AITA? I flipped out on my fiancèe for selling the gaming chair my brother gifted me to pay for her gym membership.

A Reddit user shared a dilemma about their fiancée selling a sentimental gaming chair that belonged to their late brother. The chair held deep emotional value, as it was a cherished keepsake from their brother who had passed away. The fiancée, struggling financially, sold the chair without consulting the user to fund her gym membership, dismissing the item’s significance.
This sparked a major argument, leaving the user feeling betrayed and the fiancée upset. To understand more about this conflict and how it unfolded, read the full story below.
‘ AITA? I flipped out on my fiancèe for selling the gaming chair my brother gifted me to pay for her gym membership.’
I m33 lost my 27 year old brother to cancer a couple of months ago. We were so close and had a lot in common. He was a gamer and had all types of gaming gear including a gaming chair that he wanted me to have before he died. It’s devastating because we were really hoping and had plans to spend Christmas 2021 together.
This chair I consider special because it was my brother’s favorite of all gear and it remindes me of him whenever I sit in it (I don’t play anymore) It just brings me closer to him to a degree I can not explain and it brings me so much comfort.
I keep the chair in my office and days ago I found out that my fiancee who has been out of job and complaining about no longer being able to attend the gym took the chair and sold it online to be able to pay for her next month’s gym membership. When I found out I flipped out hugely and had a very negative reaction.
She told me that she was desperate for money and after selling all she had she had no choice but to sell the chair. I reminded her of who this chair belongs to but she said I already have tons of keepsakes from my brother and so I shouldn’t act like it was the end of the world.
She also vented about her past eating disorders and her anxiety when it comes to keeping fit and claimed I was dismissing that she is struggling. I yelled at her and called her inconsiderate and selfish and told her she should have never ever took and sold any of my stuff for a gym membership when she literally could-ve kept working out from home.
She started crying as we argued then she went to stay with her mom who tried to give me a stern talk about my attitude and but I didn’t answer that and haven’t been talking to my fiancee since then. Things haven’t got better and I got called overdramatic for reacting and treating my fiancee like that over a gaming chair.
I feel guilty because I’ve never yelled at her in my life before.. AITA? Was I too hard on her? Some said I went overboard because this is a gaming chair and it was bit childish of me to make a fuss over it but I already explained why I had this reaction aside from the fact that money is an issue we already have.
Here’s what Redditors had to say:
JammerGSONC − NTA. Sell the engagement ring you bought her and buy back your brothers gaming chair. Proceed based on her reaction to that.
G8RTOAD − NTA Call the person who brought the chair and tell him that he’s brought stolen property. If your fiancée still refuses to do anything about getting it back then you may need to report it to the police as stolen and get it returned to you that way. Your fiancée?
knew exactly what she was doing and has shown that she doesn’t care about your property, the meaning behind the gift of it, and who it belonged to. Your fiancées old enough to know that her actions can have consequences and she can now face them and too bad if her consequences are of the legal kind due to her theft.
snakepeterman − Run bro. You need to get out of there. Your girl is a narcissist and disregards your thoughts and feelings. A gym membership?? Really? Only way that would fly with me would be if she sold it for insulin or some other life maintaining medication. NTA.
TGiR4 − Nta… I know youre probably still grieving your loss, but she has some serious issues. Lack of respect for your stuff and from what you provided even tried to gaslight you into thinking you’re over reacting. If it is not too late, call it off imho.
sharpeea − NTA! The chair was obviously super meaningful to you and for her to just sell it without your permission? Not okay! Also not sure where you live or any other factors that could explain why she’s not working, but where I’m living EVERYWHERE is hiring. Literally everywhere. The fact that she took it to sell for a gym membership is out of control. I would have some serious reservations about marrying her if this is how she handles money.
[Reddit User] − NTA She sold something of great sentimental value to you, in exchange for a vanity gym membership; and you would be absolutely correct that she could’ve just worked out at home if it came down to selling something that wasn’t hers to sell and having access to a gym.
Then she tried to turn the table on you by making you feel bad for being upset at her awful decision. Essentially she stole from you then tried to make you feel bad about it. Big red flag my dude. PS. I would’ve flipped my s**t too.
sarahlampi − NTA- she STOLE your property and sold it! Then tried to put it on you by saying you don’t care about her eating disorder. Please rethink marriage. If she sold your deceased brother’s chair, what is she going to steal from you next? A gym membership is not a necessity. There are literally thousands of free online workouts that she could do. You did not over react. She is a thief and a l**r.
snagleradio78 − NTA She sold your stuff without even asking…Then why can’t she work is she immune compromised or something? If you can’t afford a gym membership there’s a bunch of sidewalks outside and you can find stuff to do squats with all over your house or apartment. You got to drop the girl, she sucks.
MerlinBiggs − NTA. She has been incredibally selfish. Would you want to marry someone who would do that knowing how much it meant to you? Can you find who she sold it to? Maybe you can get it back.
fire_goddess11 − Jesus Christ, OP. She’s an awful, selfish person. Anxiety does not give anyone the right to steal your belongings, and especially not something with sentimental value!
Don’t marry her, and don’t get her pregnant. Your future with her will be miserable. She has shown you who she really is. Get out. *Get out.*. NTA