AITA for wearing a wedding dress at a wedding?

A Reddit user shared their story about unintentionally wearing a wedding dress to a surprise wedding after being invited to what they thought was a costume party. Their costume choice—a Corpse Bride dress—caused tension between the newlyweds. Was it an innocent mistake, or should they have acted differently once the event turned out to be a wedding? Read the details below.
‘ AITA for wearing a wedding dress at a wedding?’
So my friend 20f and I 19m have been friends for a few years and she recently got engaged. A week ago I got a dm from her for a small costume party she was hosting as a celebration for her getting engaged. I asked if there was a theme and she said there wasn’t. I’m a cosplayer so I had a lot of choices.
I didn’t want to rock up in an anime cosplay, so I thought it would be funny to go to an engagement party as the Corpse Bride. I arrived at her house yesterday and everything seemed normal. A few people complemented my costume and I was having a lot of fun.
After ten minutes my friend’s fiancé walked out in a black tuxedo and announced this was actually their wedding. Apparently my friend saw a video of someone doing this and wanted to do the same. He asked us all to go to the back yard for the ceremony to begin. I went straight to him.
I asked him if I should quickly go home and change my outfit and that I would get back before it started. He told me it was fine since I didn’t know this was the wedding. I trusted him and followed everyone outside. They got married and everything seemed good.
The reception was just in their house again so everyone just walked back inside and picked up where they left off. I tried talking to my friend and celebrating with her but she kept making excuses to not talk to me.
I assumed it was just because she was tried from the big day and wanted some alone time. I didn’t bother her after that and the party soon ended. I got home and half an hour passed when my phone started getting notifications. I checked and it was my friend texting me. She was cussing me out and telling me how I ruined her wedding. I was really confused and asked what I did.
That only made her more angry. She told me it was basic knowledge not to wear a wedding dress to a wedding. I reminded her I had no idea it was a wedding and that I asked her now husband if I should change and he said it was fine.
She didn’t respond, but I got a text from her husband. He asked why I would tell her he said it was fine. I told him he said it was fine. Then he said how I should have changed anyways and it’s my fault that the two are now fighting over this.
I’ve tried texting her that I wad sorry and if I had known I wouldn’t have done it. I woke up today and saw her and her husband have blocked me on everything. So, AITA for not changing out of the wedding dress when I found out it was actually a wedding?
Here’s what Redditors had to say:
ANBU_Black_0ps − NTA. The facts of this are pretty simple.
1. You were told this is a *costume party* so you wore a costume.
2. When asked about a theme you were not given any restrictions.
3. *They* sprung a surprise wedding on *you*.
4. Once you realized this you asked the groom if you should go home and change *and the groom said no*.
They had multiple chances to get you to change and they didn’t take any of them so getting mad with you after the fact doesn’t make any sense.. *Edited format. Mobile is hard.
Final-Complaint2018 − so you get invited to a costume party and show up in a costume of the corpse bride. suddenly this costume party is a surprise wedding, seeing a potential issue you go up to the groom and ask him if you should change, this chuckle f**k says its fine and you believe him because why would he lie.
wedding happens, you get s**t for what you were explicitly told was fine, groom backpedals to try and cover up his stupidity, both him and your friend block you; now you have two fewer idiots in your life to deal with. NTA, sorry you got caught up in this mess OP. edit: it’s backpedal, not back peddle. it’s two fewer, not two less
QueenOfTheSnarkness − OP, you might want to fix the custom party typo because it seems like people aren’t realizing you wore a costume to a costume party. You were told it was a costume party for a engagement celebration, choosing a corpse bride costume makes sense.
You gave the groom a chance to tell you if you needed to change when you found out it was a suprise wedding. It’s not your fault he chose to throw you under the bus when the bride got upset. You did nothing wrong. NTA
Every_Caterpillar945 − NTA. You were invited to a costume party and wore a costume. I woke up today and saw her and her husband have blocked me on everything. Thanks god, i think this is a good solution. They are so stupid, i’m speechless. Who the hell invites ppl to a costume party, NOT mentioning it was actually a wedding and then blame you for wearing a costume… smh.
lfcmosalah11 − NTA Am I losing my mind or did no one else actually read the whole post? It was a costume engagement party and tbh I thought showing up as the Corpse’s Bride was a little funny considering the reason for being there.
You even asked the groom if you should quickly change once you found out they were having a surprise wedding now and he said no. Your friend needs to learn that when suddenly dumping a surprise on people like this, sometimes things aren’t always perfect 100%. Not your fault
Dolphin_Hornet − I love when I read a headline and instantly form my opinion but the story completely changes it. NTA and you’re probably better off without people like them in your life. They’re both assholes.
DanWantsDeath − I don’t know if people read properly but I am a cis man
Si_the_chef − NTA. You offered to change and was told not to and it would be fine by the GROOM. Who then back peddled and retrospectively said you should have got changed… despite at the time saying you shouldn’t.
If the bride and groom want to play stupid games they get stupid prizes. I’m assuming they are aware of your passion for cosplay and they assumed you would show up in fancy dress. bUT yOu ToOK aTtEnTiOn FrOM tHe bRiDe….
Rowanever − You wore a costume that included a nod to the (apparent) point of the party – their engagement to get married. I wouldn’t expect most people to get upset by that costume at a costume party. 🤷♂️
As to them running a bait-and-switch, then complaining that your costume wasn’t appropriate for the wedding you *didn’t know you were attending*, then complaining that you said that the husband told you not to go home and change just because *that’s actually what he said* and holy dooley.
All I can say is this couple has 99 problems and you aren’t actually one of them, you’re just a convenient distraction from yelling at each other. Bonus points if they unblock you in two weeks to complain that they haven’t received a wedding present from you yet.. NTA
Plastic_Melodic − Good lord – this is what you end up with when 20 year olds get married. NTA.
Was the friend justified in being upset, or was the reaction disproportionate given the circumstances? Should the Redditor have changed, or is the blame more on the hosts for not communicating the event’s nature? Share your thoughts below!