AITA for wearing a sweater my ex bought me?

A Reddit user (26M) shares a situation where their girlfriend Jane has become extremely jealous over a gift they received from their ex, Cindy. Despite Cindy being a close friend and no longer having any romantic interest in OP, Jane insists that OP should get rid of the sweater Cindy gave them during their annual gift exchange. OP feels Jane’s reaction is unreasonable but is torn about whether their refusal to part with the sweater is wrong.
‘ AITA for wearing a sweater my ex bought me?’
Buckle up. This is long. 10 years ago, my sister and I were living in an apartment in a bad neighborhood. Our next door neighbor, I’ll call her Cindy, became very good friends with my sister. We all grew very close. My sister sadly fell into drugs and went to prison about 2 years after meeting Cindy. Cindy and I did all we could to get her clean, but prison was the only thing that did that.
While my sis was inside, Cindy and I grew closer and briefly dated. We lasted about 2 months before we amicably split. Part of the reason we split was because Cindy realized she was a lesbian, and not bi as she had thought.. We are still on good terms.
My sis got out and she and I moved in together again. Cindy was still there for us, and a big help. We got another great neighbor, I’ll call him Ted. The 4 of us began to do gift exchanges around every Christmas. Nothing big, but a great little tradition. We have done it the last 5 years, since my sis got out. Ted isn’t even our neighbor anymore (neither is Cindy) but we all still cross town to get together once a year.
Cindy is still VERY close to my sis. Best friends. Cindy has been dating a woman for a couple years now, and it’s getting serious. Cindy is thinking about popping the question. I only mention this to show that Cindy is truly just a very good friend, with no romantic interest in me.
My current GF and I have been sating for about 6 months. We will call her Jane. She is insanely jealous of Cindy. She gets angry when Cindy comes to my place to hang out with my sister. One time, Cindy went to my mother’s house to fix her washing machine. Jane and I stopped by hours after Cindy had left, and mom just casually said I could do laundry there again if I wanted to, because Cindy fixed the washer.
Jane cried for over an hour and forbid me from washing the clothes in the washer my ex fixed. She is just completely unhinged about her. A week ago, we did the yearly gift exchange. Cindy got me a plain black sweater, but it is really soft. Seriously, the softest thing I’ve ever put on my body. I love it. When Jane found out Cindy gave it to me, she completely lost her mind. She wants me to get rid of it.
But it’s a really comfortable sweater, and I don’t want to. I told her she is being ridiculous. Cindy and I dated YEARS ago, for only a couple months. And she is a lesbian. I’m refusing to get rid of the shirt.. AITA?
Here’s the feedback from the Reddit community:
Minute_Point_949 − Get rid of the girlfriend, keep the shirt.
Fun_Breakfast697 − NTA. Jane cried for over an hour and forbid me from washing the clothes in the washer my ex fixed. This is UNHINGED.
Sir-Kyle-Of-Reddit − NTA and you gotta ditch Jane. Jealousy has no place in a healthy relationship; either you trust your partner or you don’t. And who would want that kinda drama from a 6 month old relationship.
loricomments − Jane probably needs to go. That kind of jealousy is a problem that will not go away. You can completely cut Cindy our of your life and she’ll just find someone else to be jealous of. It will never end because she is an insecure person, they don’t know how to trust.
Initial_Buy_4278 − Jane sounds unhinged.
schec1 − Keep the sweater,get rid of the crazy GF. NTA.
Gameovergirl217 − NTA sit your GF down and have a long talk with her. if she doesnt see reason ditch her. she sounds highly insecure and honestly very exhausting. you dont need that kind of person in your life.
oxfordfox20 − As everybody’s saying, Jane needs to sort herself out. Cindy won’t be the only one she fixates on, this pattern will recur until you deal with it. If you’re patient enough, you can try and reason with Jane and help her deal with her obnoxious jealousy, because the way she currently is, she’ll never have a healthy relationship. Or, and no one will blame you for this, you have to get rid, because two people being unhappy is not the solution to one person being unhinged.
gdayars − Think it is time for Jane to go….
Legal_Ad_9812 − NTA. One of my wife’s best friends is a gay man she dated in high school. If he bought her a diamond ring I’d be wondering what sweet gig he got that he could afford that for a friend. It’s called being secure, she’s insecure. Ditch her.