteringpeachdream − NTA. You fought for what was rightfully yours and your mom’s, and it’s not selfish to protect what your dad worked hard for. The fact that your dad’s family tried to take everything from you and your mom, ignoring your rightful claim, shows they didn’t have your best interests at heart.
It’s a painful situation, but your family’s assets shouldn’t just be given away because of ‘tradition.’ You stood up for what was fair.
It’s understandable that the woman fought for what she believed was rightfully hers and her mother’s, but it also seems tough that her decision has caused such a deep rift with her father’s family. What do you think? Share your thoughts below!