AITAH for being upset they didn’t want my daughter in family pictures?
A Reddit user shared a difficult family gathering experience where they and their 3-year-old autistic daughter, Camry, were excluded from “family pictures” despite being invited. Tensions escalated when Camry was repeatedly removed from group shots by the user’s sister, leaving both mother and daughter hurt. The situation culminated in a quiet exit, but the user is now being accused of “making a scene.” Read the full story below to understand the emotional dynamics of this family dispute.
‘ AITAH for being upset they didn’t want my daughter in family pictures?’
I (22f) had family pictures with my parents (52f & 59m), sister (26f), BIL (27m) and their 3 kids (7f, 2f and 9 week old m). I have a daughter (3f), we are both autistic. I knew my sister wasn’t the biggest fan that I had a baby outside of marriage but I thought she’d gotten over it. I was told by my family that they wanted me and my daughter, let’s call her Camry, for family pictures.
Camry and I rode in the same car as my parents to save space. When we got there, my sister and her family were taking pictures. We waited and then the photographer suggested having Camry in the pictures of just the kids, I was open to it but my sister said “I just want my 3 right now.” So we left it at that.
Then they did my sister and her family with my parents, photographer suggested that Camry and I get in the pictures. My sister said “I just want our family right now” so Camry wanted to read a book they had on one of the sets, photographer said “go for it!”
My niece who we’ll call Liza (2f) wasn’t cooperating and wandered over to where I was reading to Camry and sat with us. Photographer suggested we take whole family pictures on that set so everyone moved over and made Camry and I move. Camry sat next to Liza.
My sister told Camry to move, when Camry looked at me confused, my sister picked her up and moved her. She moved her to where she couldn’t be seen in the picture. I picked Camry up and put her in my lap, photographer got a few pictures before my sister noticed. She then said “that looks tacky move her or get out.”
They instead moved to another set. They left no room for either of us. Then they wanted just grandkids with grandparents, when Camry went over for it, my sister grabbed her arm and removed her from the picture. Camry looked like she was about to cry. I got upset and walked outside with her, she started crying and I just hugged and held her. We stayed outside because why would you invite us and then not include us?
Shortly after my parents walked out and said it’s time to go. My sister texted me and said “you didn’t have to make a scene. It’s not that serious. It was FAMILY pictures. I didn’t know you were bringing her.” I texted back “you’re right it is FAMILY pictures, so why wouldn’t I bring my DAUGHTER? I didn’t know she wasn’t invited. Sorry we ruined your perfect family pictures.”
I’m being called an AH for “making a scene”. I didn’t say anything in the moment and removed myself and my child from the situation. So AITAH for being upset they didn’t want my daughter in the family pictures?
Here’s the comments of Reddit users:
deathboyuk − Your family are a complete and utter bunch of cunts.. I’m so sorry about that.. NTA.
dawgpoundma − Your sister is a b**ch and so are your parents for allowing it.
Dull-Supermarket-209 − I’m sorry but in what reality are you or your daughter the AH!!! Bffr…why are your parents allowing this behavior??? Girl…run away from this now…go NC or these people will do irreparable damage to you and your daughter. People will always treat you exactly how you allow them to.
Scorp128 − What exactly was the purpose of you and your daughter being there? Did sis expect you both to huddle in the corner and cry so she could smile wider in the pictures? Sis just wanted you there so she would have someone to b**ly.
Shame on the parents of this poor excuse of a human. They raised a self-righteous b**t and allowed their other child and grandchild to be treated like garbage and didn’t say a single word about it. They just enabled sis’s disgusting behavior.
Sis, sis’s family, mom and dad all s**k rotten eggs. What a pathetic bunch of “humans”. NTA. But the rest of the family sure is.
throwingcopper92 − NTA – your daughter IS FAMILY, regardless of what your sister or anyone else chooses to believe.
sfrancisch5842 − NTA. Time to go no contact with your sister.
MissVaira − NTA, your daughter is family. It’s heartbreaking they excluded her. You did nothing wrong.
radicalcoach − Awesome now you know you have a sister that you don’t need to cater to. In fact, you don’t need to invite her anywhere. I’d go low contact. And the best news is that you can put everybody who says anything about it on an info diet and take a three month break from them too. After three months if they’re willing to apologize, let them back into your inner circle. There are consequences for everything and if people are gonna treat you like crap you have every right to back away and limit your interaction.
Raja_Ampat − NTA, Your sister showed her true colours.
biteme717 − NTA, and I personally would tell them ALL to f**k off and then block, delete, and ghost them. They ALL made it blatantly clear that you and your daughter are not family, and they did it to purposely humiliate and exclude you.
The sister is a pompous jerk. She should be put in her place and any attempt by anyone to defend her ridiculous behavior should be put in theirs. Go low contact until they figure this out, no contact if they don’t.