AITAH for not forgiving my addict brother? (Update)?

A Reddit user shared a heartbreaking story of discovering that their college savings fund, built by their grandparents, had been drained to fund their addict brother’s treatments without their knowledge.
After confronting their parents and brother, the grandparents stepped in to cover the college costs by selling land and cutting ties with the parents and sibling. While the user feels relief, they’re also grappling with the emotional fallout of being ostracized by their family. Read the full story below to see how the situation unfolded.
‘ AITAH for not forgiving my addict brother? (Update)?’
I am going to college in January, and was signing up for classes when my parents kept trying to tell me starting in the Fall, which I thought was weird. I had already put off going to college for a year, and didn’t want to wait an longer.
After a bit of pressuring, I got them to finally admit it: the college savings fund, 130K, was gone. It had gone into Ethan’s treatments years ago, and had less than 200 dollars in it, and they wanted me to wait a little longer before going to school so they can start contributing to it again.
How? How were they going to do that? I pointed out they were flat broke, and were never going to put anything towards helping me. I lost it. I mean, lost it-lost it. I screamed at them, called them thieves, and stormed out of the house. I was crying, completely devastated and drove around for hours.
I kept going until m,y car ran out of gas. I felt like a complete i**ot sitting there in the middle of the night, on the side of the road and out of gas. I had to call my grandparents to come and get me.
They were both concerned when they got me, this was something I had never done before, and I explained to them about the college fund, and how it was gone. I felt immature and so stupid for storming out.
My grandparents were very angry, and after getting my car gassed up, they followed me home and had a conversation with my parents. Ethan tried to talk to me, telling me how he appreciated me trying to help him. I told him they had stolen that money, it was never offered for him. And as far as I was concerned, they were just as bad as he was.
My grandparents came back out of the living room, and my parents looked really upset, my mom was even crying. My grandfather took me to my room, and told me that he was going to make sure my college was covered, and he was going to make everything right.
That was a few weeks ago, and now my parents and brother won’t even speak to me. I managed to get more information out of my grandmother. She told me that THEY were the ones that started the college fund, and all of the money in there was what they had contributed.
They were going to be selling a plot of land they were going to be giving my parents in their will, and were liquidating a fund they ahd set aside for Ethan. That was the big fight they had with my parents, and that was the reason that no one was talking to me. They had cut my parents and brother off.
I don’t know how I feel about this. I know its relief, but I had that I am being iced out, and I can’t wait to get myself and St. George the Protector out of this house. I’ll be moving in with my grandparents after the holidays since they live close to the university I will be going to. So that’s where I am at now, and I am hoping I can make it to after the holidays.
Here’s what Redditors had to say:
SolitaryTeaParty − NTA, but Ethan AND your parents are both unworthy of forgiveness in my opinion. THEY were the ones who ultimately took the college fund money to use for Ethan’s treatments, not Ethan himself (though he has hurt you in many other ways). No one in that house has done right by you, and I’m very happy that your grandparents are stepping up and helping secure the future your parents jeopardized.
Comfortable-Focus123 − NTA at all. Your parents and Ethan have no right to be angry or upset – they basically stole money intended for you by your grandparents. The fact that that Ethan is not speaking to you shows that he has not truly recovered from his addictions, as he is not making amends to you. Good luck in your future.
Con4America − NTA. Go NC with your parents and brother. I imagine your grandparents are changing their will to leave everything to you. Don’t every help your parents or brother and never give them a penny from the trust or inheritance.
Temporary_Alfalfa686 − Nta wow….they are mad at you for just trying to go to school and revealing how they really feel about you
MyFriendsCallMeEpic − good on the grandparents. as for your parents, all actions have their consequences.
KateNotEdwina − Love your grandparents! ❤️
HenyoDies − NTA. Continue with your life. If it means going NC with them, then you should.. Update
Liu1845 − They used YOUR college fund, but not the fund for Ethan? They deserve to be cut off.. NTA
Nani65 − I am so, so sorry, OP. I can’t imagine how betrayed you feel.
Sajem − NTA at all. As far as the inheritance your parents *thought* they were getting – they FAFO. That’s the thing about an inheritance – It’s only an inheritance *after* someone dies, while they are alive it’s their savings and/or investments
Was it fair for the grandparents to take such drastic measures to support the Redditor, or should there have been a middle ground? How would you handle discovering such a betrayal, especially when family relationships are at stake? Share your opinions and experiences in the comments below!