AITAH for ending things after he refused to buy me tampons?

A Redditor shared her experience of ending a relationship after her boyfriend refused to pick up period products for her, despite offering to help when she was feeling unwell. His response left her feeling disappointed and led to a breakup. Read the story below.

‘ AITAH for ending things after he refused to buy me tampons?’

I (27) F had Friday night date plans with my (28) M boyfriend. There were a few things I needed to do before driving the 35 minutes to his place to have our (dinner and movie). I had just got off of work and needed to shower, care for my pet, pack for the night and clean a bit before heading out.

Right before my shift ended I got my period (yay) and with that came super bad cramps, back pain, headache and all the fun period feelings that I didn’t expect and so I planned to head a nearby store the closer I got to his place to grab tampons and some period pads.

Right before I showered I get an ETA call from him. I tell him the time he should expect me and gave him a heads up that I’m not feeling too well. He offers sympathy, and then asks if there’s anything he can do to help me. I hesitate before I answer, because in the past he’s asked and l’ve said and nothing came of it.

I decided to just give it a shot and ask if he could run to the store since it’s about a two minute drive from his place to grab the items for me. I said I can send you the exact products I need which is about just three and also Venmo him. He chuckles and said “yeah no we can just go together to grab those things.” Im shocked and state “that would just be a waste. I’ll just run there myself.”

Some time later I finish my tasks, run to the store, grab my period products and head to his place. It’s once we’re sitting down later, that I asked him. Why didn’t he wanna grab the items for me after he asked if he could help me. He answers, “I’m not going to embarrass myself. We could have grabbed it together. Besides, I didn’t wanna get up I was in the middle of a game.” After hearing this I ended things and left.

Heres the input from the Reddit crowd:

ConsistentDust5001 −  15 years ago, I’m on a motorcycle ride with friends and get a text from my daughter. She had just started her first period. I cut my ride short and beelined to the d**g store. There I was, standing in the aisle, in full leathers, trying to figure out what she needed. Luckily, a customer saw my confusion and offered to help.

I explained my situation and she helped me get what I needed. I have never been embarrassed buying feminine products. Confused as hell. But never embarrassed. Anyone who won’t get out of their comfort zone to help someone they love, isn’t worth being loved.

[Reddit User] −  My machismo father who had the emotional intelligence of a frog when asked by me to pick up a pack of pads would simply ask for the packaging of what I wanted so he would get the exact product I needed. He’d also return with chocolate and advil.

[Reddit User] −  NTA. i’ve never understood why men are embarrased to buy tampons, i buy them for my wife all the time.. Funny story when we were around 26 (37now), we whent to las vegas(from norway), we were walking around a mall. My wife was wearing white shorts and suddenly got her period. With no store or cvs nearby, i remembered we walked past victoria secret a little while ago.

She ran to the toilett and i whent to VS. Whent up to the register and assured them i wasn’t a c**ep. Explained the situation to the staff. She went around to the other staff and asked for a tampon. She found one, i thanked her, and ran back to my then gf(wife now) . And tad da, i was the hero of the day 🤣🤣

walktheground −  I’ve bought them for my gf, then my wife and now my daughter. If anyone is uncomfortable buying them they need to grow up.

OkIdea4077 −  As a guy I’ve always been baffled by other guys not wanting to buy feminine products. What are people gonna think, that they’re for him?

popcorn555555 −  If you don’t wanna take care of your girl you shouldn’t have one

Spiritual_Asparagus2 −  If he wants to put his d**k in it he can take care of it if it’s bleeding .. NTA.. my husband has washed loads of sheets after I’ve woken up covered in blood. It’s not like we ask for this s**t 🙄

Best_Stressed1 −  NTA. Especially since it’s a pattern. Sounds like he wants credit for asking but doesn’t want to actually have to do anything.

WittyButter217 −  NTA. I have a teenaged son. When my daughter started her period, she started caring a small bag w/pads, wipes, and candy. So, my son carried one as well “just in case.” He’s like the Hero of MS because he’s helped more than one of his friends out with this and isn’t embarrassed in the slightest.

virtualchoirboy −  What a c**ard. Seriously. Embarrassed? I’ll give him an AH for that comment alone. The game, I could give a pass on but why did he even ask if he wasn’t willing to actually offer his time to do something for you. He really didn’t sound like he was in it for the long haul.

Do you think the OP overreacted by ending the relationship over this, or was the boyfriend’s refusal to help indicative of larger issues? How would you have handled this situation? Share your thoughts below!


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