AITAH for loudly confronting my co-worker in front of everyone when she wrongfully believed I had groomed my wife?


A Reddit user shares the story of his confrontation with a coworker, Claire, who spread rumors based on her assumptions about his family. After learning about his wife’s age and his stepson, Claire wrongly assumed he had groomed his wife and started gossiping at work. The situation came to a head when he overheard her talking about him, leading to a public confrontation and a report to HR. Read the full story below.


‘ AITAH for loudly confronting my co-worker in front of everyone when she wrongfully believed I had groomed my wife?’

I am 30 years old and male. My wife, Jessica, is 22. My wife has a seven-year-old son, Max, whom she had when she was 15 years old. The father, who was her boyfriend in junior high school (and is the same age as Jessica), actually left the state when he and his family learned that she was pregnant.

Jessica has no idea where he is, and since her family is well-off, she didn’t really need or care for his support. I met Jessica when she was 20, we dated for a year, and then got married when she was 21. I love Max and raise him as if he was my own son.


Last month, Max came to my workplace with Jessica in the early afternoon to surprise me with a lunch outing. As they waited for me to finish up a meeting, the front desk secretary, Claire, chatted with Jessica. I wasn’t there for the conversation, but Claire was stunned at how young Jessica looked, and Jessica said she was 22.

Apparently Claire did a bit of napkin math and came to the following conclusions: (1) Jessica is 22 and I am 30, (2) Max is seven, (3) that means Jessica and I had Max when she was 15 and I was 23. Apparently, from that day on, Claire began gossiping about this.


I had no idea what was going on, but I did notice that Claire abruptly changed her attitude towards me, glaring when she thought I wasn’t looking or rolling her eyes when I talked to other people.

Well, today at work, when I was in the bathroom washing my hands, I overheard Claire gossiping with a new hire about my “underaged wife” outside the door by the water cooler. I left the bathroom and then walked up behind Claire.


She turned around and looked like a deer in the headlights at me, and so I announced (loudly), “Hi Claire. You see, I’m not Max’s biological father. In all of your gossping to other people, you forgot to consider the most obvious possibility, which was that I am his stepfather. I will, by the way, be reporting you to HR for this.”

I headed directly to HR and explicitly told them what Claire had said, and the manager (a fellow gossip friend of Claire’s) asked if I really wanted to escalate over something so small. I said yes. She then told me Claire is a single mother and relies on this job, and that I shouldn’t have embarrassed her in front of the office like that.


I insisted on filing a report. After calming down a bit, I feel kind of bad about what I did. Claire cried at her desk and left early. Was I an a**hole to approach the issue that way?

Here’s how people reacted to the post:

YellowBeastJeep −  NTA- she basically called you a pedophile. If she cared that much about her job, perhaps she might have gotten all her facts straight before she started gossiping about you. Absolutely escalate this!


Sebscreen −  NTA. You can go ahead and add the manager to your HR complaint too. On top of tanking your career, accusations of grooming are life-ending. Gather evidence and present an assertive case to HR.

Gideon9900 −  NTA. What an HR h**ocrite. You embarrassed her in public? WTF does he think she was doing? She was claiming OP was a pedo. I am in a very similar boat, different ages. I’m 10 months older than my wife. She had her first at age 15. I entered the picture a few years later. So, I’m only 16 years older than my step daughter.


I was the stay at home parent for many years as the kids were getting older. I took my oldest in for her first appointment for birth control when she was 14 due to period complications. The doctor entered the room and wrongfully assumed, and heavily questioned me onto why a man is bringing an underage girl in for birth control. Doctor started getting loud until I snapped back at her that I’m the father. She was awfully quiet for the remainder of the appointment.

ThePensiveE −  NTA. She repeatedly accused you to everyone who would listen of being a criminal and a predator. She might have a kid, sure, but she didn’t think anything of the toll it might take on your kid if you were, for instance, fired (to which you’d have a great claim for a defamation lawsuit against her as well).


Remarkable_Buyer4625 −  NTA – Since when is starting a (false) rumor that someone is a pedophile in the workplace something “small”?!!! The manager has lost her mind (or is trying to gaslight you). You should have told the manager that it was either report her to HR or sue her for defamation. Btw – Claire could have *apologized* to you when you told her that she was wrong instead acting like *she* was the victim in this situation.

Foreign-Onion-3112 −  NTA Claire was unprofessional by glaring at you and spreading malicious gossip; she wanted the whole office to think you are a predator who likes underaged girls. The HR person who criticized you for embarrassing her in front of the office is a h**ocrite for accusing you of exactly what Claire did.


Absolutely be ready to address how the HR person tried to protect her friend from the consequences of her actions. Undue influence and abuse of authority is frowned upon, I’m sure.

Jazzlike_Adeptness_1 −  Imagine this :  A person/coworker hears Claire’s theory. They later leave the company and never hear that max is a stepson. That person now believes that OP is a pedophile.  OP applies for a job where former coworker works. Ex coworker repeats what they heard. OP doesn’t get the job. . This  can follow OP forever. 


Busybody Claire did this to herself. She deserves whatever happens to her. And she deserves to lose her job. And when she’s fired, the company needs to take steps to restore OP’s reputation. HR person who tried to get OP to drop it needs a serious looking at as well. . What a friggin nightmare. 

paul_arcoiris −  You shouldnt overthink. Sometimes people need to take their lesson from life and this only happen by experimenting it. So, you didnt overreact in my view, you were right to set up your boundaries clearly and vocally. Actually, i even feel you shouldnt have given her all this justification. She was just being mean and knew very well what she was doing.


The fact that your HR/manager reacted like they did is much more concerning. That suggests that HR/manager’s being manipulated by that person, and that also indicates that HR/manager tried to manipulate you. Be aware that this is probably only the start, and you might have other problems in this somewhat unhealthy working environment.

Imaginary-Yak-6487 −  NTA. She ran her mouth about you & made a pretty big leap. She could have seriously damaged your professional & personal life with her big f**king mouth. Push this with hr.. FAFO.


avatarjulius −  NTA. Being called/branded a pedophile is big deal. And the fact that the manager tried to bury the incident means you should file a report against her as well.

Was he justified in handling the situation this way, or could he have approached it more discreetly? How would you have addressed a similar rumor in your workplace? Share your thoughts below!


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  1. Chris 3 months ago

    I think this was perfectly handled, without shame and very publicly. Claire is now dealing with the “FO” portion of FAFO. If she’s a single mother who needs her job, maybe she should keep her ******* mouth closed, make sure she knows what the truth is, and not slander her co-workers? Wouldn’t that make sense, lazy-ass coddling HR manager?

  2. KJ 2 months ago

    HR wants to protect the company . That’s why he doesn’t want him to pursue this. Would be this way even if not a friend. I’ve seen it.