AITA – won’t let my sister in law use my work laptop?

A Reddit user is faced with a dilemma regarding their sister-in-law’s request to use their work laptop while staying at their home. The laptop is company property, and the user has made it clear that it is strictly for work purposes, containing important and confidential information.
Despite her repeated requests to use it for personal reasons, the user is firm on not allowing it, which has caused tension with their husband, who thinks they’re being too extreme. Read the full story below.
‘ AITA – won’t let my sister in law use my work laptop?’
Okay so my sister in law is staying with my husband and I for a couple weeks. She is going to be house sitting for us to watch our cat while we go visit my family. She asked if she could come a few days before and stay a few days after we get back.
Which I guess isn’t relevant but it is a combo of doing us a favour and us doing her a favour too considering we live in a 1 bed room small appt. I work from home and only have a laptop that is property of the company I work for. She keeps asking to use it to watch YouTube videos etc.
She is not very good with computers. I cannot risk letting her use my work computer while I am not home visiting family. I do not use the computer for personal needs as I mentioned it’s property of my company’s.
I put a password on it and have made it clear it’s not for pleasure it is my work. I have very important stuff on the computer too. My husband thinks I’m being extreme but I do not feel comfortable with her using my work computer …. AITA???
Let’s dive into the reactions from Reddit:
nonamejohnsonmore − NTA. I used to work IT. Company computers are for company use only. If your sister accidentally visits a questionable website you could quickly find yourself unemployed. Better safe than sorry.
maeveomaeve − NTA no one but me is ever allowed on my work laptop without direct supervision (team member, boss etc.). Do you have a TV that can stream YouTube? Does she not have a phone?
3M-OBA − Ask your husband if he will support you when you get fired for violating a very common work policy.
ViveCumProposito − Tell her to bring her own laptop and take your company issued laptop with you.
Lifear − NTA, it isn’t your property and only for company use. If she were to use it, and accesses something the company deems inappropriate, it would be your ass on the line!
DragonBard_Z − NTA: letting her on your work computer could be a fireable offense if discovered and depending on whats on there, illegal. It likely has proprietary company data and if you work on Healthcare or finances or defense or whatever could have info protected by other laws as well.
Did your company have trainings or warnings about never letting others use your computer? They should have. If nothing else, assume it’s monitored. Do you want some guy who’s looking for employees misusing assets thinking you’re the one watching all the YouTube?
Its not your computer…its the companies. You absolutely shouldn’t let her use it. Nothing AH about it, you’re upholding the expectations of your employment. She needs to find some other way to be entertained
Kittylittlewake − It’s perfectly reasonable to refuse your sister-in-law’s request to use your work laptop. Company property, especially one containing sensitive work-related information, should not be used for personal activities.
You’re protecting your professional responsibilities and adhering to your company’s policies. It’s important to communicate this clearly to both your husband and your sister-in-law, emphasizing that it’s not about trust but about safeguarding your work and following company rules.
OneWithTheWild_93 − NTA. Is there anyway you could leave the laptop at your office while she’s there? Even with a password, I don’t feel like I could trust her.
SLJ7 − Ok I hate to be an alarmist but you might have a husband problem. Using a work computer for non-work is bad, probably against policy. Letting someone else use your work computer is definitely against policy.
Letting someone with low tech skills use your work laptop is just asking for trouble. This isn’t something you should need to explain to a normal person. So why is your husband acting like you’re the problem and prioritizing his sister’s weird request over yours?
Why can’t she just get a Kindle if all she wants to do is watch YouTube? Do you frequently find yourself being told you’re the problem in conflicts with his family?
MisterSouvlaki − Explain to SIL that since it is a company laptop, any use will be monitored by the company and that she will get you in trouble if she watches YouTube and goes on social. NTA because as you said she didn’t just ask once but kept pestering you about it.
Was the user being too rigid in not allowing her sister-in-law to use the work laptop, or was it justified to protect personal and professional boundaries? How would you handle a similar situation? Share your thoughts below!