AITA showing my sister her favorite author’s website?

A Redditor introduced their 12-year-old sister to their favorite author’s official website so she could stay updated on upcoming books. While the gesture seemed thoughtful, their mom criticized them for enabling the sister to spend more time online obsessively checking for updates. Are they at fault, or is the reaction overblown? Read the full story below!
‘ AITA showing my sister her favorite author’s website?’
My(19) little sister(12) already read 10 novels by her and often clasps a hand to her chest and swoons about how they are ‘So romantic.’ She also asks me when I return from the bookshops if she’s released any new books.
I found the author’s official site and showed my sister the ‘Coming Soon’ section that states that the author does not have any new books scheduled for publication but is hard at work.
Now my sister frequently checks the site and our mom chides me for it, blaming me for not thinking of the consequences and saying it’s my fault my sister now spends more time glued to her screen.
These are the responses from Reddit users:
fallingintopolkadots − NTA. Oh my god, she regularly checks the website of her favorite author to see if there’s any news — tHe hOrROr!!!!! How scandalous! How detrimental to.. to……… nothing.
I don’t seem the “problem” here. You, in fact, empowered your sister to be able to figure out for herself if there is anything new coming from her fave author in lieu of constantly asking you. Does this author have a mailing list? That would also be a handy way for your sis to stay on top of this author’s happenings.
MeltedWellie − NTA. This is good parenting moment that mom is missing. Teaching young people that, even when very excited, control of yourself is necessary. She should check the website once a day at most.
There may even be a mailing address for updates for her so she doesn’t need to actively check at all. I am confused though at “glued to her screen” – what is she doing? sitting staring at a never changing ‘coming soon’ page online for hours?
Ok_Reach_6527 − How much time can actually be spent checking for an update from an author? Unless she is using that as an excuse to do other things online, that might be an issue to check on. Either way, NTA. You showed your sister a way to look up information easily available which should be a main reason for using the internet.
AforAuPair − NTA I would consider a cheeky email to the author saying, “If you are seeing an increase in traffic from {area} don’t be alarmed. It’s just my sister waiting for your next book. She is a massive fan and can’t wait.
Thanks for giving her something to look forward to on top of the hours of joy she has had from reading your books.” If you get a reply (which honestly may be a long shot), next gift you plan on getting her sorted.
Raida7s − NTA. She likes reading. That’s a hobby. She’s a teen, she’ll focus hard on her hobbies. Mate take her to a good small bookstore if there’s one around and ask the staff for author suggestions. Feed the beast!
InValuAbled − NTA. As far as addictions go, checking up on your favorite author doesn’t even register as a problem.
Usrname52 − She’s 12, and a strong reader, and didn’t ever think to google her favorite author? She was never using a device and now something that takes 30 seconds significantly increases her screen time? Does she have a smart phone? Do you have only a home computer?
How often were you “going to the bookshops” that she was asking you? Like, she never went to the library or bookstore herself? It was all just you buying her books? Maybe you can help her find books/authors that are similar. I think there is a subreddit dedicated to that (although you should do it….don’t introduce her to reddit).
Lost_Needleworker285 − Nta. It’s not like she’s mindlessly scrolling through tiktok.
Dittoheadforever − You’re NTA. Your mom is being ridiculous. our mom chides me for it, blaming me for not thinking of the consequences and saying **it’s my fault my sister now spends more time glued to her screen**
So what is stopping your mom from limiting her child’s screen time if she is so concerned? That seems like a more reasonable option than blaming you. Is that basic parenting just too much work for her?
Creepy-Stable-6192 − NTA. If your mom doesnt want your sister glued to a screen, she should do something about it. Its not your fault a 12 year old girl cannot control herself.
Was it wrong for the Redditor to share this resource with their sister, or is the mom overreacting to a harmless enthusiasm? Should boundaries around screen time be adjusted instead? Share your thoughts below!