AITA for walking out after a boss tried to refuse to accept my resignation?

A Reddit user shares the story of quitting her toxic job after her boss tried to refuse to accept her resignation. The boss had a history of condescending behavior, including belittling his female employees and promoting less qualified men. When she turned in her two weeks’ notice, her boss dismissed it, saying he wouldn’t accept it.
Outraged, she quit on the spot and left for a new job. A coworker thinks it was a jerk move, but her new boss and boyfriend understand her decision. Read the full story below to learn more about her experience.
‘ AITA for walking out after a boss tried to refuse to accept my resignation?’
I had a boss who was a real turd. He labored under the delusion he was an excellent boss and couldn’t put together that his behavior and the crappy pay was why he had such a hard time keeping employees. He also thought it was acceptable to call his female employees hun, sweetie, and sugar.
He was a condescending asswipe who consistently passed over more qualified women for promotions in favor of promoting less qualified men. I had to stay until I could find a better job because I enjoy eating, and couldn’t afford to leave unless I had something else.
I got an interview with a competitor who hired me on making more than I made with him. I turned in my two weeks and he said “oh sweetie, you know you can’t leave.” I said I absolutely am leaving. He got the smuggest look on his face and said “Well, I’m not accepting this, sugar. Guess you’re here to stay.”
I got so furious and decided that was it. I said “well s**ew this then, I quit. Effective immediately.” Called my new job, explained what happened in front of him as he sat there slack jawed and agreed start the next day. I packed my stuff and left.
A former coworker said it was an a**hole thing for me to just up and quit on the spot, but if he refused to accept the resignation he could easily have tried to s**ew me over when my last day did come.
My new boss says he deserved it and I’m not the a**hole for quitting like I did. My boyfriend says he can see how other employees might feel like I was an a**hole by making them cover my absence, but sees how I’m not the a**hole for walking out of that toxic environment. So just because I’m curious, I thought I’d ask here. AITA?
Here’s what people had to say to OP:
[Reddit User] − NTA. 2 weeks notice is a courtesy that your former boss did not deserve.
sonnenshine − NTA. The way your former boss responded to your giving notice made my skin crawl. You were right not to accept his condescension and harassment. Go enjoy your new, better job.
Americanshartmaster − NTA. He can’t refuse your resignation.
whitewer − Nta, that’s not just disrespectful on his part, that’s also s**ual harassment. Then him telling you since he won’t accept it you can’t leave, is horribly creepy as well
CarlBassett − NTA. Resigning is not “asking permission” to leave, it’s letting them know that you’re leaving and what day you will stop turning up. Barring the military and certain other rare exceptions you can walk out any time you want, whether he chooses to “accept” it or not.
The only time I knew of a boss refusing a resignation was a place I worked where the teenage son of a woman who had worked there for years, and had got him a temporary job over Christmas, was caught stealing.
She handed in her resignation the next day and the boss told here he wasn’t accepting it, no one blamed her or thought any less of her, it was just a stupid teenage thing. She stayed, and happily stayed for years after.
GrymDraig − You’re NTA at all. You tried to do the right thing, he didn’t accept it, called you condescending names, and try to deny your autonomy. Sleep well knowing you’re away from this monster. You did the best thing you could considering the circumstances.
KnownPlum − NTA. You did what you were supposed to do. You gave him notice and he refused to accept it. Were you supposed to continue working there because he said you couldn’t quit? Everyone who is saying YTA is delusional.. Congrats on your new position!
[Reddit User] − INFO: What was his plan? Like, he would say no and you would tell the other job “sorry, I’m stuck here.” You’re 100% NTA but damn I am curious.
chimpfunkz − “Well, I’m not accepting this, sugar. Guess you’re here to stay.”. Employees HATE this one trick!. NTA
AmethysstFire − NTA to me. You tried to do it the “right” way, and he was a j**k about it. So, you did what you had to do.
Do you think the user was right to quit immediately after her boss refused to accept her resignation, or was she inconsiderate to her coworkers who would have to cover her absence? How would you have handled this situation in a toxic workplace? Share your thoughts below!