AITAH for leaving in the middle of a date?


A man (33M) went on a date with a woman who arrived late, explaining she had just finished filming an adult video for her OnlyFans account. After she mentioned the explicit nature of the content and asked about his income, he decided to excuse himself, paid the current tab, and left the date.

She later messaged him, expressing how much she liked him, but he blocked her without further explanation. Now, he’s questioning whether he handled the situation poorly.


‘ AITAH for leaving in the middle of a date?’

I (33M) went on a date last night with a gal I had briefly been talking to. She was late for the date, which is fine, s**it happens. I asked her if everything was okay and she replied that she had just “finished up filming” and that’s why she was late. I asked her what sort of filming because I love films.


She gave me this obnoxious giggle and told me to subscribe to her OF if I wanted to see. I was a bit appalled. She went on to tell me how it was a MMF video (Male/Male/Female) and then proceeded to start asking my monthly income.

I excused myself to the bathroom, paid the tab for what was ordered, told them anything else she ordered is on her dime. Then I left. She messaged me later freaking out about me leaving and about how she really REALLY likes me. I just blocked her number. I don’t feel a need to explain myself.


It was a first date, I’m not into that, and she can obviously get someone else. AITAH?

Here’s what people had to say to OP:

jaylenabc ( Top 1 ) says


I’m so sorry this happened to you but my god this is hilarious.
“Sorry I was late; I was getting pounded on camera. How much do you make btw?”

MaryAnne0601 ( Top 2 ) says


NTA Just for asking your income on a first date alone!

Adventurous-Bee-1517 ( Top 3 ) says


NTA. “I’m late to our date because I was having a threesome” isn’t as good an excuse as she thinks.

lizzyote ( Top 4 ) says


Even if the OF/threesome right before your date wasn’t a deal breaker for you, even if you’re willing to overlook the invasive question about your income, your date started with trying to get you to buy from her. She started your date by treating you like a potential customer, not a date.

If it was some s**itty MLM she was trying to get you to buy, you’d still not be the a**shole for bailing asap.


IMxAxFAKE ( Top 5 ) says

100% NTA. I see why others say you’re the ass for dipping like that but I’m saying nah to them. She dropped a bomb shell on you about being fucked by 2 dudes right before your date. That on top of asking you your income on a first date. That’s a lot for anyone to process.


I’m sticking with bailing immediately even without saying anything was probably the best move. You paying for everything that was ordered was a nice move as well.

ExtraGravy- ( Top 6 ) says


NTA. Asking monthly income on first date is rude and shows her priorities are not you and won’t ever be you. You left as fast as possible which seems like the only wise move.

DjofullinnUlfur ( Top 7 ) says


Nah She was late. Disrespectful. Ambushed you with being a s**x worker. Literally just got done f**cking two other guys . Immediately asks you how much you make. You did the gentlemanly thing by paying the tab, avoid her at all costs.

RIPSunnydale ( Top 8 ) says


NTA. Sorry, not sorry, it’s straight up n**sty to show up to a first date and tell someone you just finished f*cking two guys at work. “s**x work is work!” Yes, and a LOT of people still consider it n**sty ‘work’ and are fully allowed to not hold the work, or it’s consumers, in high esteem.

I don’t care that you left her sitting. I wouldn’t want to have to try to nicely explain to her why I was completely turned off 5 minutes into the date, either, because–given her total lack of self-awareness–I doubt she’d have taken it well.


Ready for the downvotes! (While you’re downvoting, please reflect on the fact that you would NEVER, ever tell your own daughters/sons that they should go into s**x work.)

Realistic_Head4279 ( Top 9 ) says


NTA. Might have been nice to have said to her face that you needed to go, but I get where you were sort of grossed out and wanted out of there.

Expert_Row_7560 ( Top 10 ) says


NTA. I have done this a couple of times. If someone arrives late and proceeds to be rude, or make me uncomfortable, or is being s**lfish, I’ve excused myself to the toilet and then flee away like a bat out of hell. Just to two people who didn’t deserve a second more of my time.

Not every connection is meant to last, and setting boundaries is important. What do you think? Did he handle this right, or was there a better way? Share your thoughts in the comments!

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