AITAH for postponing our wedding because my fiance wants to have pictures of her late husband in it?

A Redditor shared a dilemma about postponing his wedding after his fiancée expressed wanting her late husband’s photos prominently displayed during the ceremony and reception. She even suggested a bridesmaid hold a photo of her late husband during the ceremony and proposed taking wedding photos while holding his picture.
When the Redditor expressed discomfort, his fiancée accused him of being jealous. This led him to rethink the wedding altogether. Read the story below to see how this complex situation played out.
‘ AITAH for postponing our wedding because my fiance wants to have pictures of her late husband in it?’
My fiance and I have been together for about 3 years.. We got engaged 6 months ago. We were doing some planning and she mentioned “Where do you think “late husband’s name” Pic could go? I was confused, and asked her to clarify.
She said she wants her late husband’s picture at the wedding, she went into more detail, at my request. She wants one of the bridesmaids to hold his picture during the ceremony. As well as having his Pic on our table.
And when taking Pics, she wants to hold him in most pictures. I told her that I didn’t want that, and while I understand he’s important to her, I’d feel uncomfortable with his pictures in our wedding, especially when they’re so prominent.
We got into a fight and she yelled “I can’t believe you’re jealous! He’s f**king dead! What, do you think I’m gonna f**k him at our wedding?” I decided to postpone the wedding, and honestly, I’m thinking of calling it off all together.
Here’s what Redditors had to say:
DuePromotion287 − NTA- that is an extreme request. It is way overboard. She is not ready to marry you.
gastropod43 − NTA. She is not ready to marry you. After 3 years, she may never be ready.
Kep63 − Ok…I’m a widow of 12 years and this just isn’t right. I understand she may want a memory of him with her but…pictures of him in pictures of you two is just wrong on many levels!! There are many inconspicuous ways of having him with her.
You are 100% right for postponing your wedding and possibly canceling it too. My thoughts are she isn’t ready to move on yet. Why I don’t know she needs some counseling to find out or some deep soul searching.
Nightwish1976 − NTA. A wedding is supposed to be a celebration of things to be, not of dead spouses.
FactBearsEatBeetss − NTA. This is weird. We had a memorial table in the entrance of our reception for photos of deceased loved ones.
I don’t think it would be odd or disrespectful to have a memorial table and include her dead partner there. But wanting his photo to be held by a bridesmaid, photographed in your couple’s photos, and placed at the head table is a lot.
NotShockedFruitWeird − NTA. I’ve heard of honoring dead parents but not dead spouses…
AggravatingOwl6405 − That’s weird as hell she’s probably trying to do some ritual and possess you with his spirit I would run
Affectionate-Jury300 − This is fake. Here is the OP’s posting history from earlier this month. “Am I wrong for not revealing that I was engaged before?” – last week
“WIBTAH for breaking up with my gf because she liked that I wasn’t experienced?” – last week. “AITAH for ignoring my friend after she ghosted me for 3 months after we slept together?” – last week
WaryScientist − NTA… it’d be one thing to have a candle lit for him or something, but to make the start of your union be all about him is a huge red flag 🚩. The fact that she doesn’t care about your feelings in the matter is also a red flag… yikes
Free-Place-3930 − NTA. Call it off and thank karma for showing you this and GTFO.
Do you think the Redditor’s feelings are valid given the unique circumstances, or should he be more understanding of his fiancée’s wishes to honor her late husband? How would you handle balancing new commitments with memories from the past? Share your thoughts below!