AITA for walking out of the Airport when I saw my husband’s mom standing there with her luggage?


A Reddit user shared a tense encounter at the airport when she discovered that her husband had secretly invited his mother to join their carefully planned international trip. Despite explicitly setting boundaries and saying no to her mother-in-law’s persistent requests, the husband booked her a ticket anyway.

The OP chose to leave the airport rather than endure a trip with her MIL, leading to a heated argument and a canceled vacation. Read the full story below to dive into the drama and decide who you think was in the wrong.


‘ AITA for walking out of the Airport when I saw my husband’s mom standing there with her luggage?’

I F30 don’t have the best relationship with my husband’s mom. Since day one she tried to make remarks and compare me to her ??.


She then tried to get on my good side and started overly praising everything I do and sometimes even copying me like that one time when she LITERALLY dyied her hair purple just like mine and when everyone pointed out how ridiculous she looked, she actually blamed me and accused me of trying to make a joke out of her.

So, Anyways! My husband and I took 2 weeks off work to go visit some places out of the country – tourism in other words. Thing is I was the one who saved up for and arranged for the trip (my husband was responsible for booking the tickets).


My husband’s mom wanted to come along and threw temper tantrums when I said no. She called, texted, sent people to talk to me into letting her come, even threatened to call the police and make some complaint up to get us to stay if she can’t come.

My husband said we should just take her but I told him he was wrong to tell her about the trip in the first place. He gave me an ultimatim. said he wouldn’t go if she can’t come and I told him I’d gladly call his bluff which made him take his words back and say “FINE! I will tell her to stop it because we won’t take her”.


Things got quieter, suspeciously quieter. the day of the trip came and we got to the airport at 2pm. My husband was walking ahead of me and was looking left and right like he was looking for someone. I asked him but he didn’t respond.

He lead me to the waiting area and first thing I saw was his mom standing there with her luggage . I froze in my spot, I felt a cold wave washing over me and I was fuming inside. She and my husband were hugging that’s when I quietly turned around and started walking towards the exit.


My husband followed me while shouting at me to stop. he tried to stop me but I told him off the harshest way possible. He tried to say I was overreacting and that his mom was there “anyway” and I should let it go and not mess the trip up for us. I told him he and his mom could still go and that I was going home.

I went home and sobbed into my dog’s fur for several minutes. turned out he booked her a ticket without me knowing. an hour later he came home yelling and raging about how pathetic and spiteful I was to walk out and go home and ruin the trip last minute. I told him he caused this to happen.


he said that I was being so hard on his mom it’s ridiculous. I refused to fight any more but he kept on berating me then called my family to tell them that the trip was cancelled and that it was because of me. My family said that I shouldn’t have ruined it for myself and should’ve sucked it up and done my best to enjoy.. Did I really overreact?

Here’s what people had to say to OP:

PeanutButter_Toast_ −  I don’t wanna call the divorce card but.. divorce. You told your boundaries, you said no. She crossed it. Your husband told you he would tell her no, he lied.


He tried to pin you in a corner by not saying anything and bringing her anyways and got upset you refused to be a part of his little trap?? And then to berate you?? He’s not a good man. He needs to go.. NTA

RubyLarkspur87 −  NTA. He gave you an ultimatum- no loving partner would ever put you in that position. He’s a mummy’s boy and she’s m**ipulative and toxic. You have every right to enjoy a holiday with your husband without them behaving like children. You did the right thing. The next right thing to do is leave. He doesn’t respect you.


secondrat −  NTA. Hubby lied to you and put his mother before you? I’d be looking to get out of that marriage. That would be a deal breaker for me.

savethebooks −  Definitely NTA. You know that if you had sucked it up and gone with them, the entire vacation would be all about catering to his mom. Whatever SHE wanted to do. Whatever places SHE wanted to go, places SHE wanted to eat. You’d be the third wheel on your own vacation.


TigerBelmont −  NTA you actually helped him and his mom to have the romantic getaway they really wanted

monsteramoons −  I’d divorce this man. I’d get tired of tripping over his umbilical cord.. NTA.


ninjaman2021 −  Trust me, GET OUT NOW. He’s always going to put his mother before your marriage and it’s a battle you’re never going to win.

trashyteal −  this is reeking of a unhealthy mother-son relationship. NTA, btw


mandogrogu −  NTA, I can’t believe he had the audacity. How spineless can someone be?

lofisims −  girl……… i am so f**king sorry but all these people in your life are NOT it. it seems you married a mommys boy. wtf. you could do so much better.


User has added another update here:

Was the Redditor right to stand her ground and leave after her husband disregarded her boundaries, or should she have gone on the trip and dealt with the situation differently? How would you handle a similar betrayal of trust? Share your opinions below!


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