AITA for throwing out my husband’s dinner after he went to eat at his mom’s house?

A Reddit user shared frustration over her husband consistently prioritizing his mother’s cooking over hers, despite her effort to prepare meals for him. When he left mid-dinner to eat at his mom’s house, she threw out his plate in anger. He returned, upset his mom had lied about her meal, and demanded dinner, but the user refused. Was she right to stand her ground, or did she go too far? Read the full story below.
‘ AITA for throwing out my husband’s dinner after he went to eat at his mom’s house?’
My mother-in-law calls every night to ask what we’re having for dinner. Then she brags about what she’s cooking to make me look bad, especially if we’re getting takeout. I used to care but not anymore. But my husband would ask me to make dinner only for him to go eat the dinner his mom makes at her home.
which’s 10 minutes away and using the “that’s my favorite meal” excuse. Yesterday, I wanted to surprise him by cooking one of his favorite meals and although I was busy, I took time off work to cook. I even went grocery shopping to get what I needed. Later as I was setting the table his mom called,
I told him he didn’t have to answer but he did. like usual…she asked what we were having but acted surprised that I cooked this meal. She then went on to tell him she cooked X meal and told him to come over. He said ok which shocked me, I said “seriously?” as he started dresing up getting ready to leave.
he told me no offense but this meal (that his mom cooked) was even more of a favorite than the one I cooked. and grabed his keys and left. I felt awful. I took his plate and threw it out then ate my portion. As I was about to put the plate in the dishwasher, he got home looking angry saying his mom lied about cooking that favorite meal,
and used it as an excuse to force him to eat dinner with her. I was shocked but he sat down telling me to go ahead and reheat dinner. I told him no dinner after he abandoned it, I threw it out. He said what?? and I told him he disrespected my time and effort and chose to go eat woth his mom instead.
He began yelling at me asking if I really did that then called me petty and horrible then went upstairs saying what I did was 100 times worse than what his mom did. I definately feel like I let my anger and frustration get the best of me but it really felt unbearable having to live like this for so long. By the way [I’m 26 and he’s 28].
ETA to make one thing clear and that’s the fact that my husband only does this when it comes to food. He lived with his mom (attended community college) and loved and still loves her food and is used to it. She gave me recipes to make and I try to do that but he keeps switching homes just to eat what he feels like.
Take a look at the comments from fellow users:
bewicked4fun123 − NTA. Why in world is he telling you to go heat dinner? Did a t rex attack him and eat his arms on the way back from his mom’s? Did he try to catch a piano falling from the sky so it didn’t land on a child playing and all his fingers are broke? Did he anger a forest fairy and she cursed him and now he has two sets of legs instead of hands? Or is that him waving a huge red flag????
notablemannersatall − NTA. Your husband can either commit to eating at home with you, tell you well before dinner that he’s eating with his mom, or he can make his own meals. Until he starts regularly making a choice to be home or go with enough time for you to plan and prep your cooking, cook enough for only you – he’s on his own.
ETA: I wasn’t going to say it because I feel it’s obvious, but I can’t help myself – this is much larger of an issue than dinnertime. There’s a profound lack of respect in your relationship. Husband needs to snip the apron strings at the very least, but really needs to spend some serious time thinking about what a marriage and partnership actually means.
mdthomas − NTA. Stop cooking for him.
Cat-catt − NTA. Why are you married to a mama’s boy who is ok with disrespecting the hard work you put into your relationship?
[Reddit User] − NTA – but it seems that you are the third person in this relationship. It almost seems like your husband values his relationship with his mother over you and she constantly uses food to reinforce the same . Why are you in this marriage still ?
LostCraftaway − NTA sounds like you might need these subreddits:. r/JUSTNOMIL. r/JustNoSO having a MIL that calls at dinner time trying to entice him over is a serious overstep, and the fact that he goes, and doesn’t say honey, how about we go eat over there is absolutely bonkers. Unfortunately, You are the third wheel in their relationship.
[Reddit User] − Nta- but why are you still with someone who you have to compete with his mother over .
czndra67 − Stop cooking for him. Period. He does not deserve your work and thoughtfulness.
OrbitalPete − NTA. He seems to have ignored that however s**t his mum is, it was *his* decision that made everything s**t. The man is an arsehole. What the hell game does he think he’s playing? To be honest, this would be a deal breaker for me.
thotgamer − NTA – I’d go so far as to suggest you completely stop cooking for him and let that grown ass man make his own meals if mummy isn’t cooking for him. You deserve better and he deserves to understand that he’s a s**t husband.
This so reminds me of my ex. On one occasion, I had prepared food and he didn’t come home at all that day. He was “supposed to be working away” Next day, prepared him another meal which he did come home to. Another day, he was late coming home. I had about 2 mouthfulls left on my plate and told him that I would get his as soon as I had finished. He flew into a temper, told me he wasn’t going to sit there and watch me eat. Drove off to his mother 8 miles away and waited until she cooked him a meal. One morning we were in bed as it was his day off. I asked him what he was going to do and he said he was going to have a bath. Fine, I’ll bathe baby (3m) feed him and put him down for a sleep. Whilst I was getting dressed and him still in bed, he asked me if I was going to run his bath. Told him he was capable of running his own. He said well you are getting his done, called me everything from a pig to a dog and back again. Got in his car and again went to mummy who had to put on the heater and he waited till she ran it. 2 months later, I was at the soliciters starting divorce. So get out girl. He isn’t worthy of you. Oh, I remarried when my son was six. He works part time and is my hubbys and my carer and adores my hubby