AITAH for reporting my mother to CPS, and reporting my stepdad for theft?

An 18-year-old CNA, who has been financially independent while living with her neglectful mother and abusive stepfather, reached her breaking point when her stepfather sold her new laptop to fund his vices. Despite paying rent and household bills, she faced constant mistreatment, including theft,
physical violence, and unreasonable rules. After discovering the theft, she moved out to stay with her father and reported her stepfather for theft and past abuse, as well as her mother and stepfather to CPS for neglecting her younger siblings.
Now, her mother is furious about the legal consequences, leaving the OP questioning whether she did the right thing. read the original story below…
‘ AITAH for reporting my mother to CPS, and reporting my stepdad for theft? ‘
I 18(F) graduated Highschool last year. I have a good job now as a CNA. I graduated highschool early at age 17! I was living with my mother until this situation yesterday. I am now staying with my real dad until I am able to move in to my new apartment.
The apartment isn’t available until December 21st of 2024. I have four siblings who are 15, 13, 11, and 9. My mother married my stepfather then I was 1. My younger siblings are from her and her stepfathers relationship. My mother is a neglectful mom. She allows her husband to mistreat me.
Her husband has hit me, spat on me, shoved me, and stolen from me time and time again. The rules in the house are that I pay 400 a month in rent, for a small bedroom. I have to buy and eat my own food, I have to pay the internet bill, which is 100$.
Even though I PAY RENT, I am not allowed to lock my doors, I’m not allowed to lock the door in the bathroom, I’m not allowed to use the internet after 6 pm, EVEN THOUGH ITS IN MY NAME, and I pay the bill. I’ve been respecting their rules. Recently I bought a new computer, I am containing my studies.
I am starting school for medication aide. When I finish school I’ll have a medication aide certification, on top of the CNA liscense I have, after medication aide courses are complete for me, I am going to take phlebotomy. The laptop I bought was 350$, and that was because it was on sale!
Yesterday my stepfather demanded more money from me after I paid all the bills required of me! He is a drunk, he has a drinking problem and my mother enables him. They n**lect the kids they have.
They always go out to eat, drink, and my mother always has her nails and hair done but “doesn’t have the money” to take care of her kids. As a result I’ve been taking care of them. I told him that I wasn’t giving him anymore money! This was early yesterday morning.
I went to work and came back later in the day. I went into my room and noticed my door was open, and my room got trashed. My laptop was gone. I asked my siblings if they had seen my laptop. They said no. I went upstairs and asked my mother if she’d seen it.
She said, “Well (stepdads name) sold it to the pawn shop because he needed money for household expenses.” At this point I was livid because I needed that laptop for school. I said, “I paid all of my required expenses for the house.
He had no right to take that laptop that I had.” Basically she said that it’s their house their rules, and that if I didn’t like it I could leave. I called my father, and asked him if I could stay with him until December 21st. My dad, being the rockstar he is, let me stay with him.He’s not charging me rent or utilities!
Early in the morning today. I went down to the magistrate to press charges. I reported him to the police for his past violent behavior, and for the theft. I blocked my mother and stepfather on everything! I reported my mother and stepfather to CPS for n**lect and to report a dangerous environment!
A few hours after, my mother called my dad furious, she said, “She reported my husband for simply needing money. The police came to our house and arrested him” The area I live in my country, they take theft or any crime for that matter, very seriously.
I’m surprised they arrested him so fast! I’m wondering if CPS is as quick. Also for clarity: My mother was stupid enough to admit his crimes through text messages. I showed the police and magistrate the messages. AITAH? I feel bad for my siblings, I don’t want them to go to foster care, but at the same time they live in a dangerous environment!
Here’s what people had to say to OP:
Appropriate_Tea_2606 − ALSO: I found out which pawn shop my stepdad sold my laptop too. I went to the pawnshop and told them the situation. I had proof that it was stolen and the proof that I had purchased it. The owner gave me back the laptop!
A_Man_Duh2028 − So proud of you OP for not letting your Mom take you for granted! You have been used and abused for far too long and now it’s time for you to take control of your life! You are strong and destined for greater things!. Wishing you all the best!
CatAdministrative516 − Sometimes you just need a shove to finally realize all the wrong. This was your shove. NTA
JTBlakeinNYC − NTA. I’m so proud of you for standing up to your a**sive stepfather and enabling mother! Big hugs. You’re going to have such a better life away from them.
ElehcarTheFirst − My only question is where was your bio dad through all of this? Why did he allow this to continue?
Lowermains − You are a fantastic human being. YOU have done the right thing. Your mother and stepfather are unfit parents. Don’t feel guilty or pressurised into looking after your half siblings. You have to look after yourself first and foremost.
Vowe_wealthy − You are a strong Young woman who should not through such problems your mother also should be able to realize that the best thing that you can do for your siblings is to provide them with a better environment for growth before it is too late
SparklingIntrigue − Just want to know why you weren’t living with your dad if you went through all this abuse? I get your dad let you live with him for right now.. but is he really a rockstar? Why didn’t he let you live with him sooner with all this mistreatment from your mom and stepdad?
Sinacias − NTA and why weren’t you already living with your father if he was such a “rockstar”? Why was it only okay for him to house you after you were an adult? You should also sue them for all the money they extorted from you, but I get that it would probably be an enormous headache for little reward.
You did do the right thing, alerting CPS; hopefully none of your siblings will have to take your place as the only actual adult person in that house!
LibraryMouse4321 − Don’t give your mother a penny, and tell any relatives that think you should help your neglectful mother that they are free to help her, but you are not. If you can help your siblings in any way, without your mom finding out, you should. But they have to keep it a secret, or they get nothing.
Was reporting her mother and stepfather justified to protect herself and her siblings, or could she have handled it differently? Share your thoughts below!
Making a report to CPS was not only justified, it is required by law. You don’t want your sibs in foster care, but would it be better or worse than where they are now? Hopefully your sibs stay together and you visit them frequently.