AITA: Went to birthday brunch that went most of the day. Husband is mad ?


A woman planned a birthday brunch with friends, which ended up lasting until evening. Although she informed her husband she wasn’t sure when she’d be home, he was upset when she returned late, smelling of alcohol and too tired to engage with their child.

They later discussed the issue, with the husband expressing concern over her safety and feeling stuck at home waiting all day. She apologized for not communicating better and acknowledged she should have skipped the last drink. Read the original story below…


‘ AITA: Went to birthday brunch that went most of the day. Husband is mad ?’




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Was the husband’s frustration justified, or should the wife have more room to celebrate her birthday? Share your thoughts below!


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  1. Jordan 3 months ago

    YTA- I’m not going to rehash what all these people have said to you, but I’m going to ask: If he had done this, what would you say about him? Would you even give him the space to take a nap on the couch after he’d gotten home from a nearly 8 hour bender? Would you be all lovey dovey on him and chatting his ear up all friendly? You KNOW you’re the a-hole. Do better.

  2. Dick 3 months ago

    Only reasons I’d be annoyed – driving while drunk (1 drink fair enough, but not multiple in a day. Selfish! YTA! just get a taxi, you can kill someone) and secondly he might have organised a surprise with your kid for your birthday and you didn’t show (thinking your original plan fit in with and he just got his knickers in an understandable twist). Either way just talk- either to get him to pick you up or to understand each other

  3. Kevin 2 months ago

    Both of you are the A holes.
    You for not communicating thoroughly and keeping him in the dark, which leads to unnecessary worries on his part. Primarily in the fact your brunch lasted so long and alcohol was involved.
    Him for being childish in the extended silence and grudge holding.
    He had every right to be upset, but should have been more relieved that you weren’t OK in the end.

  4. Suzy Q 3 months ago

    YTA. Your husband clearly wanted to spend your birthday with you. You blew him off for your friends.

    I’m sure the people saying NTA are in open relationships or not in one. That’s a pretty crappy way to treat your s.o.

  5. Dan 1 month ago

    If you had too much to drink and fely you couldn’t drive, you will still be over the limit and fail a breathalyzer. YTA for drunk driving. Be smarter next time. You may hurt or kill somebody next time.

  6. Mona 3 months ago

    I think YTA, he is a tiny bit too, though. I think he could have said why he is bothered, so that silent treatment is kinda immature, but I guess he was just frustrated and hurt, because, and that is my biggest issue here, why wouldn’t you want to spend time with your hubby on your birthday? I would be highly disappointed if my partner didn’t include me in their birthday at all. Don’t you want the most important people in your life around then? Yes, you did communicate that you didn’t know when you would be home, but I think that, especially if you have a toddler at home, you should make clearer plans and not be as imprecise as you were with him. And I think you can expect an adult to say no to a drink to stay capable of driving. Long story short, his communication skills suck, but you should not have left out your family from your birthday and do a better job at planning.

  7. Altamsash 3 months ago

    Nta. Had he planned something for you, you would’ve been home on time. A mum needs sometime to relax and just let loose. So what if it lasted the whole day? If it’s not something you usually do and is a rare occurrence he should be happy you were relaxing with friends. So I now like no 3ffort to celebrate your bday were made from his side. Also he’s pro ably upset the had to take care of the kid and he never realized how hard it is to take care of the child.

  8. Patsy43 3 months ago

    Wow. So NTA. Those saying otherwise are living in a world that existed over 100 years ago. Go out, have fun, and enjoy yourself. You said you didn’t know when you’d be home, and so what if you came back tired. You are married with a child, since when does that mean the rest of your life should stop so you can be at the beck and call of your husband. He is a father and should be enjoying the time with his child, and also happy that you are out having fun. Guilt trips, continuous messages, and juvenile behaviour is controlling and demeaning. Mum’s are entitled to have time with friends and a life outside of that role. Child was not at risk, or neglected and women should not be made to feel awful for a few hours of not being a mum, a maid, a carer, a chef, a PA, and a cleaner.