AITAH for not taking the fall when my wife farted?


One Reddit user shares a humorous yet awkward situation from a dinner party that escalated quickly. While enjoying a meal with friends, the user’s wife accidentally lets out a loud fart, leading to embarrassment and an unexpected fallout.

As the laughter ensued, the user found himself in a tough spot: should he take the fall for his wife’s gaseous slip or let her handle the embarrassment on her own? The evening ended with tension in the car ride home, as the wife expressed her disappointment that he didn’t cover for her. Read the full story below to see how this couple navigates a classic moment of marital embarrassment.


‘ AITAH for not taking the fall when my wife farted?’

Me (38M) and wife (36F) were out at a dinner party with a large group of friends. Everything was going well and we were having a great time until my wife farted really loud.
I was sitting next to her at the time and pretended nothing happened and quickly started talking in order to change the topic/direction of people’s thoughts.


It was too late though. One of the idiots at the dinner started laughing and offcourse my wife got very embarrassed. She tried to act dumb and said what are you laughing at? The other guy said to her, “nothing wrong with letting one go” (edit: he didn’t have the intention of comforting her) I promptly told him off and he apologized for that comment.

My wife said “I didn’t let anything go. It was Jack (name has been changed) that farted”. I kinda froze and hesitated at that moment and everyone knew it was her after that. If I took the blame they would probably have believed me. It didn’t help that the fart smelt really bad.


She was different the rest of the night and just wanted to go home after this. After about 2 hours we left. On the way home she Expressed her disappointment and anger towards me for not taking the fall for her. She said “You should have said it was you”.

In hindsight I probably should have but it’s hard to think quick on your feet when under pressure. I thought I did pretty well by trying to talk about something else. Anyway she was in tears and extremely embarrassed. She is upset at me for not taking the blame.. What do you guys think?


Here’s how people reacted to the post:

[Reddit User] −  FINALLY, MY KINDA POST. nta

diamondlion669 −  Lmao this is hilarious I don’t know how she is calling you an a**hole she literally tried to throw you under the bus like I know you don’t care but your her husband and she was trying to make you feel embarrassed and crappy NTA


Slowthar −  This may be the most literal “Not the A**hole” ever.. See what I did there?

Careless_League_9494 −  Definitely NTA. If anything your wife is for trying to pin it on you.


[Reddit User] −  NTA. I would’ve said to her, “It’s a wonder you didn’t rocket ship out of your chair!’ and laughed. My boyfriend once farted REALLY REALLY loud in the middle of the night. Instead of saying gross I sat up and shouted, “ARE WE UNDER ATTACK?!” and we both broke out in laughter.

goosepills −  I think farts are funny, she needs to lighten up


FeistyMuttMom −  NTA. She made it way worse than it needed to be. Just make a joke about barking spiders and move on.

Super_Inspector_9186 −  Did she wake up the dead with that fart ? I mean how bad was it? Lmao people fart all the time… did George Washington jump off the dollar bill when he heard it? NTA


AspectFearless7808 −  Your wife Insecure much? 😂 it’s a fart. She needs to get a stick out of her ass

irishgambin0 −  Me (38M) and wife (36F) were out at a dinner party with a large group of friends. Everything was going well and we were having a great time until my wife farted really loud. lmao. just to paint you a picture i just finished up work at the bar&restaurant i work at and sitting down at the bar having a drink.


i didn’t even make it past this paragraph before i busted out laughing so loud the whole bar, my manager, and the rest of the staff looked at me. i haven’t even read the rest of this post yet and this is the funniest thing i’ve read on this g**damn site. 😂😂😂 edit: NTA i guess, f**k it idk. i’m dead.

Have you ever found yourself in a similar situation where you had to choose between loyalty and honesty? What would you have done in this scenario? Share your thoughts in the comments below!


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One Comment

  1. Jennie C. 2 months ago

    His initial instinct (changing the subject) was spot-on. If someone farts, the polite thing to do (for everyone) is to ignore it. It’s an involuntary physical act, and there are 3 things to be done in the case of those: 1) Say “excuse me,” which is basically for burping and coughing, 2) being the recipient of “Bless you,” for sneezing, and 3) ignoring it entirely (farts).

    Of course, if you can blame a dog, that can be funny, but still, 3 is the correct option.