AITA for walking my dog in front of a hunter in their tree stand on my parents land?

A dog owner regularly walks their large off-leash dog on a loop trail through their parents’ land, which they’ve been granted permission to use. This land is also used by hunters with their parents’ consent. Tensions arise during hunting season as hunters accuse the dog owner of disrupting their hunts,
while the owner feels entitled to continue using the land, given their parents’ approval and the exercise their dog requires. read the original story below…
‘ AITA for walking my dog in front of a hunter in their tree stand on my parents land ?’
I’m in the mid-west and don’t hunt. Don’t mind when people do, though. My parents allow friends to hunt on their land. I walk my dog on the same loop everyday. They hunt on this loop (We wear bright reflective clothing and never feel in danger). Switching our route could disorient my dog (she is off leash).
My parents don’t care if I’m there, they know it’s the only place my dog can get exercise. But the hunters get pissed like I’m supposed to cede to them this time of year and I s**ew up their hunt when I walk by. I feel like if my dog is a problem they can go somewhere else.
EDIT: I should have been more clear when I said it’s the only place I can exercise her. It’s the only place I can efficiently exercise her. She is a very large young puppy (110lb). She has more freedom to run off lease out there. We do 3 miles. If I try to get the same amount of energy out of her on lease we have to do 6-7 miles.
Which isn’t realistic time wise. If you’ve ever walked a 110lb dog on a leash you would prefer doing it off leash on private land I promise! Also, we aren’t randomly walking through woods. The trail is 8ft wide the entire length and she knows to stay on it.
Update: I took the advice of many of you and brought it up to my parents. They were not happy with the hunters behavior. The hunters were allowed there out of kindness, nothing else. My parents decided to not allow hunting any longer. I was open to a compromise, but this decision is what made them feel best. Thank you for your input. Back to our walk!
Take a look at the comments from fellow users:
Shoddy-Record-2169 − NTA, but I would have a talk with your parents about the situation.
GovernmentBusiness − I would never walk my dog in front of people with f**king guns. And off leash. Jesus
Hurpdadurp − NTA. I’d just go to my parents and tell them “hey, your friend x gets pissy when I go walk our dog on the usual loop even though it’s our land and they’re using it, would you mind telling them to knock it off and that it’s just a part of hunting on our land?”
And for future people, just tell them that’s a stipulation. Dependent on how supportive your parents are ofc, but since they’re their friends and it’s their land, I feel like you need them to mediate since you just walking up to them would probably just result in a screaming match. Get your parents behind you and establish that boundary. In the end, they’re using foreign land to hunt.
Ok_Snow_5320 − Hunter here. Sounds like these hunters are using the land, not leasing it for sole use. Talk to your parents to confirm the understanding – then hard NTA. If there is no understadning/lease then it’s mixed use and these hunters need to respect that. I hunt crown land and private.
Private it is known that horse back riders might be passing through (although usually not at the times I’m there) and crown land we have agreements with neighbouring parties so no accidents occur . But you’re doing nothing wrong if hunters haven’t been given sole use. And they need to be more grateful for having access to private land.
PumpkinSpiceMayhem − You’re taking an off leash dog into open hunting territory? Do you hate your dog? You’re the a**hole.
Competitive_Swan_755 − Your argument is the dog will get confused?
vbandbeer − Pretty stupid to walk your dog off-leash when there are hunters around.
BackgroundJeweler551 − YTA You are risking your life and your dogs life by walking in an area with Active hunters. Your dog would love to walk somewhere new.
dryadduinath − NTA, but bring this to your parents before taking action. You’re both there as a favor from the owners, but since the owners are your parents, I would guess you get priority.
Not that it matters at this point, you both have permission to be there and only of of you is trying to override youe parents, which again would mean you take priority in my mind.
If I tell two groups they can hang on my land, and one group tells the other to take a hike, I’m not taking that well. But again, it is your parent’s call. Bring it to them and see what they’d like you to do.
love_no_more2279 − You’re an i**ot for sure. I mean when you and or your dog get shot accidentally by one of these hunters are you then going to throw a fit bc you knowingly walked right in front of a person actively hunting animals? Stupid.
Is the dog owner being inconsiderate to the hunters, or do they have every right to maintain their walking routine? Could a compromise be reached? what do you think? share your thoughts below!