AITAH for getting upset at my husband for inviting people to a house we were invited to?

A Reddit user shared a story about a disagreement with their husband. The user’s mom invited their small family over for soup at her house, intending for a quiet evening since she works nights. However, the husband invited the user’s sister and her child without asking the mom first, hoping the cousins could spend time together. This led to a conflict as the user felt it was inappropriate to invite others to someone else’s house without permission. Was the user right to be upset? Read the full story below.
‘ AITAH for getting upset at my husband for inviting people to a house we were invited to?’
The other day, my mom called and invited me, my husband, and our daughter over for dinner. She had made some soup and wanted us to come over and enjoy it together. The plan was simple: we’d eat, chat a bit, and leave early so my mom could rest since she works night shifts and needed sleep.
Everything was fine until my husband decided to call my sister and invite her and her daughter over to my mom’s house as well. He thought it would be a nice opportunity for our daughter to spend time with her cousin.
When he told me about it, I got really upset. I felt like it was rude of him to invite other people to my mom’s house without checking with her first. To me, it seemed like he might have put her in an uncomfortable position since she hadn’t invited my sister in the first place.
For context, there’s absolutely no issue between my husband and my sister—it’s nothing like that. He genuinely just wanted the kids to have some time together. But I still feel like he should have asked my mom before making that decision. So, AITA for getting upset with him over this?
Here’s what people had to say to OP:
TrueJ3di − Not at all, he should have checked it’s not his house! If I invited someone round and they invited others without me knowing I’d be pissed!
IllustriousKey4322 − You absolutely do not invite your own guests to another persons event unless the host is consulted and approves. Thats also extremely weird. Why is your husband so concerned about your sister, especially if her own mother didn’t invite her. Like you were just stopping for soup… why did he need to call her? Are they always in such contact?
StargazingLilia_1998 − He should have asked . It’s not his house to invite anyone, regardless if they are family.
_s1m0n_s3z − Yes, that is being a s**tty guest. Smack his wrist. NTA. He may come from a household where ‘family is always welcome’, but this was *your* mother, who may not have that attitude. Likely not, judging by OP’s appalled reaction.
SoMoistlyMoist − I would like to know what kind of i**ot thinks it’s okay to invite other people along to an event that they themselves have been invited to unless it’s an Open Door party? I’m sorry your husband is a thoughtless m**on.
zoehoneybabe − You’re **NTA** for being upset, but it seems like it was an honest mistake on your husband’s part. I get why you’re frustrated—he invited people to your mom’s house without checking with her first, which could have put her in an awkward position. It’s always important to respect the host’s boundaries and plans, even if the intent was good.
That said, it might have been better to express your frustration in a calm way, letting him know why you felt uncomfortable. Ideally, it would’ve been a conversation before the invites went out, but it sounds like a misunderstanding, not something malicious. You both probably need to talk it through and make sure you’re on the same page next time.
Eastern_Condition863 − NTA, but your husband is clueless. What if your mother only had enough soup for you guys? What if the sister now feels some type of way about not being initially invited? He put your mom in a tough spot.
Why would he automically get on the phone to YOUR sister without evening asking you if it was cool?
Square-Minimum-6042 − He called *your* sister to invite her to your mom’s house? Why did he think this was his place? Odd.
Recent_Body_5784 − I think some men don’t know where food comes from. Like they think you’ll just come up with more.
notryksjustme − So why did he REALLY want your sister there? Did they spend any “alone” time while you supervised the kids eating? Sounds sus to me.