AITAH for leaving in the middle of a date?

A man (33M) went on a date with a woman who arrived late, explaining she had just finished filming an adult video for her OnlyFans account. After she mentioned the explicit nature of the content and asked about his income, he decided to excuse himself, paid the current tab, and left the date.

She later messaged him, expressing how much she liked him, but he blocked her without further explanation. Now, he’s questioning whether he handled the situation poorly.

AITAH for leaving in the middle of a date?

I (33M) went on a date last night with a gal I had briefly been talking to. She was late for the date, which is fine, shit happens. I asked her if everything was okay and she replied that she had just “finished up filming” and that’s why she was late. I asked her what sort of filming because I love films. She gave me this obnoxious giggle and told me to subscribe to her OF if I wanted to see. I was a bit appalled. She went on to tell me how it was a MMF video (Male/Male/Female) and then proceeded to start asking my monthly income.

I excused myself to the bathroom, paid the tab for what was ordered, told them anything else she ordered is on her dime. Then I left.

She messaged me later freaking out about me leaving and about how she really REALLY likes me. I just blocked her number. I don’t feel a need to explain myself. It was a first date, I’m not into that, and she can obviously get someone else.


Here’s what people had to say to OP:

TheQuietOne9891 says:
I (33M) went on a date last night with a gal I had briefly been talking to. She was late for the date, which is fine, shit happens. I asked her if everything was okay and she replied that she had just “finished up filming” and that’s why she was late. I asked her what sort of filming because I love films. She gave me this obnoxious giggle and told me to subscribe to her OF if I wanted to see. I was a bit appalled. She went on to tell me how it was a MMF video (Male/Male/Female) and then proceeded to start asking my monthly income.

I excused myself to the bathroom, paid the tab for what was ordered, told them anything else she ordered is on her dime. Then I left.

She messaged me later freaking out about me leaving and about how she really REALLY likes me. I just blocked her number. I don’t feel a need to explain myself. It was a first date, I’m not into that, and she can obviously get someone else.


KonradWayne says:

“Sex work is work!” Yes, and a LOT of people still consider it nasty ‘work’ and are fully allowed to not hold the work, or it’s consumers, in high esteem.

And it’s really absurd that women try to pretend it’s unfair to not want to date sex workers when it’s so socially acceptable to judge a man’s eligibility based on dozens of different jobs.

Unknown User says:
At least he paid the bill. If I were a man and a date told me they couldn’t even be on time to our date because she was screwing other dudes and then after have the nerve to ask about my finances I would have left her with the bill

Unknown User says:
That’s what I think. He should have informed her that he’d lost interest, paid for his half of the bill and left. Would have been kinder.

Other than that he was bang on (pardon the pun) for leaving her. Can’t say I’d want to date a dude pounding women for money, either.

oxbison12 says:
NTA. Nobody wants to hear about how the girl they’re seeing was late because she was getting “spit-roasted” on a first date. I’m pretty sure that no ladies want to hear about how a man they’re seeing just got done with a mff threesome either.

Everyone has got a right to live life the way they want and make their money as they see fit, as long as they’re not hurting anyone else in the process.

It’s also the prerogative of anyone that person dates to not want to be involved with said person.

Tfuentexxx says:
I think what you did was the best solution. Giving her excuses or reasons would have been 100 times worse. Everything you had said, whatever nice, good, polite or logic would have been used against you. You would have been deemed the AH here and everywhere else. Be happy that you exit this mess mostly unscratched…

Hglucky13 says:
Maybe trying to avoid her potentially making a scene. She obviously has no filter or shame, who knows what she might have done if confronted with rejection. I’m not saying sneaking out is GREAT, but I totally understand where OP was coming from.

yellaochre says:
NTA!!!!!! She put you in a very uncomfortable position. You don’t owe her any thing. If a man showed up late because he was “filming a threesome”, I’d get up and leave too. She didn’t respect your time and only wants your $$ or for you to subscribe so she can make $$. IMO ghosting is totally acceptable given her behavior. No more words needed to be exchanged. No explanation needed. Congrats on dodging that bullet.