AITAH for getting the groom’s brother’s wife’s mother uninvited from a destination wedding after she already arrived?

A Reddit user shared their experience of uninviting their sister-in-law’s mother from a destination wedding after her behavior at the rehearsal dinner added unnecessary drama.
The mother later demanded reimbursement for her expenses, blaming the bride for ruining her trip. Was this an overreaction or a justified boundary? Read the full story below.
‘ AITAH for getting the groom’s brother’s wife’s mother uninvited from a destination wedding after she already arrived? ‘
My (33F) husband’s (35M) brother’s wife was talking s**t about my husband at our rehearsal dinner and saying really inappropriate things. She was causing a lot of drama that night and my friends kept coming up to tell me what was going on.
After sister-in-law caused all this drama, her mother had the nerve to come up to ME and tell ME that I need to stop causing all this drama. She asks me why I hate her daughter – which I don’t – and then she looks me up and down, tells me that my outfit is cute, smiles and walks away.
Later in the night I saw sister-in-law, mother, and mother’s date bickering together and then turning around and glaring at me. That made me realize, that was not the vibe I wanted at our wedding.
My husband texted his parents explaining what had happening and they told us we should uninvite both of them and that they’d back us up. We ended up uninviting the mother and tried to keep the peace by letting sister-in-law keep her invite.
Four days after we get home from our wedding and honeymoon, my husband got an email from SIL’s mother asking him to reimburse her for all of her wedding expenses and going off about me and how I’m an a**hole for getting her uninvited from our destination wedding when she was already there.. So, am I the a**hole?
Let’s dive into the reactions from Reddit:
KrofftSurvivor − NTA – The mother of an SIL was lucky to be invited in the 1st place – complaining about the groom, and trying to lecture the bride?!?. Yikes & hell no. Absolutely kick her to the curb.
Ok-Complex5075 − NTA. This is a mess but it’s not your mess. How did your brother-in-law’s mother-in-law and her boyfriend even end up on the guest list at your destination wedding in the first place?
Flashy_Bridge8458 − Nta. She wouldn’t have wasted her money if she hadn’t been acting like a j**k. She should have behaved like she paid to be there.
[Reddit User] − INFO: the drama.
Alarming_Pop9759 − No more events or activities with SIL’s family for sure! Hard enough to deal with her!
Aware_Welcome_8866 − How did you uninvite them? Did you make it clear it was bc they were saying n**ty things about you and hubs? Bc really, who tolerates any guest who badmouths the hosts?
Gnarly_314 − NTA, but I wonder what set your SIL off initially. Is she just the sort to sneer at others and pick fault, or had there been a falling out earlier? Whichever, they sound like miserable people.
Dittoheadforever − You’re NTA. She deserved getting booted out. Why the hell was she even invited? I’d as soon invite my *father’s brother’s nephew’s cousin’s former roommate* to a wedding than a smack talking in-law’s in-law.
Any_Art_1364 − NTA, actions have consequences, though TBH I’d have uninvited SIL too, or at the very least warned her she was close to getting the boot and would be removed if she started acting out again.
I’d also have let her know you were aware of everything she had been saying about your husband, that lots of people had overheard her and were utterly disgusted by her, just to throw in a little humiliation. If MIL continues to ask for money tell her you both want compensation for the distress she and her daughter caused at the wedding
TentacleWolverine − I’m curious, what kind of stuff was the SIL saying? Edit: lol, found your other comment. Omg. NTA
Was the bride right to uninvite someone who disrupted the event, or should she have handled the situation differently since it was a destination wedding? How would you manage wedding drama in such a scenario? Share your thoughts below!