AITA for writing a bad yelp review about my childs daycare calling them r**ist?

A mother wrote a negative Yelp review calling out her child’s daycare for allegedly racist practices, including not providing sunscreen to Black children and segregating them during outdoor activities. Despite attempts to address the issue privately, the daycare defended their actions, citing misconceptions about melanin and sun protection.
The mother is now considering taking the issue to the media but is being criticized by a friend for overreacting. She wonders if she’s wrong for publicly calling out the daycare.
‘ AITA for writing a bad yelp review about my childs daycare calling them r**ist?’
A while ago my daughter 8f was complaining about her daycare because they were not giving her sunscreen. she asked for sunscreen but they said that black people do not need sunscreen but they actually do.
before covid they went on a field trip and they made all the black kids sit in the sun and made the white kids sit in the shade because it would damage their skin or some bs. i talked to the ladies at the daycare and they said that it was justified but said if we brought in a doctors note they would give her sunscreen.
i made my daughter take it to school and let her share it with other kids but then the teacher took it saying she was not allowed to do that without permission. The other day she came home with a bad sunburn and her skin was peeling and i had enough and wrote that they were r**ist and segregating kids and that she could get skin cancer because they are forcing her in the sun without sunscreen.
i sent the lady in charge articles about cancer and that black people can get sunburned and sent her names of the workers who enforced this. she said that they were under her orders and that she was right because we have more protection against this and said that i was blowing this out of proportion and asked me to take my review down.
I am seriously thinking of contacting a news channel about this. my friend said i am being a karen for complaining publicly and that black people have melanin so that gives them lots of protection that other kids dont have.
Here’s the comments of Reddit users:
BunnySlayer64 − OMG! I am lily-white and I would never, EVER have ***any*** kid go outside without a good, high-quality SPF sunscreen slathered all over. That day care provider needs to call her proctologist so that she can get her head examined.
By all means (1) do NOT take down the negative revew; as long as it is factual and does not employ hyperbole, you have every right, even an obligation, to post it, and (2) definitely get the media on your side. The court of public opinion will happily and justifiably try and pillory this j**k. I am so sorry your daughter has been exposed to such ignorance. Oh, and definitely NTA.
Slach31 − NTA, while it’s true that black people have some better protection against the sun compare to white people, it’s not some magic immunity, like everyone, black people can get sunburn and skin cancer, and putting some kids under the sun can not only cause sunburn but also dehydration and sunstroke,
they are completely r**ist and unresponsible, don’t send your daughter their anymore and maybe contact the news channel, they are putting children in danger with that behavior.
Sfb208 − Nta. What the actual f?? That is clear segregation and wanton ignorance, considering they have been provided, by you, with evidence that their r**ist assumptions are wrong. Are they overseen by any other authority?
Because if so you should be reporting them ASAP. Make a stink. Black families should be warned. And if there’s another incident where your poor kid is sunburned, take pictures and sue the hell out of them. Keep those emails as evidence.
wowthatsfresh − NTA. Report the daycare to the regulatory agency in your state. And the local news, social media, all of it. None of this is ok.
catb3g − The term “karen” is being used increasingly to silence women. There are definitely people of both sexed who are whiny and complain too much but not all complaining makes you a Karen. Some complaints are legitimate and in this case I think it’s time go go “mama bear” on these assholes.
[Reddit User] − NTA! WTF? Where did these women get that idea and WHY do they stick with it despite all evidence to the contrary? They ignored your daughter’s word, your word, and the articles, so at this point they are willfully choosing to be r**ist and abuse children.
Good for you trying to protect other children from this place! I think you should indeed go to the news, because then it might at least educate some ignorant White folks who seem to have learned about biology and race theory in the antebellum South.
Meowmyissues − NTA. If they don’t want to be called r**ist, they shouldn’t be r**ist.
MississippiMermaid − This is disgusting, clearly racially motivated and could even be considered child abuse. I would contact the state regulators and absolutely the news outlets. NTA
asrei − NTA. You are NOT being a Karen about this. They let your daughter get sun burned. They have no idea about the science and they’re not willing to listen. Get your daughter out of there. Keep your review up. Go ahead and tell the news if they’re willing to report it. It’s ridiculous.