AITAH For being mad that my family snuck meat in my food when I was a vegetarian?

A Redditor shares a shocking revelation about their family secretly sneaking meat into their meals during their vegetarian years in high school. What they thought was respect for their dietary choice turned out to be a family-wide “game.” Now, as an adult, they’re unsure whether their anger is justified or if they should let it go and laugh with their family. Read the full story below.
‘ AITAH For being mad that my family snuck meat in my food when I was a vegetarian?’
In high school, I was a vegetarian for a couple of years. I was really into it, not like vegan teacher crazy but more like I just enjoyed being in a community, I’m no longer a vegetarian as an adult though. I overheard my Mother and Grandma laughing and telling something to their friends.
Turns out, the whole time I was vegetarian my whole family (Even extended which is like 50 people) had a game where they would see how often they could sneak me meat. Cooking veggies in bacon grease and stuff like that. At birthday parties, family gatherings, thanksgiving, and just dinner at home.
It was like an inside joke game for years, and I’m kinda upset. I confronted them but they said they were only doing it for my own good, that I needed more protein, but they kept smiling and giggling to one another about it so it felt like more of a joke.
I dunno, maybe it wasn’t and they really did do it because they cared, but it still feels mean. They all say I’m being a d**ma queen for being upset. So I guess what do you think? Am I the ass hole for being upset by this or should I just laugh with my family?
Here’s the input from the Reddit crowd:
Mobile_Following_198 − NTA. It’s valid you’re upset by this. At the same time, you can’t retroactively do anything about it, unfortunately. So pick your battles. Although I would be wary of eating their food, considering the history of food tampering.
Also, you may need to help your family understand nutrition. And just basic science. Bacon grease has 0 protein in it. Because it’s a fat. Not a protein. It sounds like they think animal products = protein and that plant products can’t have protein, and that’s just horribly inaccurate.
ETA: To be clear, the comment about teaching their family about protein was sarcasm because they actually did this to humiliate her, not give her protein. Although OP could give them science/nutrition lessons as a tongue in cheek way to insult them.
DankVapor − NTA – Make some brownies and bring them over. Let everyone eat but you don’t eat. When they ask, “Because I know what’s in them,” and do not elaborate further and just go home.
Money_System1026 − That’s plain disrespectful. As a vegetarian I am very conscious of what I’m eating, incorporating foods high in vitamins, minerals and protein. I get annual blood tests and I am very healthy. If people started sneaking meat into my food I would find it a violation of ethics and I wouldn’t be able to trust them anymore.
Maybe sneaking some laxatives under the guise of helping them clear their digestive systems would help them understand 😏 *edit: the laxatives comment was meant to be tongue in cheek 😆 I guess I’m naive to think anyone would take that seriously!. NTA
finalgirlsam − NTA and I mean, no offense, but those members of your family are mean little sociopaths. What else have they been doing to you secretly over the years? If you developed a food allergy would they think you were faking it and try and poison you?
blueswan6 − NTA It’s a about respect, which they didn’t have for you. I would tell them that this really changes how you view them and your relationships with them. Hold them accountable, whenever they say they’re being truthful just point out that you can’t really know that because they have a history of lying to you.
You don’t have to get mad, just be upfront that you see them differently now and that’s their fault. You don’t have to cut them off or anything but some healthy distance won’t hurt.
DJ_Too_Supreme_AITA − NTA. Um, it is wrong to tamper with other people’s food. I don’t see how putting things into your food without your knowledge is funny or is a “joke”
KnottyKitty − I’ve been vegetarian for 20+ years and I would be absolutely livid if I found out someone had done that to me. That would be a no-contact situation. Honestly it’s not even about the meat. Messing with someone’s food is really fucked up.
Messing with someone’s food over a long period of time as some kind of sick “game” and *openly laughing at you about it* is even worse. They betrayed your trust FOR FUN. You’re absolutely NTA and I hope you’re able to find a group of people who aren’t a**sive psychopaths.
Tinycupcakees − NTA. Sneaking meat into your food was disrespectful, even if they thought they were helping. Your feelings are valid.
cravnraven − NTA. There is a reason that tampering with someone’s food is a felony charge. This is them being disgusting human beings who have no respect for anyone who doesn’t think like them.
I am willing to bet their lack of respect and bad behavior can be seen in other situations you haven’t thought about yet. I am not vegetarian, but I would never do this to anyone, especially my own family. If they genuinely can’t see how messed up this behavior is, you need to distance yourself from them.
anavgredditnerd − some family friends who were Muslim were served pork while it was called beef. after they were told they left immediately and completely cut off the family serving it. This was 20 years ago
Was the Redditor’s family justified in their actions, claiming it was for their health, or were they disrespectful by disregarding their personal choices? How would you handle discovering such a family “joke”? Share your thoughts below!