AITAH for getting an old lady’s car towed because she reported me to our property manager?


A Redditor recounts a dramatic confrontation with a new neighbor after getting reported for changing the oil on his car in the parking lot of his apartment complex. Despite knowing it wasn’t allowed, he felt justified in doing it since many others did the same.

When the neighbor—a self-described “Karen”—threatened to report him, he retaliated by reporting her husband’s car for having expired tags, leading to its towing. While his friends find the situation hilarious, others think he crossed a line, especially given the neighbor’s financial struggles. Now, he’s left questioning whether his actions were too extreme. Read the original story below to explore the full context.


‘ AITAH for getting an old lady’s car towed because she reported me to our property manager?’

I [25M] was doing on an oil change on my car in the back parking lot of my apartment complex. I wasn’t in anyone’s way and it takes maybe 30 minutes. I clean up after myself. It’s technically not “allowed” but who gives a f**k. I’m paying $3,000 a month. I’m not the only one who does it either.


I’ve seen others spending hours on their cars out there.Anyone, this older lady (idk 70s?) moved upstairs above me. She’s a Karen. Constantly in everyone’s business and complaining about the dumbest s**t. She walked all the way over to me with her crusty white dog and asked if I know it’s “against the rules” to do mechanics on your car in the lot.

I’m like “oh no I had no idea”. She angrily said she’ll report me and called me disrespectful. I just ignored her and finished up. I see her speed walking over to the property manager’s office. Next day I get a fine for $20 wedged in my door saying they received “an anonymous report” I was working on my car.


I was pissed off. The property manager, Dan (40’s ?M) has rode over on his golf cart to chat with me while I was working on it in the past. He’s very chill and doesn’t care about most of the policies unless you are committing a crime or actively disturbing the peace. He apologized said he unfortunately has to do it once someone puts in an official complaint, since his bosses will see it.

They’ll make a big stink if it’s not dealt with. He told me he personally doesn’t care. He suggested I to do it late at night when it’s past Karen’s bedtime. I was kinda fed up with her at this point. I asked if I can make an official report that “someone” has a car in the lot that has had expired tags for the last month.


(Karen’s husband’s car. He just just had surgery so they haven’t been able to get it renewed at the DMV I guess). Dan started laughing and was like “oh man really? that’s devious brother”. I said yeah put that s**t in. Our state gives the right for private property owners to tow any car with expired tags without notice.

The car was towed the same day and she flipped the f**k out. It was hilarious. The cherry on top was Dan informing her he couldn’t do anything because they had received an “official complaint”. I and a lot of neighbors are nosy and watched the whole debacle outside. I piped up and said it’s unfortunate how “some people need to learn to mind their own business and chill with the reporting”.


She started crying. Saying she doesn’t have the money get it back since it’s 300$ total. Too many bills with the surgery. Oops. I told my buddies. They think it’s hilarious, but I’ve also heard some of my friends call me a major a**hole and went too far since she’s old and taking care of her husband. They said 300$ was overkill when I was only fined 20$. Whatever.

I think she had it coming. She was constantly reporting people for the dumbest things. I mean she screamed at little kids for coloring chalk on the sidewalk since it’s “against the rules”. She also reported a teenager for keeping his bicycle on his balcony instead of the bike rack (it gets rusty out there with the rain).


He’s had is up there for years and never was a problem before she moved in. She’s been staying inside for the most part since, so no new reports have come in either. I kinda feel bad since she still hasn’t gotten the car out of the impound though.. AITAH? 

Here’s the comments of Reddit users:

UneasyFencepost −  NTA she plays stupid games and finally won the prize. It’s only 20 for you but how many of your neighbors also received $20 fines from her? That adds up quick so no your not the a**hole here she is don’t let anyone guilt you into that.


SweetieLoveBug −  From an old lady who has learned over the years to keep her nose out of everybody’s business I can officially tell you that YANTA! If nothing else she should have learned by now to befriend the nice guy who can do a little backyard maintenance on their own vehicle. Never know when you might need a favor from them. 🥰

Spineberry −  I was all kinds of ready to vote yes on this one, especially with the “I know I’m breaking the rules but who cares” attitude, but realistically communities only works when people look out for each other rather than trying to s**ew each other over, and it seems like this bird has no interest in being part of that community spirit, so she can’t really blame anyone but herself for this happening.


Maybe if she’d been a little less willing to kick up a stink for petty reasons the other residents might have been more willing to help her out with what I’m sure is a difficult time right now. So after a lengthy consideration I’m going to go against my first instinct and vote NTA

Poku115 −  NTA, if you don’t want to be reported for breaking the rules, don’t go around reporting someone else. It’s that simple.


No_Yogurtcloset_1020 −  Nta. Sure, there’s a difference, but she isn’t acting very neighborly by reporting everyone for not following stupid rules. She didn’t follow the rules either, so she had what’s coming. It sucks it wasn’t a $20 lesson, but it is what it is.

If your neighbor was in their 20s acting like this, everyone would tell you nta but just because she’s an elderly women, they think otherwise. She’s likely been this n**ty her whole life. Karma sucks.


HickoksTopGuy −  It’s not $300 for $20, it’s $300 for a lifetime of doing that sort of s**t and getting away with it.. NTA.

BoycottRedditAds2 −  Eventually her car will be available at a police auction. Buy the car and change the oil outside her apartment.


Cannabis_CatSlave −  NTA. She wanted to play petty games, she should have realized that others can play the same games better her. People in glass houses should not be throwing stones at others.

Character_Estate_744 −  I am so sick of hearing that senior citizens should be given a free pass for rude, obnoxious, disrespectful, or mean-spirited comments or behavior. Most people would tell children not to tattle on each other. There was absolutely no reason to “report” the guy working on his car. What goes around, comes around.


duskywindows −  Let me just say this but please keep reading: YTA… ***AND I F**KING LOVE IT.*** She was the a**hole first, so your assholery was simply in response to her. Was it a d**k move? Obviously, and you knew that. But was it justified and completely her fault for pushing you to be a d**k? ***100,000% MY GUY.

*** So, in the spirit of answering this one correctly in correspondence with my personal views, NTA. But in reality this was a total a**hole move that was still completely justified and I commend you for giving this crusty old b**ch a taste of her own medicine.


Do you think the Redditor was justified in getting back at his neighbor for her overzealous reporting, or did he go too far by causing financial strain on her? How would you handle a situation with a neighbor who constantly complains about trivial matters? Share your thoughts below!

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  1. Tor I. Pedersen 1 month ago

    I don’t like calling anyone an a–hole, so I won’t. I don’t think you did the right thing though. You did’nt have her car towed, you had his. As you have’nt mentioned him in this story at all, beyond mentioning that you had his car towed to get revenge on her, Im guessing he did’nt have anything thing to do with her actions.

  2. Sandra 2 weeks ago

    I’m a senior, at no time in my life have I have stuck my nose in somebody’s business. Just because you are aged does not give you licence to be a dobber. NTA

  3. Samantha 2 weeks ago

    NTA, it’s not like you were rebuilding an entire engine in the parking lot of the apartment complex, you were simply changing your oil. Secondly, you did exactly what she did and reported it to the office. How are you to know the office was going to have the car towed? Dan really could have given them a $20 fine and a warning notice that they had X amount of days to get the car up-to-date or it would be towed if anything Dan is the a**hole. But by the sounds of it, he is probably tired of this woman coming and complaining and him having to fine all of his residents that he’s never had a problem with before.