AITA for yelling at my girlfriend to “stop f**king eating?”?

A Reddit user shared how his girlfriend’s habit of tasting his baking preparations with her fingers led to an intense confrontation. Despite repeatedly asking her to stop contaminating food meant for his sister’s bakery business, she continued, resulting in a heated argument. Was he too harsh, or was his frustration justified? Read the full story below.
‘ AITA for yelling at my girlfriend to “stop f**king eating?”?’
My (M26) sister (F23) runs a bakery business and she’s been struggling lately to keep up with orders because she’s been short staffed. She does a lot of orders for wedding cakes that require custard or marmalade fillings, and I offered to help her out by making these fillings at home and bringing them to her so she has less work to do.
Unfortunately, the past four times I’ve made these fillings, my girlfriend (F24) has literally dipped her fingers into the filling jars and contaminated them because, in her words, she “just wanted to try some.” I’ve tried explaining to her that she can’t dip her fingers in and contaminate the entire batch, because then I have to remake it.
I said she should use a spoon and take some out if she wants to try so bad, but she just pouts and says that she likes using her fingers because it takes her back to her childhood. Today, I was trying to finish some chocolate custard to send it over to my sister really fast because she was running late on a wedding cake order for an important client.
I told my girlfriend beforehand to not eat the custard, and if she really wanted to, to please use a spoon. I get out of the shower, and what do I see? She has her fingers in it again! I totally lost it because this is the fifth time she blatantly disregarded what I said, and I yelled at her and told her to “stop f**king eating” the food I’m making, because it’s not for her and she’s contaminating it.
She started crying and got mad at me for “fat-shaming” her, even though I made no comment on her weight and she has no history of weight issues or eating disorders. I know I was harsh, but she kept pushing my limits. AITA?
Here’s what people had to say to OP:
Harmonia_PASB − Does she also wear a diaper and draw on the walls with crayons because it reminds her of her childhood?. NTA
ManufacturerAfraid93 − NTA. She’s exhausting and sounds like she’s trying to sabotage you helping your sister.
averyrose2010 − she just pouts and says that she likes using her fingers because it takes her back to her childhood. This is something a child would do and it’s super gross. NTA.
Swiss_James − NTA- this would absolutely boil my p*ss, she has no respect for the work you are doing. The Oompa Loompas need to come along and teach her a lesson.
d1rkgent1y − NTA. Calling her out for contaminating food that’s intended for commercial sale to other people because she wants to “relive her childhood” is absolutely appropriate. Hiding behind the “fat shaming” nonsense seems like a way to try to escape accountability for her total lack of self control.
journeyintopressure − NTA. At this point, she is doing it on purpose. In front of you or right when you are ready to catch her? Yeah, she is purposefully ruining things for some reason. Break up with her. This person is sabotaging and wasting your time, but worse, she is sabotaging *your sister*.
linerva − NTA. Your GF is bring terribly unhygienic. Nobody gives a s**t if it reminds her of her childhood, she CANNOT stick her filthy fingers in other people’s food. This has nothing to do with her weight and everything to do with her inability to follow simple requests and basic food hygiene.
EvolvingWren − NTA, but holyCrap your gf is! She’s blatantly sabotaging you, OP. I’d be kicking her out of my space pronto for this (the DISRESPECT!), but if you don’t feel comfortable with that, maybe put aside a small bit of each batch for her to plunk her fingers into. 🤮
lazygworl − NTA. thats so unhygienic and even unethical. Had i been a customer, i would never order again. Gross 😭
Minniepebbles − NTA. She is being so beyond weird making it a thing to use her fingers. Even needing to use a spoon is ridiculous I mean how does she lack such self control? Can she not make more just for her or go buy another treat? It’s for a purpose, to help a business it should not be this hard to not eat some.
I think you’ve been nice to say she can have it with a spoon for her to disregard it to be gross is so weird. Imo it also shows that she doesn’t care about your sisters business and that is awful and selfish. If you were saying it for her eating in general it would be a different thing obviously, but this isn’t the case & she is projecting her insecurities.
Was he justified in losing his temper, or did his reaction cross a line? Should his girlfriend have respected his requests, or was this a misunderstanding blown out of proportion? Share your thoughts below!
Totally NTA. The fact that she keeps doing it then immediately jumps to thinking your day shaving her sounds like she may have some type eating disorder or other issue going on. Either way she should not be doing this and should find a way to control herself.
Nope ! Sounds like your gf is jealous of your sister. Whether it’s because your sister has a business (gf doesn’t have one of her own) or because your spending your time helping your sister (time she feels should belong to her) I’m not sure. Sticking her fingers in your fillings is something a spoiled little kid would do, knowing that your sister won’t be able to use it. Tell her to leave while you’re cooking or you’ll lock her in the bedroom until you’ve finished and delivered your sister’s fillings! 😂. Or tell her to hit the road- you don’t need a petty person like this in your life. In the long run she may cause a horrible rift between you and your sister due to her jealousy of your closeness. Fat shaming 😂🤣 she’s trying to lay a guilt trip on you instead of owning up to her mistake!