AITA for yelling at my friend because she made a joke about my stepbrother?

A Reddit user shares her experience of getting upset with a friend who made a joke about her stepbrother. After her friend commented on finding him attractive, the user felt disgusted and told her to stop. When the friend responded with a teasing remark about the user’s feelings, she snapped and yelled at her friend, ultimately asking her to leave.The friend later texted, claiming the user had overreacted and was being too sensitive.

Now, the user is questioning if her reaction was justified. Read the original story below for more context.

‘ AITA for yelling at my friend because she made a joke about my stepbrother?’

I 18f have an older stepbrother 20M and the other day when my friend was over she was saying how she found him hot and it made me feel disgusted that she said that. So I told her “ewew” and to stop to which she replied.

“Why is it because you want him?” I immediately got upset and yelled at her to which she tried to explain to me that she was joking but I told her to leave and that the joke was not funny at all. She then texted me later that night and said I “over reacted” and that I was being too sensitive.

Here’s what Redditors had to say:

Designer-Weather-331 −  NTA. She literally asked you if you had a crush on your brother. Step or not, that’s gross. My step cousin once asked me if I had a crush on my other cousin and I told her that was gross and asked her what was wrong eith her for asking that.

Your friend probably tried to cover up the fact that her “joke” didn’t land and instead tried to turn it on you to make you feel guilty. While she is allowed to think your step brother is hot and attractive, I understand the feeling when someone makes that kind of comment to you. It’s almost like a “ew, that’s my brotherrrrr.

You can think it, but you don’t have to say it my presence.” You didn’t overreact. She’s claiming it was a joke most likely because your reaction wasn’t ideal to her and she didn’t expect your reaction and wants to feel better about what she said to you. The fact that she would even ask you if you wanted your brother is gross, playing or not.

LouisV25 −  NTA. Everything is not funny. Even though he’s a step, you clearly see him as family and are grossed out by the comments. The last one was unnecessary on her part. You did not overreact. Don’t let people who offended you tell you that you’re overreacting when you’re offended.

Hiply −  I’m wavering but I’m going to land on YTA. It could have been dealt with by a “Hey, whoa, way too far – don’t do that again because we don’t live in a P*rnH*b video” comment and you both could have just gotten past it. I also have no idea why your friend being attracted to your brother (step or otherwise) would disgust you.

Early_Brick_1522 −  ha ha, kids and their shenanigans. She made a dumb joke that probably had 0 actual thought behind it. You yelled at her about it. That should be the end of it.

The people here trying to insist there were i**est accusations or whatever are chronically online and/or have never had friends say something out of turn. Just drop it and move on, and if you can’t then move on with your life without that friend.. YTA.

No_Database_5101 −  YTA – I agree with your friend. This seems like a solid overreaction.
Also – your friend is allowed to find your step-brother attractive. You might need to figure out why that harmless comment made you feel disgusted.

newgelos −  YTA, mostly for the level of immaturity that you’ve shown in your comments. Plus, YTA for the way you reacted.

1dlewillkill −  You sure you’re 18 and not 10 years old? Yikes. What exactly is your problem? She has a right to her opinion, and then she teased you for your odd overreaction. If you spoke with her and told you how you feel about the teasing before kicking her out, I’d reconsider, but YTA. Consider thinking about exactly what made you so upset about this and then use your words next time.

applebum8807 −  YTA. Yeah, you overreacted.

lihzee −  You sound pretty overdramatic so I think YTA.

AlaskanDruid −  YTA for over-reacting. She found him hot, you chose to be offended.

Do you think the user was justified in her reaction to her friend’s comment about her stepbrother, or did she overreact to what was intended as a joke? How would you handle a situation where a friend crosses a personal boundary? Share your thoughts below!


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