AITA for wanting to put “inappropriate” stickers on my Car?

A Reddit user shares a conflict with their girlfriend over car stickers that she deems inappropriate. The user enjoys customizing their 4×4, intending to fill the rear window with humorous stickers, including one that references a popular adult site and another making a lighthearted joke about lifted trucks.
However, the girlfriend feels uncomfortable with the stickers, worried about how they reflect on her public image. This disagreement has left the user feeling guilty and uncertain about their choices. For the full story, read below…
‘ AITA for wanting to put “inappropriate” stickers on my Car?’
Hello fellow redditors, I (23m) have been having an argument with my girlfriend (23f) about wanting to put what she calls inappropriate stickers on my car.
I have a 4×4 that I use as a fun project car. Doesn’t go very far on public roads, will only go to the supermarket every so often.
I recently bought some new stickers to go on my cars rear window as I’ve dedicated it as a so called “sticker window” and the goal is to eventually fill it up with stickers. I have recently purchased my newest editions for it. Those being a sticker with S**T BOX written in the style of the PHUB logo.
The other says “Lifted so my d**k doesn’t drag” as previously mention it’s a 4×4 and it has been lifted and the joke of people that drive lifted cars is that they have small weiners. (Not me tho obviously 👉🥲)
I let my partner see them when I got the mail this afternoon and she’s turned around and said that she doesnt want me to put them on the car because it makes her feel uncomfortable. She’s saying that if someone sees her get out of my car it will effect her public image.
She is someone that doesn’t let me wear my star wars T-shirt in public because she finds it embarrassing. I feel like the a**hole. She’s being crying for the past 2 hours and she is not willing to discuss this with me anymore. I don’t know what to do. I feel like the a**hole here.
Here’s what Redditors had to say:
EagleLize − ESH. It’s your car. She doesn’t have to ride in it. Also, crying for 2 hours over this is extreme. And policing what you wear to the extent you can’t wear a graphic T is also extreme. But the bumper stickers are in poor taste and kind of offensive. I’d be embarrassed if my SO had them on his car.
DragonCelica − It’s your car, so you can put whatever stickers on it you want. I just wouldn’t expect her to be a passenger again. The other says “Lifted so my d**k doesn’t drag” as previously mention it’s a 4×4 and it has been lifted and the joke of people that drive lifted cars is that they have small weiners.
Be warned that people will think “wow, this guy is trying so hard to convince us it’s not tiny, I think we can safely assume it is, in fact, miniscule.” Not saying it’s right, but I figured I should warn you in case it’ll bother you.
Bunlord3000 − YTA – Not for the stickers but for the insight into your personality. Anyone who finds the stickers funny AT ALL is just guaranteed to be an AH I’m afraid. Best of luck.
shoxford − Esh, she’s overreacting but those stickers are immature and make you look bad
TrashPandaLJTAR − ESH. Your ‘funny’ stickers make me cringe so hard a black hole would be impressed. Your girlfriend’s overreaction is so dramatic she might be up for an Oscar. Either way, it sounds like neither of you progressed past 13 years of age.
HandfulOfAcorns − ESH. You’re a child, the stickers are tasteless and embarassing for everyone seen in that car. Get a better sense of humor. Your girlfriend is also an a**hole because policing your T-shirts is a step too far. The stickers are vulgar, but the shirts are just normal clothes reflecting your hobbies. Nothing wrong with that.
Tuesday_Patience − YTA. For the gross sticker but your girlfriend needs to chill. What’s her beef with Star Wars?
Miserable_Cod_7599 − YTH this is all so l**e. It would be so embarrassing for her to ride in the car with those stickers. I see why it gives her the ick. You need to grow up.
TemptingPenguin369 − ESH. You both sound very concerned with the image you project to others.
Emotional-Ebb8321 − Personally, I wouldn’t want to be seen in a car decorated like that. But that’s personal taste (which your gf seems to share). However, you’re also going to be inflicting that crudeness on any passers-by near where its parked. Sooner of later this will include families with small children. That’s what puts you into YTA territory – inflicting your crude jokes on random strangers.
Do you think the user’s desire to express themselves through stickers is valid, or should they prioritize their girlfriend’s feelings? How would you approach a similar disagreement in a relationship? Share your thoughts below!