AITAH for not giving my twin sister (20F) half my college fund after she got expelled AND crashed my car?


A Redditor shared their frustration after their twin sister’s reckless behavior turned into a family dispute. The sister was expelled from college after a wild dorm party, then totaled the Redditor’s car after taking it without permission. Now, their parents are pressuring them to share their college fund to help the sister start fresh. Refusing to sacrifice their own future plans, the Redditor is being called selfish and is left wondering if they’re in the wrong. Read the full story below…


‘ AITAH for not giving my twin sister (20F) half my college fund after she got expelled AND crashed my car?’

So my twin and I (both 20F) have separate college funds from our grandparents. The plan was for us to graduate debt free, but my sister decided to throw the most chaotic party of the year in her dorm. Like, full-on frat house energy—beer pong on the RA’s desk, someone peed in the closet, campus security showed up with backup. She got expelled the next day.

My parents were upset but then flipped and were like, mistakes happen, shes still figuring things out. Cool, whatever. But THEN, she took my car (without asking) to “clear her head” and wrapped it around a mailbox trying to avoid a squirrel. The car is totaled.


Now my parents are saying I should share my college fund so she can start fresh at community college, and Im like… no? Im already working part time and trying to transfer to my dream school next year. Meanwhile, shes at home, bingeing Love Island and yelling at me for not helping her.

Shes calling me a bad sister, my parents think Im selfish, but I dont feel bad. Like, how is this my problem? AITAH?


These are the responses from Reddit users:

RavenclawEC −  NTA and do everything you can to protect your money! Ignore your parents requests or comments, if they are willing to ask you for YOUR money, when she is the sole responsable of what is happening to her, you cannot trust them and need to stay away…

Snackinpenguin −  She got her own college fund. She made poor choices. She doesn’t get to now depend on you to fund her “re-do”. Stand firm on that money being only for you. Your parents are enabling her and essentially saying it’s okay to make poor decisions because your sister will step up to find it. Who’s paying for the new car? You? If so? You’re already having to foot that cost. NTA.


glimmerseeker −  This sounded fake so I checked your profile. Yup. Someone needs attention. 🥱 YTA.

Global_Thought_6252 −  NTA – OP protect your money at all costs. Move it to another account if your parents have ever had access to that account as I’ve read too many stories of parents raiding accounts from their children, and get the police involved regarding your sisters theft of your car and crashing it. Your now down a car as a result of her actions. Your insurer is almost certainly going to insist that you get the police involved regarding this incident. Edited for spelling and grammer.


deflom −  NTA, why don‘t your parents help her out financially?

Mother_Search3350 −  Tell her to fvck off and get her frat friends that she was partying with to pony up the money.  Tell your parents they have one of two choices.  They muzzle their wild dog and stop annoying you, or you go to the cops and report that she stole your car so the insurance can pay for a replacement.


While you are at it, make sure you lock your credit so she doesn’t take out any loans in your name or fraudulently have you as a co signer.  Put those college funds in an account your parents can’t access.. Preferably with a different bank from theirs. . NTAH.

Big_lt −  This story does not add up on a lot of levels.
– the party: okay massive dorm party. The RA just being totally cool with that s**t would make him lose his free housing. Expelled sure, but in 1 day my ass. It takes time to do cusory reviews and have a meeting with the student and the dean.


– the car: she wrapped a car around mail box? Unless this mailbox is made of titanium and bolted to the earth it would be destroyed. The car would have some nice damage but to say it’s totalled would indicate this car was worth less than a grand.
– your parents: I can’t speak for them but I can’t believe they’d just flip and be like cool yea no prob, expelled, destroyed car you get the remaining money yep yea.

– the actual college fund: if she was expelled they only take the current semester they are not taking extra money. Where did all this money go if you still have a majority of yours? I don’t care how ‘epoc’ this dorm room party is/was it’s not topping tens of thousands of dollars.


Do you think the Redditor was right to prioritize their own education, or should they have helped their sister despite her mistakes? How would you handle a situation where family expectations clash with personal goals? Share your thoughts and advice in the comments below!

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One Comment

  1. Jmax3578 3 months ago

    NTA your sisters poor choices are hers alone. Your parents should not have the audacity to ask you to share your college fund. You didn’t make those poor choices. She did. And she will never learn how to be responsible for the choices she makes if your parents allow this to happen. Sounds like your sister is headed down a dark road and needa to start taking accountability before it spirals further out of control than it already is. But you are both legal age adults and her problems are NOT your problems. If your parents don’t back off of you then I would be distancing myself. You don’t need that .