AITAH for refusing to forgive my dad for ruining my proposal because he thought I was “too young”?

A Reddit user (27M) shares his frustration after his father (56M) publicly ruined his proposal to his girlfriend (26F) by loudly disapproving of the idea, claiming he was “too young” to get married. Despite informing his parents ahead of time, the father’s interruption embarrassed the girlfriend and spoiled the moment. The user is now refusing to forgive his dad, but his family says he’s overreacting. Read the full story below…
‘ AITAH for refusing to forgive my dad for ruining my proposal because he thought I was “too young”?’
I (27M) planned a surprise proposal to my girlfriend (26F) of four years during a family dinner. It was special because it’s where we had our first date, and I wanted everyone to be part of the moment. I told my parents ahead of time so they wouldn’t be blindsided, but my dad (56M) immediately started lecturing me about how I was “too young” to get married and should wait until my 30s.
I figured he’d keep his opinions to himself during the proposal, but nope. The moment I got down on one knee, my dad loudly said, “Don’t do it, son—you’re making a mistake!” The entire table froze, and my girlfriend looked completely mortified. She still said yes, but the whole vibe was ruined.
After dinner, I confronted my dad, and he doubled down, saying he was “just being honest” and that I should be thanking him for “saving me from a rushed decision.” I haven’t spoken to him since. My mom and siblings keep saying I’m overreacting and that he was just looking out for me, but I feel like what he did was completely out of line.. So, AITAH for not forgiving him?
Let’s dive into the reactions from Reddit:
Perimentalpause − NTA. Tell your dad that just because he regrets sowing his seeds early and winding up married before he got to be an i**ot doesn’t mean that you want to follow in his footsteps. Point out that it’s really gross to know that he’s basically stating in a backhanded way that he regrets you and your siblings and being married to your mom. That marriage is a mistake. You’re almost 30, ffs. That’s not ‘too young’.
OliveMammoth6696 − NTA. He literally just sealed his fate for the relationship he’s going to have with your wife and her family for the rest of your lives. Your dads a super a**hole. Your mom and siblings too btw.
Zealousideal_Till683 − 27 too young? At 27, my dad had emigrated, got married, bought a house and had two kids. What is it with the infantilisation that goes on today? Your father’s behaviour is utterly unforgiveable. NTA.
HorrorLover___ − Absolutely disgusting behaviour from your Dad. Your mum and sibling are in the wrong too.
Comprehensive-Sun954 − All your gf/fiance heard was that she was a mistake. Not that he cared about your age. NTA. Make sure she knows it wasn’t about her at all.
thejackalreborn − NTA – that’s completely disgusting behaviour from him.
Briiiiiiyonce − NTA. What’s wrong with your family? I’d go LC with them all for now.
Round-Place548 − Your mom and siblings think you’re overreacting? Are they afraid of your dad or is he normally this controlling? Either way definitely NTA. Congrats on your engagement.
Rowana133 − NTA. Honestly, I’d cut him off for a while for that s**t. Your siblings and mother too for supporting that. How f**king humiliating and rude of him.
IllustratorSlow1614 − NTA. If I were your fiancee, your father would be dead to me and my future children. I wouldn’t be able to forgive him – what he did was publicly humiliate her too, not just you. He rejected her and literally told the entire room you would be making a mistake asking her to marry you. He’s a complete arsehole. Your mother and siblings might have to be collateral damage too.