AITAH for slamming the door on the woman who kept trying to open the bathroom door?


A Redditor shared a frustrating experience at a restaurant when someone persistently tried to open the locked bathroom door, despite repeated warnings that it was occupied. The situation escalated to the point where the user confronted the person directly. Read the full story below to find out what happened!


‘ AITAH for slamming the door on the woman who kept trying to open the bathroom door?’

I was in the bathroom at a restaurant that has two private bathrooms. Here I am sitting patiently finishing peeing when someone knocks on the door and tries to open it. I tell em sorry it’s occupied.

Then five seconds later they try it again. Now I say it louder “sorry it’s occupied!” and coughed really loud to let them know very obviously it was full.


Then this woman tried opening the door three more times, I only know it was a woman cause I put my pants on, opened the door to take a look at her, and slammed it in her face.

I feel like even with the AC on you could hear an adult yelling repeatedly not to come in, and doubly take the hint when the door is f***ing LOCKED.


Take a look at the comments from fellow users:

tendiesforeveryone −  NTA. Even if she couldn’t hear you (which on the fifth “occupied” I’m sure she did), trying the same locked door five times REEKS of inconsiderately trying to rush you. Maybe she had a bathroom emergency, but that’s not your problem.

swordrat720 −  I had something similar happen to me. I was on a construction job out of town with 3 other guys staying in a rental house. We were all playing video games on our day off. Game finished, I went to one of the 3 bathrooms in the house. One of the guys tries to get in. Multiple times. I tell him I’m in there. He tries again. Tell him I’m in here. Tries again.


I finish, open the door yelling “what the f**k dude?” “Oh, I didn’t know someone was in there” “the closed, locked door, with someone yelling I’m in here, wasn’t a f**king clue, you f**king i**ot?”

BlueGreen_1956 −  NTA. I walked in on a woman in a unisex restroom once. The door was unlocked. She got huffy with me. I told her to lock the damn door next time and assured her that seeing he peeing was not on my to do list for that day…or any other day.


EarlyElderberry7215 −  Should said “No thank you! We dont want anymore visitors, well-wishes or distant relations!”. Edit: NTA.

peunis −  People do this s**t all the time. It’s their way if telling you to hurry. It’s rude as hell and my favorite way to answer after repeated attempts is “come in!” Not once have they jiggled the doorknob again after.


LearnsFromExperience −  Based on the downvotes, I’d say we have a secret serial public bathroom door knocker in our midst. I upvoted everyone to compensate.

Pretty_Writer2515 −  I would scream why are you trying to open the door you p**vert can’t you see I’m using it.


Ilumidora_Fae −  I would have lived in that bathroom stall for the next twenty minutes out of sheer pettiness lol.

pardonmyass −  If they keep knocking like an absolute d**k I respond in kind and scream “NO YOU MAY NOT WATCH ME PEE” It’s amazing how quickly they go anywhere else.


Some-Instruction9974 −  Plot twist, it was 4 different people trying to use the bathroom and the last one now thinks you are crazy and is writing on reddit about it as we speak.

Do you think the Redditor’s reaction was justified after being repeatedly ignored, or was it an overreaction? How would you have handled someone persistently trying to enter a locked bathroom? Share your thoughts below!


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