AITAH for not attending my sister’s wedding after she used my baby name for her dog?


A Reddit user shares her heartbreak over her sister Emma using her dream baby name, Lila, for her dog. The name holds deep sentimental value, as it honors their late grandmother and has been her choice for years.

Now expecting a daughter after a difficult journey, the Redditor feels hurt and humiliated by her sister’s dismissive attitude, especially when family members mock the name’s association with the dog.


With tensions escalating, she’s reconsidering her role as maid of honor at Emma’s wedding, feeling unsupported and disrespected. Read the full story below.


‘ AITAH for not attending my sister’s wedding after she used my baby name for her dog?’

I (29F) am married to my husband (31M), and we’re currently expecting our first child after years of trying. It’s been a really emotional journey—there were some fertility struggles, a miscarriage last year, and honestly, we weren’t sure if we’d ever get here. But now I’m six months along with a healthy baby girl, and we’re over the moon.

Ever since I was a teenager, I’ve had a favorite name: Lila. It’s my dream name for a daughter, and I’ve talked about it so many times that my whole family knows it’s “my” name. It has a special meaning to me—my late grandmother was named Delilah, and it’s my way of honoring her.


My husband loves the name too, so we decided pretty early on that this would be our baby girl’s name. Six months ago, my younger sister Emma (27F) got a golden retriever puppy. We were all excited for her—she’s always been an animal lover and was thrilled to finally get her own dog.

But when she introduced us to the puppy, she casually said, “This is Lila!” At first, I thought she was joking. I even laughed and said, “No way, Emma. You know that’s my baby name!” But she just shrugged and said, “It’s a name, not a copyright. I thought it was cute for a dog.” I was honestly stunned.


I didn’t want to make a big scene, so I let it go in the moment, but it really bothered me. As time went on, the whole family started referring to her dog as “Lila,” and it’s become the default association.

At my baby shower last month, I was talking to some family members about the nursery, and when I mentioned naming the baby Lila, my aunt literally laughed and said, “You’re not actually naming your baby after Emma’s dog, right?” I felt humiliated. I tried to brush it off, but the more I think about it, the more it hurts.


I finally sat Emma down privately and told her how I was feeling. I explained how important the name is to me, how it’s tied to Grandma, and how much it means to me after everything we’ve been through to have this baby.

Emma rolled her eyes and said, “Oh my god, you’re seriously still mad about this? It’s just a dog’s name. You don’t own Lila.” I told her that while I’m still going to name my daughter Lila, she’s made it really awkward for me. She laughed and said, “Awkward for you, not for me!”


Now, Emma is getting married in two weeks, and I’m supposed to be her maid of honor. But I’ve been feeling more and more like I can’t do it. I don’t want to stand up there and celebrate her when I feel like she doesn’t respect me or care about my feelings.

Last week, I told her that I wasn’t sure I could attend the wedding because of how hurt I’ve been about everything. She lost it. She called me selfish and accused me of “ruining her big day” over something as “stupid” as a name. She even told me, “You’re the one making this a thing. Nobody cares except you.”


My parents are siding with her, saying I’m being “petty and hormonal” and need to let it go because “family is more important than a name.” My husband, on the other hand, is furious. He says Emma has been dismissive and mean, and I shouldn’t have to put my feelings aside just to keep the peace.

Now I feel torn. I know skipping her wedding is a huge deal, and I don’t want to cause a permanent rift, but I also feel like Emma has completely dismissed my feelings and made this whole situation worse. AITAH for not attending her wedding?


Here’s what people had to say to OP:

IAmKicky −  Get a pet snake, call her Emma

chillcroc −  This is my parents and me- she doesn’t hate you, you just don’t matter.


Good_Ad6336 −  You know what you have to do right? Get a dog and name it after sis 😈

carose59 −  If family were more important than a name, Emma would have named her dog something else.


angelicak92 −  If family is more important than a name why didn’t she change the dogs name as soon as she realised you were not okay with it? She did it on purpose and she’s your parents golden child. Just dont go to the wedding and let her sort her own mess out. Nta

MeAndMyKites −  My son has the same name as my brother’s dog. Give it a couple years and there will only be one of them. 


andyroo776 −  Call your daughter Delilah. Honour your grandmother. Dogs last 10 to 13 years. Buy a dog and call it Emma. Or any other name that may annoy her. Make sure you mention and honour your grandmother in your MOH speech.. Good luck

themellowidiot −  Now I feel torn. I know skipping her wedding is a huge deal, and I don’t want to cause a permanent rift.
This is how your “family” is stepping over you like a mat.


MethodMaven −  Name your baby Lila (lovely name). The dog will be dead in 15 years or less, at which time the name will be exclusively your daughters. Go to the wedding to keep the peace. Interact minimally – blame it on your pregnancy. Then, go LC with everyone who has given you grief over this.

This will also ensure that Lila grows up without A-Holes in your family making a big deal out of it. Oh, and I encourage you to adopt a cat and name it after your sister. Be sure to call “here, pussy, pussy Karla” – assuming sisters name is Karla – in front of her. You can bring up Karla’s cat litter issues when entertaining.


Or, maybe “You wouldn’t believe the hair ball Karla rucked up today…”. If she makes a stink, remind her it’s just a name, and she doesn’t own hers. (Because I’m petty this way) ETA: thank you to the person who gave this comment an award. My first!☺️

AliveRooster7904 −  Name your child Lila and when people say its weird you named her after a dog. Reply No, it’s weird the dog was named after my grandmother.


Do you think the Redditor is justified in skipping the wedding to protect her emotional well-being, or should she set aside her feelings for the sake of family harmony? Have you ever faced a situation where a loved one dismissed something deeply meaningful to you? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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One Comment

  1. Leo 2 months ago

    I hate to break this to you, but Lila is a super common name. It is not “your” name. You do not own it. There’s more than one dog named Lila at one of my dog’s agility club. In small group class, out of the 6 dogs there, one dog is named Leo. Guess what my name is! There’s been more than one time when our instructor has called out ‘Leo’ and we’ve been confused as to whether he was referring to me(human Leo) or the lady’s dog. They’ve made jokes about it here and there. I don’t own my name. I was named after something and it has meaning but when someone or something else shares my name, I just think “yeah it’s a pretty great name we have”. At the end of the day, it’s a name. Your sister is your sister and her wedding hopefully will only happen once. You say she’s dismissed your feelings but have you tried to see any other perspective? Or do you only care about how you feel regarding the name? If so, can you fault her? I think it would be worth it to try to sit down and come to a compromise. Are you prepared to potentially severe the relationship over this?