AITAH for cashing out, enjoying life, and not giving anything to daughter?

A grieving 57-year-old woman chose to cash out her late husband’s assets and enjoy life after her daughter, who went nearly no-contact after marriage, suddenly demanded she sign everything over to her and her husband. Now, the daughter is trying to reconnect after failing to claim the assets through legal action. Read the full story below…
‘ AITAH for cashing out, enjoying life, and not giving anything to daughter? ?’
I(f57) lost my husband of 25 years last year. We have a daughter(f24) who’s married for 2 years. My son passed away after her marriage and it has been hell ever since. Our relationship with daughter was very good and without any incidents before her marriage. She was sweet and loving, and was a great daughter overall.
She got married to the man of her choice(SIL: son in law). After that it has all been downhill. She stopped coming to our house, stopped responding to our texts and calls, going almost NC. We weren’t rich, although my husband had a lot of assests, they haven’t been liquidated. When he died, he didn’t leave a will, because it was so unexpected.
After his death, my dear daughter didn’t even attend his funeral, nor in any other functions. She didn’t even call to ask how i was. Barely 6 months after my hubby’s passing she and sil barged into our house and brought with them a lawyer, who told me to sign on some documents, and a blank sheet.
I know the legal processes and am not ignorant, i asked her what was in that docs. Idk what i did, but here she was, demanding me to sign some unknown docs and a blank sheet and not answering any questions. I asked the lawyer what it was about, he said it was for transferring all the assets in her and sil’s name. I said no.
Here it got violent, she attacked me and i had to scream for help. I didn’t call the cops but told her to get out before i did. She was adamant about me signing and tried to take my thumb impression. At this point my neighbors had come over and had witnessed pretty much the last part of forcing. My neighbor, bless his heart physically kicked them out.
After this i was shaken and very hurt. I don’t know what i did and i was honestly scared for my life. She kept sending me messages, tho not threatening cause maybe her lawyer told her so. She kept on sending sweet messages, thanking me for making her the beneficiary, transferring all assets to her etc. I was disgusted.
A week of harrasment later, i decided i had enough, i wanted out. So i met my lawyer, he said since there was no will, i was the sole owner of all assets and could do as i wish. Long story short, i sold everything, made 8 figures, bought a new house in a place I’d always wanted to be, far from everyone.
Now i plan to enjoy the rest of my life travelling, and generally doing things i haven’t been able to do, but which I’ve always wanted to do. I recently heard through the gossip vine that my daughter tried to start litigation against me shortly after i sold and left but it fell through, as everything was in my name now.
She now wants to meet me and is pressuring her lackeys to contact me and make me meet her. I said no. I don’t understand why she did that, because it was all going to be hers anyway. They don’t know where i am presently, and I’d prefer to keep it that way. I’m NC with her and sil, and don’t have social media except reddit.. AITA?
Here’s what Redditors had to say:
[Reddit User] − report the ‘lawyer’ to the bar
Dranask − NTA, suggest you leave all your money to a refuge for abused women, as for your daughter, she can whistle.
NoCan9967 − NTA spend it all and if you cant,donate whatever is left in your son & husbands name to charity they would support.
Apprehensive_Skin150 − PLEASE get your lawyer to prepare a will for you and all the relevant powers of attorney. Make it very clear in the will your daughter is not inheriting anything and why, and name who your beneficiary(s) are.
messy_thoughts47 − NTA. NAL, but I recommend taking steps immediately to prevent your daughter from trying to declare you incompetent. Speak to your attorney and financial advisor about placing the money in a trust with you as the beneficiary during your life time, then leave the money to a charity of your choice. Lock your credit down. Change any passwords.. Good luck OP!
SnooWords4839 − NTA – Have your lawyer send a cease-and-desist letter. Have the letter state, after they physically attacked you, and further attempt for them to contact you, you will pursue charges. Also, make a will keeping any money away from them!. Sorry for your losses.
Token_or_TolkienuPOS − Reddit should really have a sub for the “fiction-est” wild stories. The competition would be tough, i tell you that much.
YTA for lying about some imaginary 8 figures.
KINGCOCO − YTA for posting this b**lshit story. Without a will, OP would not be entitled to all of her husbands assets. This is so clearly rage bait. The characters are also way over the top ridiculous. So is “sign this paper and transfer everything to me” and the lawyer coming with. That’s not how any of this works. None of this is remotely plausible.
Jazzlike-Bird-3192 − NTA. I don’t expect my parent’s money to be kept for me. It’s their money. They can do with it what they want. I will fend for myself. You do you!
Mazkar − This one is for sure fake af lol.
Was she right to cut ties and prioritize her own happiness after her daughter’s actions, or should she give her daughter another chance? Share your opinions below!