AITAH for letting my perpetually late boyfriend miss a game he was excited about because I didn’t remind him to hurry up?

A Reddit user (27F) has grown tired of always being the one to manage her perpetually late boyfriend’s (28M) schedule, especially after years of him brushing off her concerns. Recently, she decided to stop reminding him to hurry up and let him manage his own time.
When he got distracted on the day of a game he was excited about, they ended up leaving late and missing most of the first quarter. He blamed her for not reminding him, accusing her of sabotaging the plans out of spite.
While she maintains it was his responsibility to stay on track. Friends are divided, with some saying she should have helped him out. Read the full story below to judge for yourself.
‘ AITAH for letting my perpetually late boyfriend miss a game he was excited about because I didn’t remind him to hurry up?’
My boyfriend (28M) and I (27F) have been together for a few years, and he’s notorious for being late to things we plan together. He tends to get caught up in whatever he’s doing (usually something with his car or playing a game) and loses track of time.
Normally, I remind him multiple times about the timing so we don’t miss events, which sometimes makes me feel more like a manager than a girlfriend. I’ve tried to talk to him about it, explaining that it’s tiring always being the one to keep us on schedule, but he laughs it off and says he “just runs on his own time.”
It’s reached a point where I plan an hour ahead just so we don’t end up late. Recently, I decided to stop reminding him and let him handle it himself. Last weekend, he got tickets to a big game he was thrilled about.
We’d been talking about it for weeks, but I had told him a couple of times I wouldn’t be “nagging” him to get ready anymore. Well, when game day came, he got distracted again, this time tweaking something on his car, which was running “perfectly” fine.
I casually mentioned it was getting late, but I didn’t keep at it or hurry him along. We ended up leaving much later than planned and missed most of the first quarter, which he’d been looking forward to. He was upset and blamed me, saying I should have told him sooner if I noticed we were running late.
I reminded him I’d already made it clear I wasn’t going to be responsible for his time management anymore. This led to a big argument where he accused me of “sabotaging” his plans out of spite.
We haven’t talked much since. Now, he’s told a few of our friends, and some of them agree with him that I should have just “helped him out” for something he really cared about. AITAH for letting him deal with the timing himself and not reminding him to hurry up?
These are the responses from Reddit users:
Shichimi88 − Nta. It’s called a clock and a timer. Your bf should use it.
DazzlingPotion − Geesh, are you his girlfriend or his mother? This guy sounds very immature. NTA
gudematcha − Didn’t we just get the same exact story here maybe a week or two ago? Except it was gender switched and it was a husband not reminding his wife of a concert instead. Like down to the phrasing too.
chrisbrady2018 − NTA…How does a 28 yo “adult” blame someone else for their own slack time-management skills?!
tiny-pest − Nta.. Tell him. I am not your mother. If you can get to your job on time, then you damn well as an adult can get to things you want or plan to do on time. Its not my responsibility or pleasure to have to treat you like a 10 year old who then throws a tantrum i don’t mommy them.
So grow up and be a man and take care of your own time. It’s not like alarms are not a thing. I have better things to do than baby you, and BTW, it’s very unappealing to have to treat you like a kid. Much less be expected to cater to your own sstupidity.
Past_Can_7610 − Didn’t we read this exact story. Almost word for word but the genders were reversed and it was a concert?? I swear I remember that.
Aromatic-Leopard-600 − You’re not his mother. You’re his GF, not sure why though.
Georgia_Jay − You literally just stole the previous post from a few days ago where it was the husband doing this to the wife on her birthday… and I’m sure that one was fake then too. It’s almost verbatim. I swear most of this sub is just BS.
smokingspiders − I’ve read this exact story before but the roles were reversed
Ok-Chef-420 − This isn’t a new story. I read this recently on Reddit.
Do you think the Redditor was justified in letting her boyfriend manage his own time, or should she have stepped in to help since it was something important to him? How would you handle a partner who struggles with punctuality? Share your thoughts below!