AITA for throwing housemates dirty sheets on the floor of their bedroom?


A Reddit user shares their frustration with their housemates, who repeatedly left dirty sheets on their couch after hosting a friend. Despite an earlier promise to avoid this, the housemate left the sheets again, leading the user to dump them on their bedroom floor in protest. Now, they wonder if their reaction was too harsh or justified. Read the original story below to dive into the full details.


‘ AITA for throwing housemates dirty sheets on the floor of their bedroom?’

I was living with 2 housemates (partners). Earlier this year my housemate had a friend stay overnight and sleep on my couch. Their friend used my housemates sheets, and both they and the housemate left the used sheets and pillow on my couch for several days (I was away/not home). When I came home, I took the sheets and pillow off my couch and put them in the laundry.

A few months later, my housemate asked if I was ok with the same person coming over and staying overnight for one night. I said yes – on the proviso that the housemate took the dirty sheets off my couch instead of leaving them for several days like they did last time. They said sorry (for last time) and that they would not leave it on my couch this time.


Again, I was away for a several days. I left the day the friend was coming over and came home to the dirty sheets and pillow left on my couch (so the sheets and pillow had been on my couch for about 3 days). They were not home at the time, so I picked up the sheets and dumped them on the floor of their bedroom.

They later came home and were really mad. When their partner/other housemate came home, I could hear parts of their conversation through the walls. The one that said they would not leave the sheets on my couch was pissed at me for dumping their dirty sheets on the floor of their bedroom. Neither housemate said anything to me about it then or any point later. AITA for dumping the sheets on their bedroom floor?


I know I could have just put the sheets in the laundry again, but I was tired of cleaning up after them (This was not the only instance I was having to put away their stuff).

Check out how the community responded:

AnitaTacoTwo −  NTA. They said they wouldn’t leave the sheets on the couch, but did anyways. It’s not like you dumped their clean sheets on the floor. These were dirty sheets. If they didn’t want you to throw them on the floor, they shouldn’t have left them on your couch.


Magoo69X −  NTA. I’m not sure what they’re so pissed about. It’s not like you threw them in the trash. They promised not to leave them on the couch, and they did it anyway. They can deal with them.

annedroiid −  NTA. I really don’t understand what they have to be angry about unless their floor is disgustingly filthy (and even then that would be a problem of their own making). They promised they’d deal with the sheets and did not, so you dealt with it for them. If they’d wanted the sheets elsewhere they should have moved them themselves.


Malibu_Cola −  NTA. They left them on the couch when they promised they wouldn’t, and the sheets were already dirty. If this person keeps sleeping over, I’d suggest telling your roommate to get an air mattress. They’re not gonna clean up your couch.

garulousmonkey −  Tentatively, NTA. Your roommate should have cleaned up as they promised to do…but at the same time, you could have had a better response for something that is really relatively minor (unless there’s something you didn’t include). Maybe next time put the sheets in a laundry basket?


I understand that living with roommates can be the fifth pit of hell, so there may be other things this roommate and their partner have done that would lead you to go over the edge on something that sounds minor and move me more firmly to NTA.

magayla2424 −  YTA, it’s passive aggressive and silly. You live with roommates deal with it. Those sheets aren’t hurting your precious couch. It would be more mature just to be like “hey girl can you please take the sheets off the couch”.


Do you think the user’s decision to dump the sheets in their housemate’s room was a fair response to the ongoing issue, or was it too harsh? How would you handle a situation where you’re constantly cleaning up after others in a shared living space? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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