AITAH for breaking up with my girlfriend over cheese?

A Reddit user faced a breaking point in her relationship after her girlfriend ate an entire pound of expensive cheese despite being told not to. While the incident seemed minor on the surface, it highlighted ongoing issues of entitlement and disrespect, ultimately leading to a dramatic breakup. Read the full story below.
‘ AITAH for breaking up with my girlfriend over cheese?’
For some backstory I (24F) have been dating my girlfriend (23F) for a little over a year. We’ve been living together for 5 months. I would say we are an average couple, happy most times but we argue here and there. The main reason why we argue is because she has a streak of acting very entitled and spoiled at times.
She will do things I specifically ask her not to do, and if I get upset she will cry and make excuses for herself and only apologize if she feels like I’m “ignoring her” (i.e. when I am too exhausted to keep entertaining her).
She will eat my leftovers, leave the apartment a mess (it’s my apartment), invite people over and let them leave the apartment a mess, etc. This has been happening at least once a week since we moved in together.
Yesterday, there was a holiday market about 2 hours away. She had sent me a post about it about a week ago and kept talking about how she wanted to go, so I rented an airbnb for the weekend for the both of us to go together.
We ended up getting into an argument day of because shes never had to stay in an airbnb before and convinced herself that the hosts were going to spy on us or kidnap us or kill us or something. She got upset that I didn’t get a hotel even though every hotel in the area is so damn expensive and I’m the only one with a job right now.
I told her I was just gonna go by myself if she’s going to make such a big deal over nothing, and her exact words were “f**k you and your farmers market, don’t get me s**t”. So I go to the market, had fun by myself, and got this very expensive imported European cheese.
Mind you, this cheese was $40 for a pound, and I’m sure it would cost more having to buy it online because I know they don’t sell this anywhere around here. I planned to make a meal with this cheese for me and her because I like to cook. I came back this morning and told her exactly, “Do not eat the cheese in the refrigerator.
It was expensive and I’m going to use it later, and you also said don’t get you anything so it’s not for you.” She said okay, and I went to work. She texts me at work and says “promise not to be mad” and I immediately knew. She ate my cheese. What I did not expect was for her to eat the entire pound of cheese.
I was gone for 6 hours????? And the entire pound is gone????? I didn’t text her back but when I got home I told her right away to pack her s**t up and leave because I can’t deal with her bs anymore. She started crying about how “it’s just cheese” and that I’m “getting mad over nothing” but I told her to leave before I call the police.
She left in tears and is staying with her parents, who are texting me calling me an a**hole for breaking up with her and kicking her out over cheese. I think the issue is bigger than the cheese at this point, but maybe I overreacted I don’t know. Am I the a**hole?
Here’s the comments of Reddit users:
FunnyScreenName − NTA. She crossed a boundary to spite you. It’s not the cheese, it’s the principle. You’d be looking forward to a lifetime of that. You made the right call.
GabriellaGlamouur − NTA. She expects you to cater to her whims, even if it means disregarding your financial limitations. While the cheese itself might seem trivial, it symbolizes the larger issue of her constant disregard for your boundaries.
Turbulent_Ebb5669 − NTA, she’s an exhausting princess.
_s1m0n_s3z − A last straw is a last straw. She knew what she was doing when she ate the cheese to spite you. NTA.
n0nya9 − I accidentally ate an entire pound of the cheese that you specifically asked me not to eat while I stayed home, not looking for a job to support myself. She couldn’t even wait for you to get home. She had to text you and torture you at work. She sounds very petty. NTA
Ch0caholic − Read what you wrote again. Jobless but wants expensive trips. Acts entitled. Does not care about your or common stuff. Send her back to mommy and daddy because she did not finish growing up yet.
Academic-Entry-443 − Seems like the cheese was just the straw that broke the camel’s back. Maybe she is a [vulnerable n**cissist]? Something narcs like to do is spoil events and holidays by picking d**bass fights, sounds like what she did with the AirBnB situation.
leeval101 − She crossed a boundary, the problem wasn’t cheese! NTA!
chaingun_samurai − It’s not about the Iranian yogurt.
tiggergirluk76 − NTA, and in true reddit tradition, “this is not about the cheese”. She chose to eat the cheese as a deliberate disrespectful move *because* you bought it when you went away without her (which was her fault), and *because* you asked her not to eat it. She thought she was pulling a power move, but it backfired.
What she didn’t realise is that she’s not in a position to be pulling power moves. She was already sponging off you by not working and living in your home, so combined with her bratty behaviour about the air b&b, she was already on thin ice. You did the right thing throwing this fish back in the sea.
Do you think the breakup was justified, considering the repeated boundary issues, or was it an overreaction to the cheese incident? How would you handle a partner who disregards your efforts and boundaries? Share your thoughts below!